Tips for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis for people with hypertension


Tips for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis for people with hypertension

The cervical osteochondrosis may be the cause of sleep disorders, noise in the ears, impairment of view, headaches and spasm of the vessels of the head and the cervical and collar region, which in turn can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Provocate exacerbation of hypertension can also also pathological processes in the area of ​​the lower thoracic and lumbar spines.
Is it possible to stop or at least significantly slow down the development process of osteochondrosis? Yes, definitely. Here are some practical advice on the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis to patients with hypertension.
Council First.
Improve blood circulation in the spine area. For these purposes, you can apply
Contrast shower, long-term hiking,
Massage, leeches, Applicator Kuznetsova, Magnetic field and T.D.

I'm in this
The issue vote for cryotherapy (treatment with ultra-low temperatures) — the vascular tone is normalized, improves
Capillary blood circulation in the whole body increases immunity and stress resistance,
At the same time, the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood decreases that
beneficial affects arterial

Tip Second.
To improve nutrition and regeneration
Cervical Spine's Intervertebral Discs Daily
Self-massage hands, it will also improve brain circulation,
eliminate numbness in hand will increase
Mobility of the neck. For hypertensive hands it is necessary to massage from the shoulder joints to
brushes, from fingertips to elbow joints.

Council Third.
Wide barefoot on uneven surfaces
at least 10 minutes a day. It has been proven that the stimulation of the spinal projection zones in the footsteps slows down its aging processes.
In addition, such an exercise removes the nervous
Overvoltage, improves the work of the kidneys and contributes to normalization of pressure.
The main thing is not to transfer.

Fourth Council. Perform exercises to increase the distance between
vertebrae. If there are no contraindications (and this can only determine the doctor), then
It is useful once twice a year to pass the course of the spine. Usually this
4-8 sessions. Many patients are categorically contraindicated by defamations in the back and
Neck back, sharp spinal twisting. Very advise wave movements,
Taki, for example, in the gymnastics Evgeny Atanova.

Council Fifth.
Cut the chondroprotective therapy of at least 2
once a year. This therapy is aimed at restoring and strengthening
joints and intervertebral discs. For hypertensive it is recommended to apply
Medicinal preparations in the form of electrophoresis, dirt temperature 380WITH,
Mineral waters of a certain organic composition (such as mineral
Sanatorium water «Lago Naki»), treatment with a common magnetic field, ozone therapy. These
Methods can not only regenerate the intervertebral disk, but also
Normalize blood pressure. The main thing is to choose the correct dosage and
zone impact.

Seventh Council. Proved,
that excessive stress load impairs immunity, reduces the effectiveness of protective mechanisms, and, in the end, leads to
Development of diseases, such as hypertension and osteochondrosis.
Do meditating, dancing, yoga or qigun, get your favorite hobby.
Sometimes the assistance of a psychologist and medical rehabilitation is needed.
Electrotransquilization with micro Lanar apparatus The most effective reduction method
Stress load and pressure normalization.

You and your loved ones.

Read more about Programs
and methods of treating hypertension, diseases of the spine, sugar
diabetes, neurocirculatory dystonia, as well as discount and special promotions you
You can find out on the sanatorium website «Lago Naki» Or by phone: 8 (960) 499-19-19

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