Osteoporosis: not only calcium deficiency


  • What is osteoporosis?
  • Causes of osteoporosis
  • Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis

  • What is osteoporosis?

    Osteoporosis disappears entire areas of bone tissue, bone
    loses its complex architecture, becomes loose and breaks even at
    Small load. Only recently osteoporosis was called the disease,
    not a fracture provoked, but a decrease in bone substance as
    at least one quarter.

    During the life of a person, all bones are updated several times, thanks
    what they are able to keep flexibility. But if the bone substance disappears
    faster than a new one formed, the total weight of the skeleton decreases.
    Long development of this process leads to osteoporosis.
    Reduction of bone mass occurs painlessly, sometimes without any
    Symptoms for dozens years, in which the deceit of the disease.

    Men and women suffer osteoporosis. Some species
    Osteoporous injuries threaten every third woman and every sixth
    man, and at the age of 70 - every second resident of the planet
    regardless of the floor. However, suffering, expensive operations and death (in
    Our country is about two thousand people die annually as a result
    complications after fractures) can be avoided. Osteoporosis: not only calcium deficiencyOsteoporosis gives away
    diagnosis in the earliest stages when it is not yet noticeable
    Signs, and heals before it makes itself felt fractures.

    Causes of osteoporosis

    The main reason for the appearance of osteoporosis is related to calcium deficiency -
    Basic Bone Construction Fabric Material. But, as shown
    research, osteoporosis in children is caused by a disadvantage not only calcium,
    but also zinc, violation of phosphoric exchange and intestinal dysfunction,
    There are secondary dysbacteriosis.

    Such children are prone to elevated
    excitability, federation, stubbornness, are subject to various infections.
    Often they give calcium, which can later lead to a deficit
    zinc. Enzyme lysozyme that produces zinc in the small intestine,
    has antibacterial and immunomodulatory action as well
    Property increases the number of useful bifidobacteria, protects
    The body from harmful bacteria, infections, viruses, increases immunity,
    Heals wounds. It should be remembered that lysozyme is present in breast
    Mother's milk, so the child from the first days of life is required
    Natural feeding.

    In women after childbirth Osteoporosis may also develop. However, in this
    case causes the disease is not a calcium deficiency, but manganese,
    component of bone tissue. Manganese promotes the development
    Neurotiator of dopamine, which is responsible for psychological
    equilibrium. That is why often after childbirth women suffering
    disadvantage of manganese, very restless, excitable, they have
    Risk of sugar diabetes as a stress reaction to childbirth. Besides,
    Manganese helps the formation of such an enzyme as superoxiddismutase,
    which is largely responsible for cell renewal.
    They believe that manganese is a microelement rejuvenation. When climax
    The number of female sex hormones adjustable by boron decreases,
    manganese and municipality. As a result, the lack of these trace elements arises

    The disease occurs in people suffering from toxic
    manifestations, such as an excess of aluminum. Often such a process
    accompanied by increased stone formation in the urinary tract. W
    many people have surplus stronce than the fragility explains
    bone tissue, appearance of crunch in joints, loss of calcium body.
    Sometimes chronic secondary dysbacteriosis caused by
    decrease in the total number of intestinal sticks. Violations B
    The digestive tract may also be due to the excess of lead.
    It should be said about such a microelement as Bor. It has been established that his
    The deficit leads to loss of bone tissue, especially in people with dysfunction
    parachitovoid glands. In addition, the boron controls the level in the body

    Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis

    Thus, to implement effective prevention and treatment
    osteoporosis and concomitant diseases need to know as
    The content and relative ratio of macro and trace elements in
    organism. To do this, it is enough to build your mineralogram, which
    will help not only carry out effective treatment, but also avoid many
    diseases, including osteoporosis.

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