Icy: Soft landing


  • Learning to fall
  • The most important – Group!
  • If the fall happened
  • Sheltered...Fell... Woke up...

  • Let's start with banalities. Water – a unique substance that can
    exist in three aggregate states: liquid, gaseous and
    solid. So, one of its solid states, referred to as ice, besides
    other one's own unique properties is terribly slippery. Every year
    It becomes an amazing discovery for utilities that
    Allows usual citizens to explore the laws on their own experience
    Slip and gravity. The results of these experiments are often becoming

    To reduce the likelihood of falling into ice, you need to choose «Right» shoes:

    • Shoes will slide less if it is soles to firm in
      Workshop. Home Preparation: Enclosure Soles Emery Paper, in
      extreme case, suitable (but not long) a piece of ordinary belt
    • To increase the stability and reduction of the height of the multi-sectimetime heels-«Stiletts» Better for a while forget.

    In any case, moving on slippery surface, try
    put on the whole sole. Relax your legs in the knees, look under your feet
    and remember that you can slip at any moment and fall – with
    Point of view of psychologists Such a state of readiness reduces the likelihood

    Learning to fall

    If you have already rolled and falling, try to sit down – so decrease the height with which you fall.

    Common delusion is the recommendation to relax when
    Fall. They say, drunk fall and do not break anything that.
    First, it is not true. The frequency of injuries obtained by drunk case,
    much higher than sober. And secondly, the chance of a fracture when
    a relaxed body increases, since all the blow strength falls on
    bones. At the moment of fall, on the contrary, you need to strain the muscles!

    The most important – Group!

    • If you fall out on a while, you need to draw your head into your shoulders,
      elbows press to the sides, strain straightened, legs slightly bend. Better
      just fall on the side, but in no case can you land on
      straightened hands. Many do instinctively, which leads to
      the most common ice-free injury – Farm forearm.
    • If you are not lucky, and you still fall on your back – Press your chin to chest, and the hands are spinning sewn.
    • If you fall with slippery with the stairs, it is very important to protect
      face and head: try to cover them with your hands. Do not try
      brake falling, spreading limbs – It will only increase
      Number of fractures.

    There are quite a few tips, how to fall correctly, however, as it shows
    practice, at the moment when the legs have already begun to touch around, remember
    They are difficult. Therefore, the technique of proper fall should be worked out
    in advance. In the gym you can ask the instructor to show a row
    uncomplicated exercises at home – Strain on the mattress.

    If the fall happened

    As a rule, most of us falling, cheerfully jump and, oha,
    continue to run in their affairs. Will strength and patientity, it,
    Of course, valuable qualities, however, the consequences of ignored injuries
    May be deplorable.

    • Taking a fracture for the injury, you can get a fracture with a displacement, to cure which will be much more difficult.
    • Unnoticed on time concussion in the future can
      manifest themselves with headaches, reduced vision and hearing, sharp
      worsening memory and fatigue.
    • Women should be especially attentive in injuries
      Breast. It would seem that a banal injury may later
      lead to the formation of a tumor.

    Sheltered...Fell... Woke up...

    Injury. It is possible to do without the help of a doctor, perhaps only in the case of light bruise.

    First aid: attach something to a patient something
    Cold and treat it with ointment or gel, absorbing bruises
    (for example, a throksevazine).

    Concussion of the brain. This is one of the most frequent injuries obtained by falling. Shake
    the brain manifests the loss of consciousness (sometimes literally
    moments), nausea, headache. If there is a suspicion
    concussion brain, be sure to consult a doctor.

    Icy: Soft landingFirst aid: peace and cold compress.

    Fracture (or dislocation). Signs of fracture or dislocation: sharp pain, increasing swelling, shortening
    damaged limbs and the inability to move normally.

    First aid. First whale on which the provision is worth
    First aid with a fracture (dislocation) – Immiding (immobilization)
    Damaged limb. This must be done to prevent
    displacements of bone fragments. We impose a locking bandage or tire so,
    So that the joints are higher and below the fracture (dislocation) turned out to be
    stationary. For example, damaged in the forearm hand can
    immobilize bandages from the scarf or having laid it overboard the outerwear on
    Master of Grandpa Lenin.

    The second whale of first aid with a fracture is cooling the place
    Damage. Baby filled with ice or snow, applied to
    The location of the fracture (dislocation) for 10-15 minutes, then remove and replace the new.
    This will reduce swelling and pain. But you can not warm the sick place, the effect
    Will be exactly the opposite.

    Third Whale – anesthesia. Any damage to bones and joints
    accompanied by such a phenomenon as traumatic shock. He arises from
    Pain, and severity depends on the severity of damage. As
    Analgine-containing drugs can be applied: Baratgin,
    Analgin, Tempalgin and T.NS.

    Well, and appeal to a traumatological point or «ambulance»
    is actually a turtle on which the aforementioned whales lie.

    By the way, if you are heading for an injury on your own or
    transport the victim there, remember that it will be the best
    Posted by a body semi-dying (half-hour).

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