Recommendations in the early postoperative period


  • Features of the postoperative period
  • Useful tips after surgery

  • Features of the postoperative period

    After the operation, the patient is translated into the resuscitation chamber for continuous observation. As needed, drugs will be prescribed, possibly in the form of injections (droppers). In the case of local anesthesia, the sensitivity in the limb will be restored for several hours.

    Unfortunately, it is inevitable that the wound after the operation will be sick for some time. If strong pain is felt, it is necessary to immediately inform the medical staff for the adoption of the necessary measures. During the first and subsequent days after the operation, some motor exercises should be started, and after some time it is raised from the bed. Such early mobilization is accompanied by gymnastics, a special grace of stocking (bandage) and anticoagulants, which reduce the risk of complications.

    In addition, it is recommended to take with you to the clinic:

    • Strong sports shoes with not slippery rubberized sole
    • Long spoon for shoes
    • crutches
    • Home bathrobe, preferably with a belt, other necessary for things

    Rehabilitation measures used in the clinic are very important to achieve the maximum success of the operation. The time spent in the hospital depends, as a rule, from age and overall health. When passing the operation and rehabilitation course without complications, the duration of finding in the clinic is about 2-3 weeks. Further treatment depends on the characteristics of a particular situation and can be carried out outpatient or in a special rehabilitation clinic.

    Useful tips after surgery

    Recommendations in the early postoperative periodAfter the operation, it is recommended for 3 months to walk on crutches with partial load, gradually increasing it about 5 kg each month. Go to the full load of the operated foot follows no earlier than in 3 months.

    After the operation, you can sit down, peel legs. It is necessary to descend from bed as follows: Healthy leg is put under the operated foot and accompany her to the floor to the floor.

    Standing on the crutches - to take the leg to the side, back and forth so that the muscles of the thigh straightened. To determine the load on the operated limb, you can use floor scales, advancing them with the operated foot. It can also be used as an exercise with a load. During the first two months, exercises are recommended with a load of less than 50% of their own weight, with a gradual increase (75-80%) during the third month. After 3 months you can go with crutches for walking with a stick. The transition is recommended gradually during the week.

    Prohibited flexion in the joint at an angle of more than 90°C, T.E. Tightening your knees to the chest and other similar movements. It is necessary to sit on a chair or bed, slightly staging to the side, making greater focus on the buttock of an inequate leg. It is recommended to lie down to lift the leg, taking off the heel from bed for a short distance (less than 90°WITH).

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