About those who were saved from the disaster usually say: «Born in the shirt». But the accident is only the beginning of the tests prepared by fate. After all, the psychological consequences of a catastrophe for a person may be no less serious than the catastrophe. How to help people who survived an accident? This will be discussed in this article.
People falling into an extreme situation react to it in different ways. Someone falls into a stupor, and someone, on the contrary, begins motor excitement. But the reaction to the event that happened continues and after the danger passed. It is worth paying attention to the fact that not only affected, but also random observers, eyewitnesses and even rescuers professionals can experience. Ideally, each participant and witness of the catastrophe or accident is needed by the assistance of a psychologist and its consultation in the future. But it is not always possible, and then the help of loved ones or self-help is needed.
Extreme events affecting the human psyche cause him traumatic stress, whose psychological consequences may be expressed in post-traumatic stress disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder - a delayed reaction to a stress event. This alarming disorder can be combined with depression and chemical dependencies.
The victim after the tragic event is re-experiencing what happened: it is also obsessive memories, thoughts and nightmares. Fear of nightmares causes insomnia. Naturally, a person with post-traumatic stress disorder does not want to remember the details of what happened, he appears a desire to forget, cross the thoughts and feelings that resemble a tragic event. The victim becomes emotionally unstable: the tears are replaced by flares of anger. Another symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder - super daily. Man exhibits increased caution even in non-hazardous situations.
Help in overcoming the consequences of stress after the disaster (accident)
For complete disposal of post-traumatic stress disorder, specialist help. However, you can help yourself and other weaken unwanted reactions.
Best Medicine - Pleasant Emotions. Balse yourself delicacies, walk more, go to the sauna or just lie in the warm bath, even through «I do not want». Engage in physical education, stress affects the entire body as a whole, so you can significantly help, if you give health more time than before. Being more often among people. Do not expect memories of themselves. Feelings will remain and can disturb for a long time. That is why frank conversations for souls are extremely important.
If your loved one has suffered, try to create conditions for sincere conversation. It is necessary to give it negative feelings and experiences to go out. But do not press a person if he is against. The main thing is not to push the victim, even if he pushes you. Continue to support him and express your love.
If the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorders do not pass, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist. Here are the signs that you or a close person need help professional:
Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder continue to manifest after a long time after the event and at the same time they do not weaken;
- Relationships changed;
- nightmares or insomnia continue;
- It is difficult to control your feelings, there are sudden flashes of anger;
- There is no person with whom it would be possible to share their experiences;
- Relationships in the family, with comrades for work, neighbors, familiar worsened greatly;
- surrounding say: «He has changed a lot»;
- Harmful habits appeared: pulls more smoking more, drinking, taking sedatives;
- There are health problems that were not before.
Children may also have a post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of a disaster, violence, parents' death and other tragic events. His signs: anxiety, aggression, fears (including fear of loneliness), closure, plasticity, bugness. You can do something for your baby.
- Talking with the child, tell him only reliable information.
- Speak with him about your feelings.
- The child is important to know that he is not alone. Do not forget to tell him about it.
- Touch it, hug as often as possible. Body contact will allow him to feel your love.
- Do not regret the time to talk, play with the child, put it to sleep.
- Watch him (it is very important to notice with him negative manifestations). Often it is in the game a child manifests his feelings.
- Commit the classes that help relieve tension (games with water, sand, clay, laying from plasticine, drawing).
- Remember, if the child is upset, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to be sad or shoo. This is fine.
All data here tips are simple enough. But most often the people with whom the misfortune occurred, or witnesses of the accident closes. Even the members of one family can not find forces for conversation, and this is a step towards improving the situation. As a result, everyone worries happened to himself, alienation appears between people. Everyone is alone trying to fight with its stress. PSYCHOLOGY TIP: Communicate, pronounce with each other feeling and experience.