How to treat insect bites

If you know how to quickly help the victim in the bite of insects, you will carry with you the minimum of the necessary medicines, the situation with the bite will not find you by surprise. Today we will consider our site with the magazine, how to act in the case of insect bites (bees, bumblebees and t.D.).

How to treat insect bites
- Ah, mom, mom, bited me bee - hear you are a loud roar of your child. You run up and try to calm it, but the pain and itching after the bee bite does not let go, and your child continues to cry. You are trying to distract the child from pain: «Oh, look what kind of bird flew!», and at this time looking for a first-aid kit with green, and think «more in this forest walk we never go!». But! Bees fly everywhere and completely protect their little kid from the bite of bees, bumblebees and other insects is simply impossible. Yes, and you, adults, you can be bugged all the same axes, mosquitoes, bees anywhere: and on the street in the city, and in the garden, and in the park and just in the forest in the fresh air. If you know how to quickly help the victim in the bite of insects, you will carry with you the minimum of the necessary medicines, the situation with the bite will not find you by surprise. Today we will consider our site with the magazine, how to act in the case of insect bites (bees, bumblebees and t.D.).

Bee bites, OS, Bumblebee

Bee bites, OS, bumblebees are dangerous for people with increased sensitivity to their bite (it can be both adults with sensitive skin, but most often sensitive to the bite children). Also bites are dangerous in the event that a person bitted not one insect, but at once a few or a whole swarm, so it will be necessary to act immediately!

When the bees bite, the OS, the bumblebees immediately arises a sharp pain, and then redness and swelling of the skin around the bite. A man who bustted insect may be nausea and even vomiting or simply the total weakness of the body. If a person has allergies on insects, then there may be red rashes on the skin in the form of a red rash, or so-called «Horpivnitsa». If a person suddenly suddenly loses consciousness after the bite, our site can calm you, it is also possible, since each person is individual, and everyone has a different reaction. The loss of consciousness is the reaction of the body on the poison released by insect, in the blood of a person. It is necessary to immediately take appropriate measures to bring a person to feel. Consider the basic rules for first aid in the bite of bees, OS, bumblebees.

First Aid Rules

First, it is necessary to get a sting if it remains at the place of bite. If there is a tweezet at hand, then the sting can be removed by tweezers, if not, then deliver with your fingers. Try to remove the sting of the whole, without breaking, especially if you were bitten by the bee, because she does not have a straight form «needles» like a wasa, and «needle» With Zzabrino. If the particles of the sting remain, the wound with the remains can be infused and will heal for a long time. Therefore, our site does not recommend that you are too hurry, but on the contrary, trying slowly and how carefully remove the sting out of the wound.

Secondly, if a person has lost consciousness, you can bring it into feelings, losing whiskey by ammonia alcohol or giving him to sniff him.

Thirdly, it is necessary to apply a gauze napkin or cotton swab, moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and payroll solution (i.e., by ordinary manganese), vodka, wine alcohol, cologne, ammonia alcohol or just impose a cold cold water compress (ice).

Fourth, let's drink a lot of fluid from the bite of insects to neutralize harmful substances that have been in blood with poison.

Attention! If the victim does not come into consciousness or complications appeared in the form of a rash, not passing vomiting, move to the medical center or call the doctor to the house.

Bends mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other small insects

Multiple mosquito bites, mosquitoes, whipping, heedodes and other small insects are also dangerous for a person, especially for those who have allergies to their bite. In the bite of such insects there are short pain, then itching and small redness of the skin. In case of increased sensitivity of a person to the bite of mosquitoes, mosquitoes may appear allergies in the form of a red rash. When bite mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other small insects, the rules for first aid are practically the same as when the bite of bees, bumblebees and. Consider them.

First Aid Rules

First, it is necessary to stay in order not to rub the skin at the bite, even if you really want. Our site wanted to recall that the child also need to be warned so as not to calculate the bite to the redness, as it will lead to even greater itching and long-term healing.

Secondly, impose a gauze bandage moistened with ammonic alcohol or vodka to the place of bite.

Attention! If you were bitten by a malarious mosquito, immediately contact the infectious hospital for help. The distinguishes of the malarious mosquito from the ordinary is fairly easy: the Taurus of the Malari Mosquito, sitting on a surface, is located at an angle to it, while the ordinary mosquito shoulder at rest is parallelly relative to the same surface. Among other distinctive features of the malarious mosquito - longer legs and dark spots on the wings.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine advises: if the sting failed to remove from the wound and began to make a heating (!) Compress from alcohol or vodka, or make a gauze bandage at the site of the bite of cotton tampon, moistened in carbolla oil.

If the stood was removed entirely, but it all itch and swelling remained, then you need to attach a cotton swab to the patient, moistened in the juice of garlic. Garlic removes pain and swelling.

And in the case of the bite of bees, OS, bumblebees, and in the case of a bite of mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other insects to remove itching and warn the tumor need to be imposed on the sore place a cold compress from urine.

Tips: How to protect yourself from insect bites

In the room where you will sleep, burn the plates in advance, spirals from mosquitoes, midges and other insects and then at night you will not bite insects
First, to prevent mosquito bites, mosquitoes and other insects it is necessary to lubricate open areas of the body to the means against mosquitoes. Now there are a large number of sprays, creams from mosquitoes, mosquitoes and t.D. This is Maskitol, and Fumitx, and Taiga and T.D. Smear them before entering the street, and every time after getting out of the water in case of bathing.

Secondly, you can use special protective mesh clothes that protect the face and the whole body from mosquito bites, blinding and t.D. Or you need to dress completely in closed clothes: long-sleeved shirt and long pants.

Thirdly, do not fit close to the roi of bees, OS and bumblebees without special clothes and do not do sharp movements at all, being close to these insects, do not swing their hands, not run. If the bee or bumblebee sat down on your hand, try to simply smeach with the other hand, do not kill, otherwise you can raise the insect, and it will definitely bite you.

Fourth, in the room where you will sleep, burn the plates in advance, Spirals from Komarov, midges and other insects and then at night you will not bite insects. If you are allergic to smells spiral, plates, then you can put mosquito nets on the windows and sleep calm all night with open windows.

I would like to remind you that earlier our site has already represented the material in case of a tick bite. All precautions and all necessary follow-up actions were considered in the article «Prevention of tick-borne encephalitis and lime disease».

So, our distinguished readers, you learned how to behave and how to help a person when biteing bees, OS, bumblebees, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other insects. And the most important advice that we can give you: Be careful to the world around, and no one will bite you!

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