How to get rid of edema

Liquid delay in the body, which manifests itself in the form of edema on the body, delivers a lot of a lot of unpleasant sensations. Each person at least once in his life came across swelling. Most often swell legs and face, less often - other parts of the body.

Despite the fact that the fluid delay in the body leads to the appearance of edema on the body, this phenomenon of physicians consider safe syndrome. But you should not let the disease on samonek, because the edema that appeared is often signing of malfunctions in the body.

If in the evenings you noticed that your legs became «heavy», They appeared furrows from socks or shoes, it's time to think about. Evenkers can also appear in other places - on the face in the form of bags under the eyes, on the hips and buttocks in the form of cellulite. All these symptoms indicate that extra liquid accumulates in the body.

Why is this happening?

Liquid in the body, edema, swelling, swelling of legs, swelling

Due to the fact that blood circulation is broken in the body, fluid and sodium accumulates in certain zones of the body. Such foci of stagnation of liquid and called edema. The reasons for their occurrence may be the following:

  • allergy;
  • insufficient heart work;
  • Hormonal violation;
  • Bad work kidney.

Decide whether you can have echoes like this: Press your fingers on the skin (in the field of the leg bones). If the skin remains a trace, it means that you have Entrance feet. By the way, the swellings often wear a hidden nature and diagnose the cause can be possible only in the conditions of polyclinic. Diagnostic methods are: blood pressure measurement, Analysis of urine, Regular weighing.


  1. Unbalanced nutrition can lead to a violation of potassium, chlorine and sodium ions.
  2. Excessive use of fluid.
  3. When a person moves little.
  4. When taking medicines and drugs that impede conception.
  5. When you habit, you often throw a leg leg.
  6. With sedentary work.
  7. In the hot season.
  8. When a man wears uncomfortable, close shoes.
  9. During pregnancy.
  10. Before starting monthly.
  11. In kidney disease, digestive system
  12. In violation metabolism and blood circulation systems.

What are the types of edema

Liquid in the body, edema, swelling, swelling of legs, swelling

First of all, the peaceholds strongly recommends not to engage in self-medication. When the first signs appear, you should immediately contact the hospital for help, as it can be fraught with sad consequences.

If you constantly appear swelling due to improper nutrition or routine, caused by lack of sleep, fatigue, adopted more than alcohol and dried with extra liquid, then you can get rid of fluid tests using folk remedies.

How to remove eye puff.

These methods are common and effective:

  1. Make a lotion from lemless leaves, pulmonary pulp (white), mix and impose a mask for eyelids. Leave for 15-20 minutes, after washed with water.
  2. Make a row of mint leaves. They need to be well confused to turn out to be Cashier, and apply to the area around the eyes. From above to put a cotton disk, moistened in tea (best removes edema green tea without additives). Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. How to get rid of OT «bags». Grind the root of parsley. One spoon of raw materials mix with a spoon of welding (in this case you can use both black and green tea). Apply to swelling and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash the mask with cold tea.
  4. Birch leaves pour 250 ml of cold water (mineral) and leave for 8 hours (you can at night). In the morning impose cotton disks moistened in the Nasty. To speed up the preparation of infusion, the leaves can be pouring hot, just boiling water and insist for three hours.

How to remove the edema of the genital organs.

  1. Brew a pharmacy chamomile (preferably not to collect it yourself, and buy in a pharmacy). Two liters of hot water take 10 large chamomile spoons. Before applying to strain and cool a little. Infusion to use undiluted for adoption «Sittyachy» Bath.
  2. If you stopped disturbing swelling, they do not hurt, then a warm bath can be made from the bark of birch kidney and leaves. Proportions: Six to ten (boiling water / raw materials Birch). Boil three minutes and insist for half an hour.
  3. Take dry raw material grassy elder (root) and boil on weak fire (water to take six liters). Strain and take «Sitting bath» twice a day. After the procedure for organs put compress from cottage cheese (only not salty!) and leave until the morning.

Means for removing any types of edema

Liquid in the body, edema, swelling, swelling of legs, swelling

These tools help the body faster to get rid of edema, because they have a diuretic action. Our site recommends starting treatment with folk methods using herbal fees, and if the situation becomes extremely difficult, then the use of special medical drugs is allowed. Remember that it is extremely dangerous to joke with such a state, so it is impossible to appoint yourself a physician. No recommendation doctor take pills prohibited.

  1. Take a spoon of dry fruit or grinding parsley roots and pour 500ml boiling water. Leave the infusion for ten o'clock. Drink on a big spoon during the day.
  2. Preparing «kidney tea» From grass «Ortosif» (two small spoons), pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave to appear for two hours. Drink three times a day at 125 grams like warm tea.
  3. Birch leaves and kidneys (two spoons) poured 500 ml of hot water, add a very slightly soda to the resins dissolved. Focus and drink four times a day for 125 grams.

Plants with a diuretic action: Birch, Flowers of black elderberry, strawberries, grenades, Pasternak, Parsley, Asparagus and Sport. A more detailed list of medicinal herbs can be found in medical directories.

Tips for future mothers

Liquid in the body, edema, swelling, swelling of legs, swelling

Get rid of edema that often «accompanied» Women during pregnancy, you can without receiving special drugs. Our site offers readers to adhere to these simple recommendations:

  • Do not lie on the sofa and do not sit long at the computer! More movement;
  • In the evening, try to lie on the bed, and put your feet on the roller. In this position, you need to remain fifteen minutes;
  • Make foot massage, feet. A good effect has a hard urine;
  • Make the baths with the addition of sea salt. Water temperature is not higher than 35 degrees;
  • Do not limit yourself to liquid! On the day of a pregnant woman you need to drink about three liters of liquid;
  • Do not be lazy - make charging;
  • Do not eat salted food, sharp and spicy;
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks;
  • You can not wear dense tights that squeeze the stomach and are very tightly tightened;
  • do not lie on the scorching sun;
  • If you are accompanied by edema, use the gel that is allowed to pregnant women.

Do not be lazy and enable an active lifestyle.

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