Life after prison: registration of registration


  • Property division
  • Trial
  • Mortar and Passport Table

  • One of the main problems of liberated from prison is a problem with registration. After the release, you are registered on the living area, where you used to live, with the consent of all adult people living there. But often this situation is - one of them does not agree to register you. How to be in this situation? There are two ways here.

    Property division

    First - divide the personal account. You have an apartment where you lived with my grandmother and with your uncle. Uncle says: I will not register it, I do not agree. Then you can divide the personal account, and your apartment is becoming communal, you are not prescribed to the entire apartment, but on that living area, that is, on that room or room where your grandmother lives, which agrees to register you.


    Another way to go to court. In court, usually these cases are considered for quite a long time. Therefore, this path, of course, is not very good. But sometimes nothing else remains. You probably know everything that there is a resolution of the Constitutional Court of June 23, 1995, according to which the right to the residential area remains for the convicts. That is, the fact that you discharge you from the living area that you are not registered on this living area, does not mean that you have lost the right to this living area. This right is saved. You are going to court with a statement: by decision of the Constitutional Court After my condemnation, the right to living space has been preserved, I ask you to recognize me the right to a residential area and oblige passport authorities to register me on such a living area for a similar address. In case of a court decision, you must register.

    Mortar and Passport Table

    Life after prison: registration of registrationBut here there is another problem. Very often passport authorities say: we will not register you because you are not registered in the military registration and enlistment office. Go, become registered with the military registration and enlistment office and get an assignment certificate there. In the military registration and enlistment office you are told: we will not give you an asscript certificate, because you are not registered here, you first register, and then we put you on the draft commar. And it turns out a vicious circle from which it is very hard.

    What to do in this situation? There are two ends here: Passport table - military registration and enlistment office. You come everywhere with a written statement. Give a written application. And if you are sent from the passport table to the draft board, you say: please, if you want me a military registration and enlistment office to give an assignment certificate, let me a letter to me that you register me at the place of residence after the military commission fulfill its part of the work. And then, when you do not want to take in the military registration and enlistment office and do not want to give you an asscript testimony, you have a trump card - a letter of the passport table, on the basis of which a military commission can do it. And vice versa: you take a letter in the military registration and enlistment office to be seen that the draft board will give you an assignment certificate if the passport will register you. In order for you not to chase from one instance to another, in each of these instances, be sure to take the paper that will indicate that the problem is in the decision stage.

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