How to increase body temperature

The normal body temperature of a healthy person is 36.6 ° C. Depending on the time of day and individual characteristics of the body, this indicator can slightly deviate in one direction or another. But an excessive decrease or increase in temperature is considered to be a pathological condition requiring intervention.

Causes of hypothermia

Hypothermia, reduced temperature, temperature

Let's consider in more detail what factors can cause a similar condition:

  1. Malnutrition. If there is little food in the human body, the exchange processes slow down - such a reaction is provided by nature. That is, when we consume little calories, our body, in turn, begins to save energy, and the decrease in temperature is a direct consequence of this process.
  2. Often hypothermia is a symptom of thyroid disease. Hormones that make this body take direct participation in metabolism. In case of deterioration of hormone production metabolism slows down, and body temperature drops. The disease of the thyroid gland, called hypothyroidism, is also accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness, deterioration of the condition of the skin and hair, apathy, violations of the chair and a rapid weight gain.
  3. Another reason for hypothermia may be diabetes. With this disease in the human body, glucose oxidation does not occur, in connection with which there is a lack of energy.
  4. Liver disorders can also contribute to a decrease in body temperature. This body is in stores carbohydrates to subsequently spend them to provide the body with the necessary energy. With liver failure, this function is violated, which leads to a shortage of energy resources.
  5. Anemia - one more causes of temperature reduction. In people who suffer from anemia, blood cannot sufficiently supply tissue with oxygen. This leads to the fact that nutrients in body cells are oxidized not completely. In this regard, there is a deficit of energy in the body and, as a result, hypothermia.
  6. Some types of cancer can cause the condition under consideration. For example, the hypothermia leads a brain tumor, taking the hypothalamus - this department is responsible for regulating the temperature of the human body.
  7. Various skin lesions that are accompanied by the expansion of blood vessels, also cause hypothermia. Such states include strong Burning, psoriasis, Inflammation on extensive areas of skin.
  8. A strong decrease in temperature is always observed when freezing or supercooling.
  9. Reception of certain medicines can lead to hypothermia. These drugs include antipyretic drugs, some sedative and narcotic drugs.
  10. Among the least dangerous reasons for lowering the temperature can be called:
    • overwork;
    • lack of vitamin C;
    • Recovery after a long disease.

Signs of hypothermia

Hypothermia, reduced temperature, temperature

First of all, of course, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition. If hypothermia is a consequence of a serious illness, it should be treated with its treatment. MirSees will result in some general recommendations for increasing body temperature depending on the cause of this phenomenon:

  1. Hypothermia, resulting from overwork, can be cured with a good rest and relaxation. Set aside all your affairs for a while, highlight 1-2 days off for yourself, stay at home and just get enough sleep.
  2. In some cases, it is possible to increase the body temperature using special pyrogenic preparations. But this therapy should be prescribed exclusively.
  3. If the cause of hypothermia has become reduced immunity, the body's protective forces can be increased with a full-fledged rest, as well as by using immunostimulants, for example, Tincture Echinacea.
  4. You can overcome anemia and restore the thermoregulation of the body with the help of inclusion in the diet of certain products: liver, pomegranate, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, red meat and t.NS. In particularly difficult cases, the course should be passed Polyvitamins or iron-containing drugs.
  5. In the event that you have undergone, you need to warm up. Traditional ways will be helped here: hot tea with raspberries and honey, wrapped in blankets, taking a warm bath. Increase body temperature contribute to such spices as carnations and cinnamon, add a small amount of them in tea and enjoy the drink. Here is another good way to quickly warm up:
    • Type in deep pelvis with warm water;
    • There are several drops of aromatic eucalyptus aromatic oils of aromatic oils, you can also dilute a little mustard powder in water;
    • Will look into a warm plaid or blanket, and the legs are lowering in the pelvis;
    • You can periodically add hot water into the container;
    • After 20-30 minutes, wipe the legs with a dry towel and put on warm socks.
  6. If the cause of hypothermia is insufficient nutrition, pay attention to its diet. Everything necessary for livelihoods must be present in food: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Use enough food to feel hunger.
  7. Stress and nervous voltage can be eliminated with sedative herbs, taking them in the form of tinctures or brewing as tea.

Fictitious body temperature increase

Hypothermia, reduced temperature, temperature

Above, we considered cases when a person arises hypothermia as a result of various diseases or influencing any adverse factors. But sometimes there are situations in life when it is required to increase the temperature in excess of normal indicators. Schoolchildren sometimes resort to such tricks to miss classes. So, let's describe some methods of fictitious body temperature increase:

  1. Flose a simple pencil and remove the griffel from it. Open the core into several parts and swallow, picking up a small amount of water. Tip: Do not chew the core of the pencil, otherwise the mouth and language will get a dark shade.
  2. Take a piece of sugar rafinad and drop on it 4-5 yodes. Swallow sugar and drink water. They say this method makes it possible to increase the body temperature at least 1 ° C.
  3. Intensive physical exertion contribute to a large energy emission and to some extent increase body temperature. Before using the thermometer, make a few squats, pushups and jumps. Then hold your breath for 10 seconds and repeat everything again 2-3 times. Thus, you can raise the temperature of about 1 ° C.
  4. It is the opinion that if we grasp the arms onions or pepper, and then measure the temperature - the highway indicators will be somewhat higher than normal. If for any reason you need to pretend to be sick, you can take advantage of this means. But note that rubbing onions has consequences in the form of an unpleasant smell, which, besides, can give your cunning intentions.

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