How to keep vision

Eyes - this is a prism through which we will know the world, we learn ourselves. Therefore, you can not forget about the care of them. Throughout life, a person observes impairment. Some people promptly take action, some do not pay attention to it. Let's not postpone this question and first discuss the reasons, but a little later, methods of recovery, treatment and prevention.

The human body is a totality of various organs. Every day we care for themselves: we try to keep the body in tone; Follow your nutrition; Apply a variety of masks. But almost no one cares about the eyes, and the eyes are an important organ of man who we use constantly. Eyes - this is a prism through which we will know the world, we learn ourselves. Therefore, it is impossible to forget about the care of such a vital organ.

Throughout life, a person observes impairment. Some promptly take action, some do not pay attention to this. Let's not postpone this question and first discuss the reasons, but a little later, methods of recovery, treatment and prevention.

Causes of impairment of vision

Eye fatigue
So, you feel the decline in view, constant eye fatigue. Someone will say that this is because of the wrong reading, someone accuses lighting, someone's computer, and someone will tell you that it is age, but sometimes problems lie much deeper. I propose to consider deeper reasons without touching lighting, computer and age.


  1. First, consider - fatigue. If a person has an improper nutrition, stress, insufficient sleep, then the whole body suffers. And the eyes will give your condition first. Didn't you notice that if your friend walked all night, then the eyes are tired, red and painful? Just like you, just not always for this you need to walk all night. Sometimes enough just a busy working day.
  2. Second reason - brain. This reason is hidden and few people think about the brain, feeling impairment. Pathology of conductive paths from the eye to the visual centers of the brain are called atrophy of the optic nerve. The reason is the various lesions of the brain, which sometimes lead to complete atrophy. To treat such violations worth paying attention to vessels and metabolic processes in the brain.
  3. Third reason - bad habits. It is no secret that people who abuse alcohol, smoking, drugs have poor eyesight. This is a consequence of substances in these products that affect eye vessels. Because of this negative impact there is insufficient blood supply.
  4. Fourth Cause - Diseases. In infectious and venereal diseases, nerves are defeated. This defeat concerns the entire body, including the nerve endings responsible for vision.
  5. Five Cause - Harmful substances. In all life, a person constantly pollutes his body slags. Slags in the body appear due to not proper nutrition, ecology.

How to keep vision

Reception at the oculist
It is important to pay attention to problems with vision and take action. Of course, you need to start with prevention. From early childhood you need to visit the oculist annually, which can be identified by pathology at the initial stages. No less important is the observance of elementary rules - good lighting, correct landing when reading, writing, charging for the eyes, regular rest for the eyes. All these preventive methods are recommended to us from childhood, but they keep their very small number of people.

In modern medicine there are many drugs supporting and improving vision. Here are some drugs positive reviews: «Galidor», «Vitrum Vizhn» and others. You can still consider not Complex vitamins, And individual representatives:

Vitamin A - Retinol (affects the reproduction and growth of cells);

Vitamin C - ascorbic acid (responsible for tissue regeneration, blood coagulation, collagen synthesis, etc.);

Vitamin E - tocopherol (prevents the retinal sip of the retina, with diabetes, supports vision);

Vitamin B12 - Cyanocobalamin (contributes to the formation of red blood cells, has a positive effect on the central nervous system, etc.);

Vitamin B9 - folic acid (responsible for the production of new cells and erythrocytes);

Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxin (participates in cellular exchange);

Vitamin B1 - thiamine (promotes normal intraocular pressure).

Exercises for the eye are also an effective method. Here is one of the methods: Palming is an artificial blackout. This exercise takes about five minutes, but significantly improves the condition of the eyes. So, soda hands to warm your eyes. We collect your fingers into the castle and the inside of the palms cover your eyes, but so that they are in the center. Palm should slightly touch the nose, lay the thumbs up on the temporo-zylla region. At the same time it is necessary to close the eyes and sit like this 5 minutes. After exercise, you will immediately feel «ease» And fresh look.

For restoration of vision, you can use folk methods. Here are some of them:

  1. The juice of the stem of AIR improves visual sharpness, it must be taken on one teaspoon three times a day.
  2. Cranberry juice helps with glaucoma. Take 1/3 cup twice a day.
  3. Lingonberry is useful for hyperopia. You can take both berries and juice twice a day.
  4. Motherman - strengthens vision; 15 gr. Herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 40 minutes, strain and take 1 tablespoon 2 - 3 times a day.
  5. If you suffer myopia, then you will help the hawthorn. Hawthorn berries contain carotene and ascorce. For the adoption, move dry fruits with honey in proportion one to one and take a mixture on one tablespoon three times a day.

Eyes talking so much about man! They can tell not only about mental state, but also about health. Watch your vision, keep prevention, and remember, support is always easier than to restore.

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