Application Lesbeflan

When the kidney of a person is partially (or completely) lost the ability to form (or output) urine, then this pathology is called renal failure. It is accompanied by the development of serious disorders of acid-alkali, water-salt, osmotic homeostasis of the body. All this is fraught with secondary damage to many organism systems. In such cases, Lesbeflan is often appointed.

General information about the drug

Kidney Health, Lesbafalan, Kidney Purification, Renal Insufficiency, Kidney, Urology

Lesbafalan is a domestic drug, which is produced by CJSC «Pharmaceutiaryr Vilar». The manufacturer receives a water-alcohol solution by taking a purified extract based on a bean plant shoots, called the Lestec two-color. A few words about this plant. This is a beautiful shrub found in natural conditions in the south of the Far East, in China, Korea, Japan. And is described for the first time this shrub was in North America. Therefore, the name of the region of Lestedets was given in honor of the Spanish governor, actively helped nerds to study the plant in Florida.

In addition to the extract, Lespredtsa, the drug includes water purified, alcohol 95% concentration, anise oil. The resulting solution is packaged 100 ml into dark glass bottles. This liquid can have color from light brown to reddish brown, with an orange tint. There is a specific smell. In the process of storage, a small precipitate may appear on the bottom - it is quite acceptable.

Medical properties

Kidney Health, Lesbafalan, Kidney Purification, Renal Insufficiency, Kidney, Urology

Fluid from the bottle are used three or four times a day from one to three teaspoons. The most convenient died out of the number of places in half a glass of ordinary water, and then drink. If the disease occurs hard, the doctor can recommend a shock dose: four times a day four (or even five) teaspoons. Standard course lasts 21-28 days. Sometimes, if necessary, the doctor extends it for another two weeks. Three weeks, the course of treatment is allowed to repeat. Then the patient can translate to supporting treatment. It will be enough to take the drug only once a day (in the morning) on ​​a teaspoon. Reception is carried out in a row 15 days, followed by a 15-cuisine break ..

About contraindications and side effects

Although this drug is produced from the plant extract, it cannot be applied at:

  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition;
  • pregnancy;
  • feeding baby chest (lactation);
  • chronic Alcoholism.

Lesbalan and those patients whose age has not reached eighteen years old.

And now MirSees will warn readers about possible unwanted phenomena. Most of them are due to the fact that in the drug high content of ethyl alcohol (it turns out that per night the patient is forced to take from three to twelve grams of pure 95% alcohol). Sometimes after receiving medication, patients complain about drowsiness, arrhythmia, Beating heartbeat, slowdown in psychomotor reactions. If it is very concerned about this kind of unwanted phenomena, then tell your doctor about it. Maybe he will reduce the dose or translates you to another drug. Due to the presence of Ethanol, Lesblant is not recommended to receive drivers and people whose profession requires the speed of reaction, increased attention.

Sometimes the drug displays a lot of sodium from the body, therefore there is a danger of hyponatremia. In most cases, it flows without bright symptoms. Especially sensitive patients still celebrate headache and weakness. And yet, if hyponatremia has been revealed by laboratory, sodium solutions can be appointed. Cancel the drug or not - this decision takes the doctor's watching you. Allergic reactions when receiving Lesbeflan were noticed in isolated cases. If allergy nevertheless arose, then the reception of the drug should immediately stop.

It's important to know

Kidney Health, Lesbafalan, Kidney Purification, Renal Insufficiency, Kidney, Urology

Lesbefalan can not be used together with those drugs that they oppress the nervous system, otherwise their action will increase.

Lesbafalan can not be prescribed when Sugar diabetes, It is incompatible with insulin or hypoglycemic (sugar-surging) drugs used inside.

Joint reception of Lesbeflan and means capable of causing a disulfimara-like reaction may result in very unpleasant consequences. These drugs include metronidazole (Trichopol), Ceftriaxone, Furazolidon and others. These drugs are incompatible with alcohol, so if they still need to be prescribed to the patient, then the reception of Lesba is assumed to stop at least three days before the treatment of the drug mentioned above.

The popular analogues of Lesba are:

  1. Lesvesfryl - produced in Russia, it can be called synonym for Lesbaflan, only the price of it below;
  2. Lesphenefryl - produced in France, created on the basis of the extract from the lestepsa head;
  3. Flanic - produced in Russia, created on the basis of flavonoids extracted from the flowers and leaves of the astragal of the sickle (also a bean plant), does not contain ethyl alcohol, release form - tablets.

Lesbeflala need to store in a dark place, which is not available for small children and persons suffering from alcohol addiction.

Many patients respond positively about Lesba, reporting that against the background of receipt of the drug improves well-being, analyzes come gradually normal, the edema disappears. Of the minuses, patients call the high cost of the course of treatment and the presence of large doses of alcohol in this preparation.

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