Psychology of extreme situations: how to help the victim of the accident


  • Psychology of proper behavior in extreme situations
  • Psychology of sudden extreme situations: how to respond to the behavior of the victim
  • Signs of strong stress in victims and support measures

  • Psychology of extreme situationsThe world is changing. Increasingly we are witnessing a disaster that strongly affect the person. Psychology of extreme situations (these are natural weather cataclysms, and terrorism, and accidents) — This is a certain branch of psychological science, a knowledge system, thanks to which the victim can be a major assistance.

    Psychology of human behavior in extreme situations for a long time was outside the focus of medical attention. Only recently victims of terrorist acts, aircraft and car accidents began to pay attention not only for a purely medical. The psychology of a person in extreme situations is exposed to such a powerful attack that after providing first aid, working with such victims only begins.

    What is the psychology of behavior in extreme situations? What can we do with you, non-specialists, if we find yourself near a person who survived a catastrophe?

    Psychology of proper behavior in extreme situations

    The main promise of psychology of extreme situations as part of science — Assist the victim not only need, but also. And a psychologist can be each of us.

    It should be understood that the psychology of a person who survived severe stress differs from our. The victim loses control over his feelings and actions.

    Psychology of behavior of a witness — keep maximum calm and transfer it to the victim.

    Psychology of sudden extreme situations: how to respond to the behavior of the victim

    The main feature of human psychology in extreme situations — disorganization, inability to make the right decisions. The consequences of such shocks often become toxicizing, drug addiction, alcoholism, loss of life.

    Fortunately, the psychology of emergency situations already knows how to help the victim of a terrible event in order to prevent the state aggravation.

    Signs of strong stress in victims and support measures

    Psychology of man in extreme situationsTo understand the psychology of behavior in extreme situations, you need to know with what signs of the strongest stress you may encounter.

    Hallucinations and bad nonsense

    How to help: Agree with everything that the victim says, give up the idea to convince him. Talk to a calm voice, remove all potentially dangerous items from the access zone, try to lead a person in a quiet place before the arrival of the doctors.


    Try to cause the interest of the victim at least for something. Ask him about relatives about his needs. Questions ask specific: not «What do you want?», but «Want to eat drink?». Incover a person in any activity where it can be useful (for example, help others).


    Adding your breath to the breath of the victim, massaging him two points on the forehead: exactly above the pupils, in the middle between the hair growth line and eyebrows. Fingers of the victim should be pressed to the center of the palms. Quietly, slowly and clearly tell a person something (better negative), which can cause its strong emotional reaction.

    Motive excitement

    Psychology of proper behavior in extreme situationsIsolate victims from others, talk to him about his feelings, which, as you see, he is experiencing. Do not argue.


    Make the victim to the side. Find a method with which it can «chill out» (kick a stone, beat the wall). Find him the case associated with strong physical tension. Do not argue.


    Speak with the injured calm even voice, smoothly breathe. Renom to him the most tense parts of the body.


    Speak with the victims of his feelings, demonstrate the understanding of his condition. Be with him near.


    Make an unexpected, sharp (and loud) action: dropping something, shout, give the victim to slap. After the end of the hysteria, put a rest.

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