Causes of the smell of mouth. Why the unpleasant smell of mouth should not remain without your attention


So why the unpleasant smell of mouth should not be without your attention?

Unpleasant smell of mouth - this is the result of the disease, also known as «Halitosis». This problem is by no means an insoluble. The methods of its treatment are usually very simple and effective - it is only necessary to correctly recognize the main reason for the occurrence of an unpleasant odor. In most cases, he arises due to the accumulation in the mouth of a person - in the language, around the teeth and between the teeth - a large number of anaerobic bacteria. But there are other reasons, for example, with the smell of mouth during pregnancy.

Smell from mouth: yes or not

Causes of the smell of mouthHow to identify the smell of mouth and nose? Normally Lie «smells» Your breath? Not sure? Of course, under certain circumstances, each of us may have an unpleasant smell of mouth, - and we can find out about it only by the reaction of people who surrounding. How to find out if you have an unpleasant smell of mouth? It is often not easy, first of all because the mouth cavity, the source of all these odors, is connected to the nose with the hole, which is in the back of the oral cavity, in the field of soft sky. And since nose «Filters» Smells that occur in the rear area of ​​the mouth, it is thus filtered and this most unpleasant smell. That is, you are quite possible, and this smell of mouth (and possibly the nose) - but you yourself do not know about it.

If even our own noses can help us with confidence, identify the smell of mouth and figure out how our breathing smells - can we still learn about it? One way to ask the opinion on this about someone from your closest relatives. You can also contact this request to a close friend, or to your dental doctor at the next visit to it. If the question is "Why the smell of acetone from mouth, other smell of mouth and nose" It seems to you too personal and you are afraid «trust» His adults, do not embarrass and ask your children about it. As we know well, it is their mouths that are often a verbolet truth.

How else to know the smell of mouth? Known and such methods. For example, lease your wrist, give saliva to dry up for about five seconds, and then skip this place. Well, how? About so you smell. Or, if you are accurate, so smells the front of your language.

Now try to figure out how the back of your language smells. Take a spoon, turn it over, and crush it the longest part of the language. (Do not be surprised if you start to press). Look at the stuff left on a spoon, which you scraped from the language - usually it is thick and whitish. Now smell it. Just such a smell of your breathing (unlike the smell of the front of the language), most likely feel others. Such an appearance white language and smell of mouth are associated. Consider some reasons why there is a bad smell of mouth.

Reason smell from mouth

Causes of the smell of mouthNow you know that in most cases the source of unpleasant smell of mouth is a white substance covering the back of the tongue. Or, to be more accurate, - bacteria that live in this white substance. (There is also another, also a very common cause of an unpleasant smell is bacteria that accumulate in other areas of the mouth).

Some food products have a long fame of the culprits of an unpleasant smell, for example, onion or garlic. When digesting food products, the components of their molecules are absorbed by our organism and then the blood flow is derived from it. Some of these molecules having very characteristic and unpleasant odors, along with blood flow fall into our lungs. From the lungs they are outlined when exhaling - from here and an unpleasant smell. Get rid of such a smell simple enough - you only need to exclude such products from your diet or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Also smoking gives rise to the smell of mouth. You probably had to meet with strongly smokers, the breath of which has a specific smell. Although the formation of an unpleasant smell of mouth and nose knitted with smoking affects many factors, the main ones are nicotine, resin and other bad smelling substances contained in tobacco smoke. These substances accumulate on the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth of the smokers - gums, peeling fabric, language. That is why the bad smell of the mouth of an avid smokers - literally his business card. The only way to completely get rid of such a smell is to quit smoking (although, if you bring the mouth hygiene to perfection, this smell can be somewhat weakened).

Dry mouth. Even if you do not have special problems associated with an unpleasant smell, you nevertheless probably noticed that in the morning when you just woke up, your breathing is significantly less fresh. It happens because at night our mouth «Drinking» - Since during sleep, our body produces saliva in smaller quantities. The result of such a drying and is «Morning breath». Similar «Effect of drying» often notice, for example, teachers or lawyers who have to speak for several hours - from this mouth also dries. Some people suffer from chronic oral dryness - this disease is called «xerostomia». They are even more difficult for them to solve problems with breathing freshness.

Gum diseases can also cause unpleasant smell from mouth. With them between teeth and gums, gaps are formed, in which a large number of bacteria accumulates and a dented stone may form. These pockets are such deep that they are difficult to clean; That is why the tooth stone and accumulating bacteria and their livelihoods also cause an unpleasant smell.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, allergies - all these diseases lead to the fact that the mucous allocations begin to come from the nasal cavity to the mouth, through the hole in the field of soft heaven. The accumulation of these secretions in the mouth can also cause an unpleasant smell.

Dentures (full, partial, removable and t.NS.) can have a significant impact on freshness of your breathing. If you wear any dental prosthesis, you can conduct a simple test that will show whether your dental prosthesis contributes to the emergence of an unpleasant odor:

Remove your prostheses and place them in a closed container - for example, a plastic box for breakfast. Close it tightly and leave so five minutes. Then abruptly open it and immediately skip. About such a smell of your mouth and feel people with whom you say.

The smell of mouth during pregnancy may appear due to the destruction of the teeth. After all, during pregnancy for the development of the fetus from the mother's organism, Calcium is actively spending.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may be accompanied by unpleasant odors from mouth. So the smell of feces can occur in dysbacteriosis, intestinal obstruction.

Although in most cases the emergence of unpleasant odor is associated with the accumulation of bacteria in the tongue, teeth or around them (periodontal disease). Also bacteria can accumulate on the surface of dentures - which also causes an unpleasant odor.

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