Scratches can be dangerous


Why dangerous scratches?

Scratches can be dangerousScratches and abrasions — These are shallow skin damage, violating its top layer. Scratch can be obtained anywhere — while walking in the forest or in the yard, playing with another child or with a cat. Simple mosquito bite if it combbles — this is the same abrasion. But although scratches and abrasions — it's damage to shallow, they, like any wound, — Open gate for infection.

Especially bad if the scratch is applied to the claws of the animal, the nail of a person or a contaminated subject, and also if dirt, land, any chemicals hit the wounder.

On animal claws, under the nails of a person there are always many microbes, so such scratches are healing for a long time if they are not treated. In the case of cat scratches, it is also necessary to remember the danger of lympreaticulosis — Pretty severe illness, which often called — Cat scratch disease.

If you were hurt about some rusty nail, or the dirt, earth, organic fertilizers got into the wound — There is a threat to get into the body of pathogens of such hazardous diseases like a tetanus, sepsis. But even if there is no severe consequence, the wound can simply inflame and leave behind the scar.

We treat scratches correct

How to handle small wounds? What you must remember yourself and what to teach your child? The most important — Primary treatment. Scratch should be definitely disinfected by hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tinctures. Polluted wounds pre-rinse with clean water. Then the wreck should be dried — Loose clean bandage, then apply an antiseptic.

Shallow abrasions and scratches are healing better if they leave them open after antiseptic processing. But you need to do everything to avoid re-infection.

Skip scratches with a plaster makes sense when it is necessary to stop the bleeding, and also if there is a risk of repeated injury to this skin area. The bandage makes sense to impose if the abrasion is extensive, the skin is damaged at a significant area — This will help protect the surface of the wound from random repeated damage. But remember that the dressings must be applied to the coolest wound, covered with a crust, so that the bandage does not stick to the wound. Otherwise, removing the bandage, you will keep your skin, and the wound will open again. Under the bandage on the wound you can apply the healing ointment.

If a child is going to play on the playground, it is worth closing any open wound (even abrasion or scratch) non-infant bandage. When a child returns home, remove the bandage.

Than treat scratches?

Scratches can be dangerousEarlier and small scratches, and extensive abrasions were treated with green. But it is not always appropriate — Such a wound becomes very noticeable, attracts attention. Now there are modern antiseptics in the form of ointments that allow you to quickly and effectively carry out the treatment of small injuries. Many of these funds have a comprehensive action — antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, relieve redness, swelling and itching.

One of these modern highly efficient drugs is balm «The keeper». The drug has a rapid antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes skin regeneration, increases its elasticity, improves skin protective functions. Prevents the formation of scars and scars, has a contagon effect.

An important advantage of the keeper's balm is its composition — High-active natural natural components with unique healing properties.

Naphthalan — One of the main components of Balzam «The keeper». This natural healing balsam has painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating properties.

Complex of natural healing oils and active ingredients, which is part of Balzam «The keeper», It has an epithelisional effect, contributes to the accelerated healing of skin damage (cuts, abrasions, burns (including solar), insect bites, corns, skin hematomas and bruises).

Vitamins A and E protect the skin from adverse environmental factors, contribute to increasing skin elasticity, accelerate the healing process, prevent the formation of scars.

Balm «The keeper» does not contain hormonal and antibiotic components, does not cause allergies and irritation. It does not have age limitations and is recommended for applying both adults and children.

Balm «The keeper» will not allow the backs and cuts to leave a trace on your skin.

Read more about Balza Keeper.

Scratches can be dangerous

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