What provokes the formation of sulfur traffic jams?


  • So how does a sulfur tube appear?
  • How to detect a sulfur plug?
  • Relief from the sulfur

  • Normally, sulfur traffic jams are removed by the movements of the front wall of the auditory passage during a conversation, chewing. The nestness and hearing passage and an increased viscosity of sulfur contribute to the delay of sulfur tube. Color of sulfur tube from yellow to dark brown. Consistency of sulfur traffic jams first soft, wax, then dense and even stony...

    So how does a sulfur tube appear?

    Giving himself to power a hot summer and warm sea, we, frankly relax. After all, in summer, children, as a rule, do not hurt. They, on the contrary, «Charged» Health: Running barefoot, swim and dive to loss of pulse. Meanwhile, the appearance of a large number of patients in the summer doctors is not surprising. And it's not only about traumatologists surgeons, but also about ENT doctors, namely about sulfur traffic. Summer sharply increases the number of diseases such as sinusitis (inflammation of the otolonic sinuses), acute outdoor and middle otitis, and sulfur. And in many ways it is the result of active water procedures.

    It would seem that the Harmful ear warm summer water? Dived baby — acne on one leg and all. Unfortunately, no, part of the water will definitely stay in the ear, which provokes the formation of a sulfur tube. And since it is impossible for water from one natural reservoirWhat provokes the formation of sulfur traffic jams? call sterile, the inflammatory process is very possible. And if in the sea the water is still relatively clean, then small ponds and lakes with standing water, and especially reservoirs, located within the city, are inhabited by staphylococci and streptococcal. In addition, dirty water — This is also the source of fungal otitis and furunculosis.

    How to detect a sulfur plug?

    If, after another swim in the child, there was constriction in the ear, he began to hear worse if he complains about pain and does not let you touch the goat — These symptoms are quite enough to hurry to the ear doctor and think about the sulfur traffic.

    Of course, children dreaming to learn to swim, prohibit dive stupid, because without full immersion in the water they will not get old. Therefore, you need to teach them correctly shaking the water from the ears in order to avoid the formation of a sulfur tube. To do this, you must tilt the head of the side, bring to the ear, which is lower, palm and several times energetically «Capture» Her to the ear. But the bouncing on one leg is not at all necessary.

    If for your child, the problem of diving is especially painful: you want to dive, and the ears are weak, then try searching in sports stores Special earpowers for swimming. They are made on a paraffin basis, tightly inserted into the ear and prevent the penetration of water – Sulfur tube formation. In the end, modern bathing caps will also greatly facilitate the fate of a small diver, because they tightly tight around the head and protect not only hair well, but also ears.

    A sharp pain in the ear after bathing is unlikely to testify about the inflammatory process in the outdoor or middle ear. It can be provoked by a banal sulfur plug. The fact is that anyone can live with sulfur traffic jams for a long time without experiencing any painful sensations. But as soon as the water falls into the auditory passage, the sulfur tube swells and begins to put pressure on the eardrum. In this case, not only the ear pain may occur, but also a headache, nausea, dizziness and a significant reduction in hearing.

    Who is predisposed to the formation of sulfur traffic jams? Sulfies function from each person and perform a very important function: they produce sulfur masses that protect the hearing organs from dust particles ingress, foreign bodies. If the sulfur masses do not have time to move freely, they gradually attach to the wall of the auditory passage and clog it. So formed sulfur traffic.

    Relief from the sulfur

    You can get rid of sulfur tube in two ways. First, if the sulfur plug is not very dense, try to soften it. To do this, it is necessary not less than three or five days to dig in the ear drops, be sure to breathe up to 37 degrees – It will provoke a sulfur stop removal. It can be any vegetable or vaseline oil or hydrogen peroxide solution. Dosage is this: about five drops of oil or peroxide 1—2 times a day. As a result, droplets of hearing can deteriorate — Due to swelling of sulfur traffic. But gradually softened sulfur masses will open themselves. In the event that the sulfur tube has become too dense and solid, the doctor will delete it — Such a way or washing the external auditory pass using special tools.

    The tendency to the frequent occurrence of sulfur traffic jams, like much more is inherited. However, in any case, it does not interfere with listening to one Council of specialists: do not clean the ears often! If you, and looking at you and your child, have a habit of constantly picking in your ears with a cotton wand or match, then you are stimulating the work of the sulfur glands. So try to ask your ears no more than two or three times a month. And in no case can you try to remove the sulfur tube yourself, with a cotton wand. Such manipulations can only push the sulfur plug of the auditory passage and provoke painful sensations.

    To avoid problems with the ears necessarily contact the doctor!

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