Not fun milk


  • Weaker sex
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  • Milk foam
  • What to do with this thrush?

    Not fun milkWeaker sex

    Statistics - Science Strict, and she claims that three-quarters of women of the world were sick with a thrush, and 40% of the weak sex representatives appeared again. In this case «weak» - Not a beaten definition, but the most accurate description of the health status: the recurrence of the candidiasis is the right sign of reduced immunity.

    Candida fungus (it is he who causes the thrush) constantly lives in the vagina without creating problems. Only under certain conditions, it begins to multiply lightning, leading to the appearance of pain, itching and white cotton sediment, which is so unpleasant to detect on its underwear.


    The thrush - the lady punctual, comes strictly on schedule: during menstruation, when favorable conditions are created for the growth of fungi; During the period of ovulation, when developing a hormone of progesterone, promoting the reproduction of fungi in general and Candida in particular; during pregnancy; When using hormone drugs, be it contraceptives or steroids; in spring and summer during the exacerbation of allergies; During the use of antibiotics that violates the usual relations of micro-verses of our body.

    Abuse sweet, obesity, violations in the work of the digestive system (dysbacteriosis - the incorrect relationship of various representatives of the fungal flora in the body), the passion for narrow synthetic panties and strongly tight trousers can also lead to the appearance of thrush.

    Milk foam

    During the disease, the mucous membrane of the vagina is covered with a milky white film consisting of a sprouted fungus and epithelium cells - the upper layer of the mucous. IN «Light» The case of thrush passes itself, but after the first menstruation (or under the influence of any of the above factors) returns. Passes, returns, passes. From this circle you can go out, only by contacting the council to the doctor and passing the course of treatment.

    Young mothers are especially important to follow their health: Candida fungus can be transferred to the baby, the infection weakens the newborn organism and can lead to more serious diseases.

    IN «complex» The case of the mucule of the vagina, affected by the thrush, becomes like a bark of an old tree - erosion and cracks appear on it. It is clear that with such «Stuffing» pain does not stop, and sex becomes torture - for this the thrush was called «The destructiveness of family life». In this case, it is necessary to unconditionally and urgently go to the doctor and save yourself and your sex life.

    What to do with this thrush?

    To share with the thrush forever, you need to follow a whole complex of medical advice. Firstly, for the time of treatment, refrain from sexual contacts (you do not want fungus «Pleased» And your partner?) or use a condom. But first convince him to undergo a course of treatment from the thrush to protect it from the possible development of the Balantostite, and itself - from re-infection. To do this, enough for 3 days apply some antifungal cream. For example «Mofungar» - it does not cause allergies and does not dock clothes.

    Secondly, Use a hygienic novelty - self-adjusted napkins-gaskets with antimicrobial impregnation.

    Thirdly, Limit yourself in sweet.

    Fourth, Discard the perfume and antibacterial soap for the arms - it only contributes to the reproduction of the fungus, it is best to use the usual baby soap.

    Fifth, During the disease, do not take a bath and do not use sprays, creams, crotch flavors - these funds also contribute to the inflammation of the mucous.

    At sixth, use the white toilet paper of good quality.

    V-seventh, Wear only cotton panties and change them every day, and pull-down combidals from synthetics.

    And finally, the most important thing. For complete and irrevocable healing from the thrush, you need to use drugs that are now a great set, and in which the gynecologist will help you.

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