

  • Sources of infection
  • Ways of infection of Dithiilobotryoma
  • Forms of existence
  • Symptoms of the course of the disease Diffilobotry
  • The consequences of parasitis
  • Methods of diagnosis of Diffilobotryiosis
  • Treatment of Diphillobotryomom
  • Prevention of Diffilobotryiosis

  • Helmintosis,
    Caused by parasitis in the intestine of a man of a wide tape
    (Diphyllothrium Latum) of the largest tape helminth. Length
    An adult individual reaches 9-18 meters.

    Helmintes parasitize in the small intestine of man and animals,
    affect the liver, biliary paths, muscle tissue, internal
    Organs. Every year in the territory of Russia, Diphlobotryosis is ill
    20 thousand people. Diffilobotryosis is prevalent mainly in
    Krasnoyarsk Territory, Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula and Primorsky Territories.
    Life expectancy of a wide tape in the human body – Up to 25
    years old.

    Sources of infection

    Tapers parasitize in the subtle intestinal deposit of definitive owners
    (man, dogs, cats, foxes, sands, cunits; less often get infected
    pigs); Larkers (Plerocerco) – in various organs and tissues
    Additional owners (freshwater fish: Okun, Ersh, Trout, Nalim,
    Pike, Harius, Sig, Sudak, Goby). Intermediate owners are
    Ratchies – Cyclops. Therefore, the source of the disease for humans are
    All listed types of animals and fish.

    Ways of infection of Dithiilobotryoma

    The hosts (man, dogs, cats) are infected with the eating raw or not enough
    Termically treated fish infected with larvae Diffilobotria.This is
    There may be a prechanted ice cream fish (strikanin), raw fish
    stuffing, poorly roasted fish, insufficiently salted caviar. IN
    intestines of dogs and cats Wide tape reaches puberty for
    13-23 days and lives in the intestines of dogs 394 days, cats 21-27 days.
    The life expectancy of Helmint in a person is up to 29 years.

    Forms of existence

    The development of this parasite is associated with the water environment – Lenthet highlights out
    The body of the end host immature eggs whose development occurs
    in freshwater reservoirs. The embryo from the egg goes into the water after 1-2
    weeks, remaining viable up to 6 months. They are eagerly feed
    Small crustaceans – Daphnia and cyclops, in the intestines of which after 2-3
    Weeks they turn into larvae (probe). In turn, small
    Rackets become minor fish, in the body of which larva
    continues to ripe. In contagious shape of the larva
    turn only in large fish organism, usually predatory, eating
    Small infected with larvae fish. In the warm-creation form of tape
    turns into the body of the final owner.

    Symptoms of the course of the disease Diffilobotry

    The picture of Diffilobotriosis is expressed by the gastrointestinal disorders
    The tract, since the gelminist has a mechanical effect on the wall
    intestines in the attachment. The disease begins gradually.
    Nausea, vomiting, pain along the intestine, stool becomes
    Unstable, fever appears. For this helminthosis is very
    Characterized by severe weight loss with increased appetite.

    The consequences of parasitis

    Cases of prolonged flow of helminthosis occurs intestinal
    obstruction due to the accumulation of a large number of helminths in thin
    intestines. Heavy cases amazed cardiovascular and nervous
    systems developing hypovitaminosis B12 (Gelmint absorbs it in particular
    Large quantities of the entire surface of the body), anemia, atrophy and necrosis
    intestinal wall; Allergic reactions.

    Methods of diagnosis of Diffilobotryiosis

    Detection of eggs and segments in feces, extinguishing «Ribbons» parasite.

    Treatment of Diphillobotryomom

    Vitamin B12 is prescribed pronounced anemia to degelmintization
    Intramuscularly, iron preparations, hemostamulin, hematogen.
    Degelmintion is carried out by a single taking of the prazicvantel, as well as
    Apply a hairpin, a male fern extract, a decoction of pumpkin seeds.



    Prevention is obvious the need for careful
    thermal processing of fish and caviar before eating. Slash
    Fish brine fortress 24c by boma kills larvae for 7-8 days. IN
    The death of Plerrocerccoid death occurs at 3% ambassador (3G salts per 100g
    Icres) in 2 days, at 5% - after 30 minutes. When freezing pike
    Weighing about 2 kg at 18 with the larvae die after 4 days.

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