How to choose toothpaste? What a paste is better - hygienic or therapeutic and prophylactic? Answers you will find in the article.
It is well known to everyone that the toothpaste is the main tool. But toothpaste so much that sometimes it is difficult to choose exactly what is required. All toothpastes are divided into two groups: hygienic and medical and prophylactic, what kind of tooth pasta in front of you, you can read on the tube.
Selection of toothpaste
Hygienic Toothpastes are designed to clean healthy teeth. These pastes have a pleasant taste, smell and minor antiseptic (killing microbes) properties («Family», «Artek», «Moydodyr», «Moscow», English pasta «Promise» and etc).
With the diseases of the oral cavity teeth are recommended to clean Medical and prophylactic pasta, which contain drugs and biologically active substances. These dentists are clean and removable (at first their teeth, then prosthesis).
Medical and prophylactic toothpastes have various additives (vegetable preparations, enzymes, etc.):
- Toothpastes with the addition of vegetable preparations may contain balsamic resins, vitamin C, chlorophyll («Forest», «Chlorophyll», and etc.), tinkers («chamomile»); In chronic inflammation of the seaside tissues, you can use toothpaste «New», which contains a decoction of oak bark, has a binding, anti-inflammatory effect; Aero root extract, yarrow and cloves, essential oils, vitamins A, C, K, tanning substances contains toothpaste «Ira»; paste «Erilelex» It contains extract from 10 medicinal plants, and has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and healing effect, it is effective in the disease of the mild oral tissue; Toothpaste «Periodontal» with extracts of therapeutic herbs (Echinacea, rosemary, horsetail, sage, walnut) has bactericidal, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties and is used for periodontal diseases;
- Toothpastes containing salt additives dissolve the dental flare, clean the teeth, have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate the smell of mouth, reduce the bleeding of the gums, stimulate the process of restoring tissues («Pomorin», «Mary», «Balm», «Phytopomorin» and etc);
- Toothpastes with proteolytic enzymes (dissolving organic substances) have elevated cleansing properties, they dissolve the collapse on the teeth, have an anti-inflammatory effect; For example, toothpaste «Special» and etc.;
Toothpastes containing biologically active additives, such as pastes containing honey and other beekeeping products, have antifungal, painkillers, contribute to healing wounds, adversely affect the simplest microorganisms available in the oral cavity («Bee», «Propolisova»);
- Toothpastes containing minerals (calcium and phosphorus salts) are used to treat increased sensitivity and high herald of the enamel of teeth, with inflammation of near-free tissues, for the prevention of caries of teeth; They strengthen the enamel, increasing its resistance to various impacts («Pearl», «Remodent», «Muscovite» and etc.).
- Fluorine-containing toothpastes are used for the prevention and treatment of caries of teeth and non-carious lesions; Fluoro protects teeth from destruction and infection («Fluorodent», «Colgate», «Pepsodent», «Amigo Plus», «Pepsodent Plus», «New pearl» and etc.);
- toothpastes with bactericidal (killing microbes) action; For example, «Hhexodent» Contains chlorhexidine, «COLGEAT TOTAL» - The combination of substances such as triclosan, sodium fluoride - it protects for a long time against inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
- Whitening toothpastes contain a large number of exfoliating substances and clean the dental flare, but when they are applied, accurate dosage and a certain application of appliqués are important («Blend-A-Med Soda Bicarbonate», «Fluorodent cedar forest», containing cedar oil and fir); «Smokers Toothpaste» also has in its composition exfoliating substances; paste is used to secure the effect after removing the dental dentist, but not more often once a week, as it partially removes enamel.
- Toothpastes containing various components, such as, «COLGEAT HERBAL», Contains calcium, fluorine, as well as chamomile extracts, sage, mirraine and eucalyptus, providing gum care; «AquafreSch» - calcium and fluorine glycera phosphate, it cleans the flare from the teeth, prevents caries, destroys bacteria, strengthens the gums.
Carefully selected toothpaste will help you to properly care for the oral cavity and prevent the diseases of the teeth and the near-theft fabrics.