Giardiasis - dirty hand disease


    What is giardiasis

    Giardiasis & ndash; Durious hand diseaseIf the child complains of general weakness, reduced appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and even periodically emerging vomiting, stool disorders (more often in the form of diarrhea), and small children begin to lose weight, capricious, become irritable, inattentive, - it is necessary to take care, perhaps in the child giardiasis.

    Giardiasis - a classic disease «Dirty hands». Infection of giardia children most often happens through hands and objects of life (toys, handles, pencils and t. D.) contaminated with the cysts of Lamblii, when using low-quality, contaminated products.

    It is possible to infect a person through water infected with lasballs in the breakthrough of sewage water into the water supply line or under poor water in the water supply system in some locations. The issue of infection of a person with domestic animals is discussed, but so far indefinite evidence is not enough.

    Especially high likelihood of infection with giardia in children's pre-school groups. Studies of scientists have proven that up to 70% of children aged 1 to 14 years old, especially attending kindergartens and nursery, are carriers of giardia.

    Infection comes from one child to another at low levels of sanitary and hygienic skills. In the same way adults are infected, infecting children in the family. Usually in families where there is one or more children with giardiasis, there are 100% infection of all family members.

    Against the imperfection of the immune system in young children, the incomplete formation of the digestive system of Giardia is the pathogenic agents. Children suffering from giardiasis complain of general weakness, reduced appetite, pain in the abdomen, nausea and even periodically emerging vomiting, stool disorders (more often in the form of diarrhea). Children, especially small, begin to lose weight gradually, Capricious, become irritable, inattentive.

    What the giardiasis is manifested

    In most cases, the disease proceeds asymptomatic. If it came to the manifestation of the disease, the symptoms of enteritis appear inflammation of the small intestine): nausea, saliva, loss of appetite, pain in the octopuspic region, bloating. Chair 2-5 times a day, abundant, liquid, foam, green, with a sharp smell. With severe forms of the disease, food suction may be disturbed, which is manifested by weight loss.

    These manifestations of the disease coincide with the period of intensive breeding of Giardia in the small intestine. Giardia intervene in the normal process of digestion, violate it, thereby caused the disease of the gastrointestinal tract of the child.

    Very often, lamblias are the base for allergic diseases in children: toxins (poisonous products of vital activity) secreted by giardias are upset by the already insufficiently developed immune system, the child appears rash on the skin, allergic cough, may be the sudden sharp manifestations of allergy - urticaria and Sweet Qincke. Giardiasis aggravates the flow of almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to their exacerbation and complications.

    It should be known that most of the children and adults with good health, adequate nutrition, the full lifestyle of Lambliax soon die, getting into the stomach and the initial division of the intestine. This is due to the fact that a healthy body itself is actively fighting with the simplest, they are dying and the disease does not occur.

    In such cases, special treatment is not necessary. But in the presence of pathology of the digestive system, foci of chronic infection (adenoids, tonsillitis, caries, intestinal dysbiosis, etc.), weakened immunity by other diseases - the disease is inevitable!

    How to treat giardiasis

    The disease is established when the vegetative forms or cysts are detected in feces, as well as living giardia in the contents of the small intestine.

    Methods of detection of parasite antigens appeared. These studies are notable, but expensive and are used only in single laboratories of our country.

    Antiparasitic drugs are used for treatment, the normal intestinal flora is restored. Of great importance is the full nutrition during treatment.

    You can avoid infection with giardia, if from the very early age to develop the simplest hygienic skills in the child.

    Memo parents

    Giardiasis & ndash; Durious hand diseaseParents! You yourself need to remember those simple rules that you will get rid of you and your child from infection with giardia and other parasites.

    Food should be used only fresh and benign products. Carefully monitor storage and cooking. At home, all necessary measures should be taken to make food microbes, cysts and eggs of parasites, chemicals in products.

    Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and teach the child before each meal, after pollution, walks, animal games, and in all other cases, wash your hands.

    Keep track of your manners and behavior of a child while eating, observe the hygienic regulations for meals; Use only clean food instruments, in no way allow the child to use someone else's or at least once used with dishes and devices.

    Keep your hands and appearance of the child. Cut the nails in a timely manner, learn it from the bad habit of gnawing the tips of the nails, suck your fingers, handles, pencils and all other items that can be infected with giardia or eggs of other worms.

    If your family has domestic animals - be careful. Child after playing with a cat, a dog or other animals must necessarily wash his hands. Prohibit the child to kiss the animal, call to the dining table and the place where food is preparing. This is not only nonhygienic, but also produces the wrong habits in the animal. In no case, do not allow children to approach and especially to play with stray and homeless animals, and do not apply a bad example to the child.

    It is only a small part of those sanitary and hygienic rules that will avoid your child an unpleasant consequences of infection with parasites. Beware of infectious and parasitic diseases!

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