What is giardiasis


  • Giardiasis
  • As the giardiasis manifests itself
  • How to diagnose and treatment of giardiasis

  • Giardiasis

    Giardiasis (hyardiosis) - a disease caused by a single-cellular parasite of intestinal giardia - Giardia (Lamblia) Intestinalis, which is introduced into the intestinal tissue.

    often occurs among children, as well as among certain categories
    adults, in particular in people often traveling to developing countries,
    and also in patients with chronic pancreatitis, low acidity
    Gastric juice and people with remote stomach.

    occurs by transmitting a cyst of a parasite from man to man. Straight
    Transmission takes direct contact of the patient person
    with healthy (including sexual intercourse), indirect - through dirty food
    and water.

    As the giardiasis manifests itself

    What is giardiasis
    In most cases
    The disease proceeds asymptomatic. If it came to clinical
    manifestations appear symptoms enteritis: nausea, salivation, loss
    Appetite, pain in the octopuspic region, bloating. Chair 2-5 times
    per day, abundant, liquid, frothy, green, with a sharp smell.

    With severe forms of the disease, food suction may be disturbed, which is manifested by weight loss.

    Giardiasis can cause dyskinesia of biliary tract, neurasthenic syndrome.

    acquires a protracted character if a person neglects a personal
    hygiene and swallows the cysts of the causative agent allocated with the feces.
    In other cases, self-excretion is possible.

    How to diagnose and treatment of giardiasis

    Diagnostics is the detection of the pathogen in the samples of intestinal juice
    (from duodenal) and feces. Since the disease can last
    for a long time, and parasites are derived without certain periodicity,
    Could need repeat research.

    For treatment
    Use antiparasitic drugs, restore normal
    Intestinal flora. Of great importance is the full nutrition during

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