How to get rid of parasites that are not


How to get rid of parasites that are not

Let's start, perhaps, with traditional medicine, which is generously
offers an impressive pack of recipes for exile from the body of parasites.

Herbalism is ineffective against parasites. Moreover, it
dangerous! All simple. Take, for example, pyrhy and wormwood, which are considered
the most effective anthelmintic herbs. In those concentrations that
can poison parasites, these herbs are dangerous for a person, because they can
To poison it. In the same quantities who recommend herbalists and
Numerous forums and articles, and wormwood, and Pijm, and others «Anticline»
Herbs are completely ineffective. In addition, hitting the parasites of a small and
non-critical to survive the number of poisoning can lead to extremely
Unwanted effect. Namely: frightened parasites can penetrate through
intestinal walls in search of another comfortable habitat. Any output
parasites from them «Right» The range threatens the health and life of a person and
requires immediate medical intervention.

By the way, anthelmintic pharmaceutical preparations obtained
The organism is low dosage, have the same action «frightening» parasites.

Unfortunately, even at the beginning of the XXI century, some doctors believe that
Take degelminics need to be preventive and not less than once a year. And it is possible without
Recipe, because «We spend dogs and cats preventive
Antiparasitic treatment», it means that people not only can be, but also need. What
Antiparasitic drugs are far from harmless, overlooked. With any
violations in the work of the heart, liver, kidney degelminting can be
contraindicated. So engage in self-medication without having a thorough
inspections for the presence of parasites in the body, it is impossible in no case!

Instead of scaring you with states that can
Call parasites living in the intestines, remind of antiparasitic measures,
uncomplicated and required.

  1. How to get rid of parasites that are notMoyte
    Hands in front of food. And not just rinse, but wash them with warm water with
    soap. With you in the bag should always be wet wipes and a bottle with
    Antiseptic gel. By the way, about gel. Not everyone knows but it's on
    today is the most efficient and easy way to keep elementary
    Hygiene. Before taking over your underwear in the public toilet,
    Remember that you just touched the door handle and latch,
    which up to you concerned hundreds of the hands of the most varying degrees «Purity». Sick
    on the palm drop antiseptics — elementary!
  2. Thoroughly
    wash with brushing and warm water all fruits and vegetables, including your own, from the garden on
    dacha. A common idea that everything that has grown in the native
    Groke, «clean» — no more than myth, if only you do not water your
    landing distilled or boiled water.
  3. Keep
    in perfect cleanliness. Wash your paws with warm water with soap —
    just like your hands after the street or landing. Do not let
    cats outside the apartment.
  4. Forget
    that he caught on the floor three seconds can remain clean. Roniaya
    Paul Apple and thinking quickly to raise it and continue to eat, think about,
    Whether you want to lick the place where it just fell. Surely not? Even
    After you have half a day separately flooded floors with cleaning
    Tools? For the same reasons, the food falling on the floor should return to you in
    mouth only after washing. And do not spare this unfortunate piece of dear
    Smoked sausage! Praise your health.
  5. AND
    last thing. What would «bloodthirsty» You have differed, put the cross on
    steaks with blood and authentic sushi. Without blood you can live long. BUT
    Here with the presence of multi-meter worms in the intestine — maybe just for a long time,
    but hardly so happy.

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