Dependence on Hormonal Preparations for Bronchial Asthma


  • What is the harm of hormonal drugs with bronchial asthma?
  • No — Tablets, yes — Inhalers with bronchial asthma!
  • Step One: eliminate agonizing factors
  • Step Two: Transition to Inhalation Preparations for Bronchial Asthma

  • Hormonal preparations for bronchial asthma in the treatment of adults are used for a long time and quite successfully. Their use allows you to stop an allergic reaction, reduce inflammation and eliminate bronchospasm. But if today in the arsenal doctors there are inhalation forms of hormones acting directly in bronchi, then before therapy was dominated by tablets. Some patients continue to take these systemic drugs, despite their indulgence and threat of development.

    What is the harm of hormonal drugs with bronchial asthma?

    Dependence on Hormonal Preparations for Bronchial AsthmaAt bronchial asthma, steroid (glucocorticoid) hormones, the therapeutic effect of which is accompanied by the oppression of the adrenal function, sometimes after 1-2 years, the harm is harmful, surpasses the healing effect of hormones. Steroid diabetes, systemic vasculitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cataract, osteoporosis sometimes deliver more problems to the patient than bronchial asthma. Nevertheless, refuse to receive hormones immediately and forever it is not possible due to the threat of the development of severe exacerbation of the disease. In fact, the patient has a dependence on these drugs — Hormonally dependent bronchial asthma.

    Hormonally dependent ASTMA is characterized by a hard flow, frequent exacerbations, severe attacks of suffocation with a high risk of asthmatic status, actually, so patients are forced to constantly take hormonal drugs. However, systemic hormones for the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults are sometimes assigned unreasonable, even before other ways of controlling the disease are used. The patient continues to contact with an allergen, lives in the walls covered with mold, sleeps on the feat pillows, contains pets and even trying to eliminate these factors. However, it is possible to abandon the tablets, well, or at least reduce their dose to a safe level.

    No — Tablets, yes — Inhalers with bronchial asthma!

    First of all, it is necessary to warp the patients: with bronchial asthma, folk treatments do not apply, do not reduce the doses of drugs — This is fraught with severe exacerbations exacerbating the course of the disease. The question of the transition from tableted forms of hormones on inhalation drugs is solved only in conjunction with the doctor, but much in the treatment of asthma depends only on the patient.

    Step One: eliminate agonizing factors

    No & ndash; Tablets, yes - inhalers with bronchial asthma!Considering that at the heart of the development of the attack of the suffocation, the reaction of intolerance, the presence of allergens always agrees the situation and forces the use of systemic hormonal drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Search «His» Allergen and its elimination allow us to reduce the amount and intensity of the exacerbations of the disease, and therefore reduce the dose of drugs. A visit to an allergist will help to find an irritant, reduce its concentration and even eliminate him at all.

    In the name of health, you will have to part with a domestic pet. The treatment of bronchial asthma in adults requires refusing to keep cats, dogs, rodents and birds, even if allergic samples did not reveal the disease. The fact is that the human body reacts not even to the wool used to form the reactions, but on the saliva of the animal.

    For the same reason in the house there is no place to pots with alive plants, duplicate blankets, feathered pillows and wool carpets. Books must be stored in closed cabinets, wet cleaning to carry out regularly and carefully.

    During contact with the allergen, it does not have to count on the reduction of the dose of hormones and the transition to inhalers. With hormonally dependent bronchial asthma, it is impossible to smoke, tobacco smoke annoys bronchi and contributes to the maintenance of inflammation. By the way, inflammatory processes in the sinuses of the nose, nasopharynk, sip and larynx should also be eliminated.

    Treatment of hormonally dependent bronchial asthma in adults requires an analysis of the surrounding patient. The patient himself must make sure that his house is safe and comfortable for living.

    Step Two: Transition to Inhalation Preparations for Bronchial Asthma

    What preparations are used to treat bronchial asthmaUsually used for the treatment of bronchial asthma, preparations in tablets are replaced by inhalation combined drugs consisting of hormones and revented bronchologists. Such drugs act at the localization site of the pathological process, directly in bronchi, practically do not affect the body as a whole and allow control of bronchial asthma. However, immediately and completely abandon the tablets is impossible, with bronchial asthma, they use a gradual decrease in the dosages of system hormones with a smooth increase of doses of inhalation drugs. And the pace of transition from one form to another individual, in some cases the adjustment of the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults takes 6-8 months, in others — whole year. In any case, the efforts of the doctor and the patient are rewarded with success.

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