Nine mistakes about parasites


In recent years, in the countries of the former USSR, increasing helmints is becoming more. Doctors associate this tendency with soil contamination by eggs of worms, discharge of wastewater, increased population migration, low material and sanitary level and t.D.

Like any large-scale problem, gliste diseases generate a lot of delusions. Here are the most common of them.

Cleers – The problem of the underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa, we have nothing to worry about

In fact, the problem of worms is relevant worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, only Askarids are affected worldwide about 1.2 billion people per year. And not all of them – Residents of developing countries. Every third European is «owner» one or more types of helminths.

If you follow the rules of hygiene, worms are not scary

Nine mistakes about parasites

This statement is true only in part. Indeed, if you keep your hands clean, there are only moyful vegetables and fruits – risk pick up «Portion» The eggs of helminths from the soil significantly

Reduced. However, similar «present» You can get both with the meat of an infected animal, and from the beloved cat or dog, and even the swallowing a little water when bathing in an open reservoir.

In meat from the store eggs of worms there is no

Not only meat from shops, but also that is sold in the markets, it is obliged to undergo a study for the presence of eggs and parasite larva. However, one hundred percent guarantees do not all equal. After all, there are several small samples from different parts of a piece of meat for microscopy, and if there are few eggs, they may simply not get into the material for the study. In addition, there are still unscrupulous merchants who are committed to selling meat that has not passed due control…

In thermally processed products, helminths die

This statement is fair, but not for all types of worms. The fact is that the larvae of some of them (including one of the most dangerous – Trichinells), developing in animal muscles, covered with a dense capsule rich in calcium. This capsule protects the larva of the parasite from the action of high temperature, but dissolves in the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, allowing helminth «settle» human organism.

Gloves are infected only by dysfunctional segments of the population

Not true. The risk is almost the same, only the paths of infection are different. Provided person can buy himself «Nahlebnik», sowing raw fish (for example, sushi) or roast beef with blood; when bathing in a reservoir; from pet and t.D.

Chief sign of infection with worms – Good appetite with good appetite

In fact, the subtleties of metabolism – Individual thing. Someone may have everything that wants, at any time, and stay thin without any parasites. Especially since loss of weight, as the result of the melting invasion, appears only in the later stages of the development of the disease, when a large amount appears in the body «dependents».

In general, helminths can no longer show themselves, and the person feels almost healthy. The most frequent complaints when infected with worms are nonspecific, it is:

  • nausea, salivation;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • skin itching, allergies (up to bronchial asthma);
  • asthenia, nervousness, irritability;
  • Pain in muscles and joints.

Grind your teeth in a dream in children – Sign of infection of worms

Although research on this topic was repeatedly carried out, the connection between the worms and the dental gnage was never found. Crushing with teeth in a dream (Brooksism) arises due to improper bite, diseases of the ENT organs or nerve disorders.

More reliable sign of child infection with worms – Itching in the crotch. Often he worries children affected by the sharp. This happens because during the night's sleep, the female of the molds crashes from the rear pass to postpone the eggs in the folds around the anal hole. This is «event» accompanied by itching, sometimes so intense that the child wakes up. And the eggs are aspid under the nails, «mined» for cheannia, serve as a source of re-infection.

Do not drink «Chemical» Medicines from worms, because there are many secure folk remedies

Exactly the opposite. Most of the folk antickels or ineffective (for example, onions and garlic), or very toxic and even poisonous (for example, a male fern). At the same time, modern pharmaceutical preparations are highly efficient and relatively low-toxic.

From the worms you can get rid of enema

First, many helminths live outside the intestine, or in the upper part of his departments, where the contents of the belly can not come in principle. Secondly, worms-parasites living in the lower intestinal deposits are not bad for this adapted. They are firmly attached to the intestine mucosa with suction cups or teeth, and some generally introduce their head end into the intestine wall. Therefore, the enema can cause them no more harm than a person – Wash under the shower.

Thus, no one is insured against helminths one hundred percent. Therefore, adults, and children stands at least once a few years to pass tests to the glitstic invasion, even if nothing bothers. It does not take away a lot of strength, time and money, at the same time helping to get rid of the unreasonable «tenants».

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