How to improve memory and attention without drugs


— Doctor, I have in memory failures.
— And long ago it is?
— What long ago?
— Dips.
— What dips?
(Bearded anecdot)

How to improve memory and attention without drugsDid you have complained at least once that you constantly forget to make the planned? Whether you were set asking how to improve memory and attention without resorting to doubtful medicines and unverified biological additives? On the Internet there are many information about how to develop and improve the memory of the child, but little is written about how to improve memory and attention to the adult, whose brain is no longer as susceptible, how children. We decided to fill this annoying gap and share ways to persuade your brain to work more than the standard ten percent.

Secret first: have to work

It would be possible to write a banal instruction from the series «How to develop and improve memory easy and simple», But it would be a frank lie. Without difficulty, easily and without applying efforts, memory will remain a hole, and phone numbers, and names, and important dates will fall into the cutters. The first rule sounds like this: to get good memory, you need to train it — everyday.

Even if you were born with perfect ability to memorize, you easily devalue all your natural potential, if you do not pay attention to your gift.

Secret Two: Nowhere without routing

Whatever you do, no matter how much you want to improve the memory, if you regularly get a post, on weekends to sleep until noon, and in addition it is not fully, but there is no snack when, you can forget about the development of memory. Take the handle and write down.

  • To brain worked without failures, you must go to midnight. Do not share the fact that tomorrow you can sleep up to ten in the morning. Better Liege at 23:00, and set the alarm clock at 7:00–8:00. Biological watches do not fool: rare nortified «Owl» really feel cheerful and fresh, if you lie down in three or four in the morning, and get up in the middle of the afternoon. Everyone else just shot down normal «sleepy» rhythm.
  • Sleep in the dark. Hang on windows dark dense curtains, wear a mask for sleep, cover with a blanket — come up with anything, just don't let yourself sleep when you eat. Even stripes of light from lanterns on the ceiling and walls are prevented from producing melatonin. By the way, yes, get the house melatonin in tablets. If not it is instead of dinner, but to use in emergency, it is harmless. For example, you are transported today and feel that you can't fall asleep on time.
  • The bedroom should be cool. Tired of the day of the brain needs a large amount of oxygen. Leaving before bedtime in the shower, open the window or the balcony door — Your head will tell you thanks. And half-cup of hot milk (by the way, good sleeping pills) and warm socks will be helped.

Secret third: again we are about banalities

You say that we are already tired with this endless physical activity. And we are not going to lag behind you. No one has yet corrected health without movement. Not to lose weight nor cure a chronic disease, nor strengthen the immunity, it is impossible to improve memory, if you move only between the refrigerator, sofa, elevator and the machine.

Go around sports! If you «And so do it», Passing on a day Six hundred meters from stop to the house, you can be congratulated with a stronger illusion of sports and with stringless forgetfulness. Sport — It is every day to run, at least ten minutes. Sport — it's five kilometers a day in vigor. Sport — it's an hour of swimming a week, hour «gland» In the gym and four hours of active stretching.

Ride a bike and rollers, climb the walls on the climber, jump on the trampoline, play football and get involved in hiking — This is sport. Play checkers and chess, solve crosswords, even cut into «Preference» — sport, only brain, which also need you like air.

Secret fourth: food for mind

Six tips How to develop and improve memoryLogical to continue the list started above. Read, but not only a humor column in complimentary newspapers and a TV program, but also as many books as possible. Read Russian and foreign classics, read modern and verses, read modern authors on the Internet and blogs of psychologists, writers and just interesting people.

Decide puzzles, play board games (they are now a huge set!), download yourself, finally, on the phone there are several games that train attention, memory and smelting. Use the resources that surround you! Or in sixty you will find unslapted failures in memory, if, of course, do not suffer.

Secret Fifth: Body Food

Eat the right food! Forget about tight diet, depriving you mind and memory. Eat many carbohydrates — Only the right, complex. Get enough fats, just not from buns and biscuits on margarine, but the correct — from olive oil, meat and avocado. Provide yourself with the necessary minimum protein, without which it is impossible to build and restore brain cells.

Eat a lot of greens, from time to time give yourself a vitamin courses, drink fresh juices and indoor yourself with exotic fruits.

Secret Six: Training-in-yourself

You can train memory and needed using... Memory training. That's how trivially. Learn poems and pieces of prose by heart, remember phone numbers (because in childhood you knew not one tens of them). Remember everything you can remember without recording — and you will have your memory a huge service. After all, it can be more pleasant than eighty years, surrounding yourself with the rightmarks, in the details of the details telling how in twenty you committed madness.

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