

  • Sources of infection
  • Ways of infection trichinelles
  • Forms of existence
  • Symptoms of the course of the disease
  • The consequences of parasitis
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Treatment of trichinelosis
  • Trichinleza Prevention
  • Remember

  • This is a disease
    meets in all countries, especially where the population uses in
    Food Pork, Barschye and Bear Meat. Trichinells adapted to very
    A wide range of owners: parasitize in 70 species of mammals. More
    Togo, scientists have registered trichinells of a new, vigorous species, and
    also inclusion of a parasite in the life cycle of different types of birds. In Russia
    There is a tendency of more frequent infection of pigs. My
    Viability with favorable conditions for them, trikins can
    save up to 20 or more years.

    Sources of infection

    refer to natural focal diseases, as the main carriers
    and sources are wild animals (bear, badger, boar). Same
    A significant role in the dissemination of the disease is played by insects that
    enter the organism of animals together with vegetable food. Pigs
    infected with tricheniralosis when eating raw garbage and food residues, and
    Also from rats.

    Ways of infection trichinelles

    a person occurs when eating raw or past
    Insufficient thermal processing of wild animals and pigs, which
    Contains the larvae of this helminth (kebab, smoked, sausages,
    Sophisticated and boiled sausage). Pure fat animals does not contain
    Triynell larvae, whereas smoked and salty fat fat
    streaks to use extremely dangerous. From one person to another
    Trichinelle is not transmitted.

    Forms of existence

    The development of trichinell in humans and animals occurs the same type and includes intestinal, migration and muscular phases:

    • Intestinal phase. Infection occurs when eating meat containing
      Encapsulated larvae trichinell. In the process of digestion in the stomach and
      The duodenal intestine of the capsule is destroyed, which takes approximately 1
      hour. Young Trichinells, being in the lumen of duodenal,
      ripen for 3-4 days, after which the females begin to postpone
      Lichwood. This process lasts from 10 to 45 days, and after its end
      Females are shortly dying. The term of the intestinal stage - 42-56 days. Female
      postpones up to 2100 larvae;
    • Migration phase. Lymphatic paths are in the current
      blood and spread throughout the body. Migration them start approximately
      on day 6 from the moment of infection;
    • Muscular phase. The sedimentation of the larvae occurs in transverse and striped
      muscles. The first, while still a few larvae appear there already on
      6-7 days. They are unevenly distributed, preferring the Mimic,
      respiratory, chewing muscles, diaphragm, limb flexors.
      Axes in muscles, larvae increase in size about 10 times,
      twisted in the spiral and by 17-18 days they become able to infect
      next owner. By 3-4 weeks around the larvae formed capsules,
      the wall of which a year later covered with lime. In such a type of larva
      remains viable up to 25 years. Those larvae who did not get into
      muscles fast dying. In the human body helminths on not
      develop. To continue the life cycle, they need to get into
      Rat's intestines or pig. In the organisms of these animals occurs
      The main period of the existence of Trichinelle.

    Symptoms of the course of the disease

    trichinosis disease depends on the number of larvae in
    organism. Deadly dose for man – 5 larvae per 1 kg of mass
    Patient. Symptoms of the disease depends on the stage of development of Trichinelle
    in the human body.

    Three stages of development of trichinylsees are distinguished:

    • Stage 1 (invasion): develops a week after infection when
      Half-green helminths are actively multiplied. There is a loss
      appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and colic;
    • Stage 2 (dissertation): comes 10 days after infection,
      when trichinells penetrate through the mucous membrane of the small intestine and
      Migrate in cross-striped muscles. This stage is characterized by swelling
      Persons (especially eyelids), muscle pain (primarily in hand and legs),
      rash on the skin, itching, burning, temperature rise to 38-40 s. IN
      Heavy cases are affected by respiratory, cardiovascular,
      central nervous system;
    • Stage 3 (encapsulation): comes during recovery,
      Usually a week after the second stage. But in the muscles of a man capsule
      Leave large erosion. Triynell's larvae with blood current are spread
      all the body and stop in skeletal muscles in certain
      muscle groups. Most often larvae hit the diaphragm, chewable,
      intercostal and deltid muscles rarely – Muscles eye.

    The consequences of parasitis

    gives complications on the respiratory tract, central nervous and
    Cardiovascular system. With very hard course develop
    Immunopathological reactions leading to diffuse focal
    Myocarditis, Pneumonia, Meningoencefalitis. In rare cases, this
    The disease leads to death.

    Diagnostic methods

    there is a suspicion of trichinellez, it is important to remember that the sick
    used in food lately (pork or items from it, not
    underwent sufficient heat treatment), and if there is an opportunity,
    Explore the meat that consumed the patient. It is necessary to differentiate
    Trichinelles from typhoid and paratifous infections, Orz, measles, rubella,
    acute stage of other gelminths.

    Laboratory research is played in diagnostics. On the
    Stages of invasion in feces can be detected adult trichinells and their
    Lichwood. Reliable method is the biopsy of muscle tissue and
    Immunological reactions, especially skin-allergic test. Great
    Methods of immununimal analysis (ELISA), to identify
    Specific to trichinells of antibodies generated by the immune system
    infected. Immunoglobulins class M appear after 14-15 days
    After infection, the concentration of them reaches the maximum on October 4-12.
    Persons with suspicion of trichinellosis with weakly bedrid or
    A negative result is recommended to repeat the research of the ELISA through
    10-14 days. U to the trichinosis of people specific antibodies
    can be maintained up to 2 or more.

    Treatment of trichinelosis

    Treatment is carried out by the Mintizol (Tiaabendazole). Vermoks
    (Nebentazol), Albendazole, who have a destructive effect
    on intestinal trichinell and developing larvae released from capsules,
    embryos in the uterus of fertilized females, so the greatest effect
    observed in the first two weeks after infection. At the same time prescribe
    Antihistamines. Corticosteroids are shown in developing
    Myocardan, pneumonite (big doses, but short courses). But with light
    The course of the disease is not prescribed, as they contribute to increasing
    Reproductive activity of females of parasites and slow down the process
    encapsulation. Sometimes with intensive invasion and insufficient treatment
    anthelmintic drugs 1-2 weeks after the end of the sharp
    Manifestations arise relapses associated with the resumption
    reproductive activity of females remaining in the intestine. At
    Setting the fact of re-infection is carried out by Vermoks.
    Discharge patients after the restoration of motor ability,
    Normalization of the ECG and the functions of the internal organs, under observation
    infectious examination with the recommendation of restriction of physical exertion (after
    severe trichinellosis), as muscle pains can be saved in
    2-6 months.

    Trichinleza Prevention

    trichinosis infection warnings should be prepared correctly
    Pork, wild boar meat, badgers, nutria, bears, others
    omnivorous and carnivory animals. Store raw pork meat and products from
    it follows frozen. So that trichinells died, temperature
    inside meat when cooking should be at least 65s, its color
    must change with pink on gray. Fighting trichinelles
    lies in the destruction of rats living in a pigsty, check
    coming for sale meat. Do not buy meat products without
    Stamps on carcasses and ham.


    Trichinell easily tolerate long-term cooling, warming, salting and
    Smoking meat. To destroy them can cook for at least two
    half hours with thickness of pieces of no more than 8 cm. Prepare Shashil
    It is necessary with the use of vinegar, which kills trichinell larvae.
    Trichinells in meat are very resistant to external influences, more than
    bovine or pork cystisserki. With the usual temperature of frozen meat
    (-10 c) larvae «Trichinella spiralis» Survive long, at -12 from to 57
    days, at -18 from to 21 hours. Lichwood «Trichinella Nativa» withstand
    freezing to -23 s for 3 days, and at -16 with they save
    Invasionship for 20 months. At temperatures above +50 with larvae
    survive for a few minutes, but you need to remember that when
    Preparation of meat dishes Such a temperature is achieved in the depths of a piece
    far from always. During the ambassador, the larvae can be kept in the depths of a piece
    up to 1 year.

    treatment of parasitosis drugs have heavy side
    Effects: inxication syndrome, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain,
    Allergic reactions, violation of blood composition, neurological

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