Baby constipation


  • Causes of children's constipation
  • Treatment of children's constipation

  • If the child has the first 3 months of life chair 1-2 times a day
    and less, you need to consult with your doctor. For children receiving
    Drawing, constipation is considered to be a chair less than 1 time per day.

    In addition to
    Reducing the frequency of acts of defecation in constipation in children can be observed
    Reduced appetite, abdominal pain. In chronic constipation increases
    Stool volume.

    Causes of children's constipation

    Constipation can be
    one of the manifestations of diseases not related directly
    With the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (such as Rahit, hypothyroidism).
    However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, constipation is due to problems with
    The intestine itself.

    During the digestion of the intestinal wall
    Wavely reduced, pushing the contents to the outlet, - this phenomenon is called peristaltic or intestinal motor.

    Two main variants of intestinal motility disorders:

    • If
      The chair of the child is very rare, accompanied by a bloating, when
      Empty of the intestine Volume of cartium masses (like an adult)
      - It can be assumed that he has the so-called atonic constipation.
      Atonic is called constipation associated with insufficient
      The contractile activity of the intestine. At the same time, the child can long
      missing for defecation. Forced measures (long-term
      plant planting) usually only aggravate the situation and fix
      Negative child attitude to what is happening.
    • Tight chair,
      consisting of solid smooth rods (the so-called «Hope Cal»),
      abdominal pain, and sometimes pain in defecation indicate how
      Rule about spastic constipation. Spast constipation arise as a result of spasms (increased contractile activity) of the intestine.

    Some cases stool stands out in the form of a ribbon or thin.
    In such a situation, a child should be advised by a surgeon for
    Exceptions of organic pathology of the rectum (narrowing,

    Treatment of children's constipation

    Should I put the enema when
    Repair? Often it is not necessary to resort to enemas, because at the same time oppress
    Natural casuals for defecation and violates normal formation
    Reflex. However, it is possible to use this anem,
    Observing all the necessary recommendations.

    Baby constipation
    Cliza volume for a child
    up to 1 month is 30 ml, for a child 1-3 months - 30-40 ml (the most
    Little enema, filled not to the end), for a child 3-6 months -
    90 ml, 6-12 months - 120-180 ml. It is important to remember that water in the enema
    must be not warm, and room temperature (22-240c) (in warm water
    Quickly dissolve and subsequently easily absorbed into the bloodstream
    Curious toxic substances accumulated in the intestines). If it seems to you that
    No complete intestinal cleansing occurred, do not rush: usually after
    The first portion, provoked by enema, is an independent chair.
    The enemas should be carried out by the doctor, since it can
    There are serious complications.

    With any constipation, it is important to
    The child received enough liquid. In atony's constipation well
    Helps the massage of the front abdominal wall clockwise,
    Laying on the belly, weak tactile irritation of anus. At
    Spastic constipation possible use of children's candles with glycerin.
    Introduce any foreign substances (soap, baby oil and t.NS.)
    in the rectum should not.

    Treatment of constipation, especially
    chronic, impossible without regime. It is advisable to teach
    child to the intestinal emptying at the same time every day. For
    stimulation of defecation can give the child to drink cold water, fruit
    (for example, apple) juice in the age dose. These activities are necessary
    spend daily at the same time.

    Without appointing a doctor
    Using medicinal laxatives is not recommended: they
    can lead to increased gas formation and cause unpleasant
    Feeling in the child.

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