How to recognize signs of rubella in children?


  • Make a vaccine — secure
  • World Health Organization for Child Health
  • Reaction to rubella and its manifestations

  • Probably, this is one of the most easily recognizable childhood diseases, when the symptoms are obviously on the face: lethargy, weakness, body temperature rise, swallowing, runny nose and, of course, red-pink rash, which begins in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, and then goes down And below, covering the chest and the back of the baby, its buttocks and hips. Infectious rubella virus is very easy through laughter, conversations, joint games. The incubation period lasts 21 days, smoothly flowing in the period of the long-term, manifesting the above signs of rubella. Based on the main signs of acute rubella in children, it can be easily distinguished from allergies, and to confirm the diagnosis of the disease, various serological tests and blood test on antibodies, which usually appear 2 weeks after infection. Personal kids have immunoglobulins in high titers. An indicator of acute rubella in the blood is IG M and Ig A antibodies, then the titers are reduced, but the level of IG G antibodies remains high for life, as a sign that infection has already been.

    Make a vaccine — secure

    The prevention of the disease lies in the immediate insulation of the diseased, but 5 days after the rash, the child is no longer contagious, and you can not fear the rubella virus in children directly through this media. Very often young parents disturb the question: «Does you need a graft with rubella?» Medicine is definitely answered: «Yes!» This vaccination, which is carried out by one of the very first in the life of the child and its effectiveness is very high — 95%. Vaccine is preparing from a weakened strain, and make a vaccination from acute infectious rubella in every children's district polyclinic. I don't have a vaccination against rubella, children carry it easily, but benefit and protect in the child's fence against the danger of infection, it is difficult to overestimate.

    World Health Organization for Child Health

    Thanks to the Vaccination Policy, which is carried out under the non-grade control of the World Health Organization, the disease becomes more and more rare and proceeds much easier. Plan of events for vaccination of children against this infection from 12 months developed in 1997, the revenue was revenue to the age of 6 years and the immunization of girls at 13. After vaccination, the child can increase the temperature for 3-5 days, a small rash, cough, runny nose,, in one word, a complete set of signs of rubella in children, but the condition is not heavy and fear usually does not cause. Vaccination is shown not only to children, but also adults, especially women from a risk group. The reaction to the osyla rubella in the future mother can manifest itself with the syndrome of multiple defects in the baby, the so-called Triad Gregga, which is expressed in the defeat of the cardiovascular system, organs of vision and hearing, especially if the infection happens in the first 3 months of pregnancy. If infection occurs in a later date, the fetal may have anemia and various diseases of the internal organs. Among other things, such children may be a source of infection for those surrounding up to 18 months, and in older age have diseases of the nervous system. In order to prevent the disease from babies not graft, but the gamma globulin should be used in contact with patients with patients, thanks to its timely injection, the disease can proceed easily or not even develop at all.

    Reaction to rubella and its manifestations

    Describing the reaction to rubella, it should be noted its special danger for children under the age of 2 years, as well as for weakened children of different ages. However, the course of the disease is not difficult and implies treatment at home. The child is shown a slight gentle diet, peace, mode and care, which will help ensure his speedy recovery. Immunity to this infectious disease is developed steady and lifelong, it can be said that the second time is not sick of rubella, the reaction to it is usually weakened, but if unstable immunity has been developed, individual rare cases of repetition of the disease are possible.

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