What is Kor? What are the symptoms of measles? How prevention is carried out, measles vaccination? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
will go about vaccination against measles - one of the so-called children's
infections, the pathogen of which is extremely infectious, or, as they say
Experts, has high with contagious. To
get sick, it is not necessary to join close contact with the patient -
Say, come to visit him or be near public
transport - measles virus easily overcomes a distance of several
Tens of meters with air current, for example, on flight spans
at home. Thanks to this ease of distribution, the corteals refers to so
Called vattop viral infections together with rubella and windmill
Ospa. Precisely because of their widespread and contagiosity
Most people move them, while still children. After themselves
Diseases leave lifetime immunity; In other words, they like
Rule, get sick only once.
What is Kor
For many centuries, due to high mortality, King was considered
one of the most dangerous diseases of children's age. In Russia from measles
Died every fourth child, which gave rise to call it
Disease of the Children's Chumoy. Preventive measles against measles
held since 1916. After the development of a korea vaccine incidence
And the deadly outcome was able to reduce hundreds of times.
However, and in our time, measles death. According to World
Health Organization, every year around the world from Corey dies
about 900 thousand (!) Children.
As you know, viruses - infections causative agents are able to multiply
only in certain cells of the human body, which determines
Symptoms of the disease, and its severity depends on the amount of damaged
virus cells. Cory virus nourishes a special addiction to cells
respiratory system, intestines, and, important, to central cells
nervous system.
Cute can be ill at any age, among the unmapped more often
Children from 1 to 5 years. Until a year, kids are rarely sick due to small
the number of contacts and availability of passive immunity obtained from
mother during pregnancy. Such immunity is preserved no longer than 1
years after birth. If the mother did not sore a cortem, then the child can
get sick and in the first months of life.

Corey virus enters the body through the mucous membrane of the respiratory
paths and conjunctiva. From the moment of infection to the first symptoms
Diseases usually take 8-12 days, in some cases this period
lengthens up to 28 days. At the beginning of the disease, symptoms appear,
Similar: increasing general malaise, lethargy, head
Pain, the child becomes blossom, refuses to eat. Typic
Exterior view of the diseased: thoughtful face, blushing, tears
eyes. The patient is bothering a runny nose and dry cough. Temperature
rises to 39-40°C and does not decrease, despite the antipyretic
Events. For 1-2 day of the disease on the mucous membrane of the cheek
Small whitish spots appear (it is their detection that helps
Pediatrician diagnose king even before the emergence of a common rash on
child body).
And then from 4-5 days from the beginning of the disease there is a phased
The spread of the rash: first behind the ears, on the face, neck, during
The next day, rash occurs on the body and hands and on the 3rd day
appears on the feet of the child. Rash is small red
specks, they can merge into large spots, between which you can see
Healthy skin. During the distribution of rashes, the temperature continues
stay enhanced cough enhanced. In the first days of the disease
Parts of children develop severe korea pneumonia.
In the next 3-5 days with a favorable course of the symptoms of the disease decrease, the temperature decreases.
Core counts and rash intensity in different children depending
From the individual characteristics of the immune system vary from the lungs
forms to severe threatening life.
It should be said that the measles virus significantly weaken immunity and
This, along with the lesion of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and
The digestive tract creates conditions for joining
Bacterial infection. The child can develop complications:
inflammation of the middle ear (middle otitis), larynx (laryngitis), right up to
Developing her edema (korea cereal), bacterial pneumonia and others. W
one child of 1-2 thousand sick cortex is complicated by defeat
brain. Most often complications are found in children under 5
years old.
many other infectious diseases is vaccination.
The main place in the prevention of measles is given to active immunization,
T.E. Introduction to the body of living strongly weakened viruses. Follow
Note that the vaccine virus is so weakened that it is not dangerous for any
grafted nor for his surroundings. After vaccination is formed several
weaker immunity than if the child fell ill naturally,
However, it is enough to protect your whole life
Child from this disease.
If your unmaded child, which is more than 6 months, joined
Contact with sick cortel, you can protect it by entering him lively core
vaccine over the next 2-3 days.
For the youngest children (from 3 to 6 months and older, if there is
Contraindications for the introduction of a living korea vaccine) as
Emergency Prevention Used Immunoglobulin Man Normal
(Preparation containing protective antibodies derived from serum
Riding cute or donors). Such immunization is passive,
Introduced from the outside antibodies circulate in the child's blood not longer than 2-3
months, after which you can conduct active immunization.
Vaccination rules
Cinema vaccination is carried out twice: first - aged 12-15
months, second - in 6 years, before school. Using the second dose
Vaccines allows you to protect those children who have not been vaccinated
Previously, as well as those who did not work out sufficiently stable immunity
After the first administration. For reference: Vaccination against measles in countries with
High morbidity is held at the age of 9 and even 6 months with
The purpose of protecting infants, whose disease proceeds especially
In terms of measles vaccination coincides with vaccination against
rubella and epidemic parotitis. Coincidence in time at once three
vaccinations should not confuse you: the immune system of children from the earliest
age with success reflects collective attacks much more
Microorganisms. The likelihood of adverse reactions when
the summation of these vaccines does not increase.
Below are vaccines containing a korea component and registered in Russia.
Monovaccines (only core component):
- Vaccine Korene dry (Russia).
- Ruvaks (Aventis Pasteur, France).
Combined vaccines:
- Vaccine Parotito-Koriy (Russia).
- MMP II (Kor, rubella, vapotitis) (MESK SHARP & DOHME, USA).
- Priorix (Kor, Red, Parotitis) (Smithkline Beecham Biologicals, United Kingdom).
Despite the fact that the composition of vaccines is different, they all demonstrated
good level of immunogenicity (t.E. ability to form immunity)
and tolerability. Differences relate mainly two aspects. First:
Imported drugs are prepared on the embryos of chicken eggs and on this
The reason is contraindicated in those who have a strong reaction to the protein
Chicken Yaitz. Russian vaccines are deprived of this shortage, since
prepare on Japanese quail embryos. True, justice for the sake of
It should be noted that strong allergic reactions to the chicken eggs protein
marked extremely rare.
And second: imported drugs are available in the most convenient
Combined form and protect immediately from three diseases: Corey,
Parotitis (pigs) and rubella. And the combined form is less
the number of ballast substances, fewer injections (and therefore,
Stress for the child), finally, fewer visits to the doctor. IN
District Polyclinic Most likely will make the injection only of the Patriotic
Monovaccini from Korea. True, developed and has already started to apply
(although not everywhere) and domestic combined measles vaccine and
Combined measles vaccines, vapotitis and rubella in
in the overwhelming majority of cases can be purchased only in pharmacies or in
Commercial centers of vaccination.
According to the instructions for the Russian monovaccination, the Korea vaccine
is introduced subcutaneously under the blade or in the shoulder area (on the border of the bottom and
middle third shoulder from the outside). Imported vaccines, again
According to the instructions, subcutaneously or intramuscularly introduced (concrete
The place of administration determines the doctor). With simultaneous use
Several monovaccines them are introduced by separate syringes in different areas
Body, and combined vaccines are recruited in one syringe.
You have legal right to choose which vaccines will be
introduced your child, however, not purchased
The Ministry of Health Vaccine You will be paid. Can also be
contact one of the numerous vaccination centers where you
Select several vaccines. If the vaccination will be held
in your clinic, do not forget to take a certificate of her holding to
Plot pediatrician made information about it in an outpatient care card
Places of residence. It will save you from unnecessary issues in the future,
For example, when you receive a child in kindergarten or school.
General rules for parents who need to follow at any vaccination:
Knowing in advance about vaccinations, try to avoid
Contacts with infections, do not expose the body before vaccination
child unnecessary stress (supercooling, excess sunny
irradiation, changing climatic and temporary belts), since any
Stress changes the reactivity of the immune system.
Side Reactions The Koreary Vaccine causes infrequently, complications in the grafts are also very rare.
A small part of vaccinated can occur the weak side
reactions in the form of temperature rise to 38°C, sometimes takes place
conjunctivitis and nonophice. Listed symptoms are possible in
the period from 5-6 to 12-18 (different periods are given in different sources) day;
they persist 2-3 days. This is a natural course of vaccine
After vaccination, the following complications are possible:
- Allergic reactions of different severity. If there
the probability of their development should be 10-12 days before vaccination and during
the same time to give a child an antihistamine drug in
Age dosage given in annotation to a specific medicine.
- Convulsions against the background of increasing the temperature in their predisposed
Children. For their warning, your doctor may assign paracetamol.
- The defeat of the central nervous system, the probability of it is very small (1 per million cases of vaccination).
You can add that the complication developed after vaccination
proceed in much easier form than after natural measles.
King is dangerous for pregnant women - in 20% of cases king during
Pregnancy is complicated by interrupting pregnancy, defects of development
fruit. Since the king vaccine contains live viruses, pregnancy
is a contraindication for vaccination.
Recall that contact with the child who has symptoms
Korea infection after vaccination, is safe for others, including
among pregnant women.
At the beginning of the article, a terrible figure was shown - 900 thousand dying
from measles children annually. As it is neither incredible, but in the US for the whole past
The year was recorded only 100 (!) Core cases. In this country
Cort is on the verge of complete elimination. And this success is achieved
exclusively due to widespread vaccination. Let's and we coast
of our children.