

    What it is

    BotulismThe causative agent of this infection - a microbe belonging to clostridium Botullini. Permanent place of stay of Klostridiy Botulism - intestines of many animals and soil, where they fall with the feces and where many years can be maintained. From the soil the microbe falls into food products. Botulism is a deadly dangerous infectious-toxic disease.

    Without air access (in canned or dense - such as sausages - products) Klostridia botulism begins to produce botulinum - one of the strongest known poisons. It is 375,000 times stronger poison of the rattling snake.

    In 95% of cases, the cause of botulism is canned homemade mushrooms. In the same bank, botulinoplexin accumulates sockets - infected areas are scattered across the entire contents of the bank. Therefore, not all people who used canned foods from the same banks are ill.

    Botulinum orin causes a violation of a nervous impulse and paralysis of the muscles in the entire body of the patient.

    What's happening

    BotulismThe disease develops very quickly - within 2-24 hours. The first symptoms: diarrhea (3-5 times, without blood impurities), vomiting, a slight increase in temperature, abdominal pain.

    The first specific manifestations of botulism are violations of visual acuity (fog in the eyes, poor distinction of nearby objects), bias in the eyes, squint (the muscles of the eyes are first after the intestines react to botulinum). Then joins the violation of speech, weakness, dry mouth, violation of swallowing, voting changes, and T.D. The temperature is normal or slightly increased, consciousness is saved.

    At the very first symptoms of this kind, it is urgent to cause «ambulance», Since the patient is required hospitalization. Without treatment, the patient progresses the muscular weakness and death comes from the paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

    Due to national specifics, in Russia, where homemade canning mushrooms are commonly used as a snack to strong alcoholic beverages, at the initial stage of the symptoms of botulism can be taken for signs of heavy alcoholic intoxication. This factor complicates the timely detection of the disease.

    Recognize and treat botulism

    The disease - botulism is established by infectious disease on the basis of symptoms (clinical picture) and is confirmed by bacteriological studies of food residues, after the use of which disease developed.

    Treatment of botulism is carried out only in an infectious hospital. First of all, the patient's intestines remove the residues of poisoned botulinum-toxic food use abundant washing of the stomach. The specific treatment of botulism is the urgent introduction of anti-cancer serum neutralizing toxin.

    The hospital conditions allow compensate for damage caused by botulinum toxin - to carry out artificial feeding through the probe in violation of swallowing, connect the device of artificial respiration in the refusal of respiratory muscles. Duration of hospitalization during botulism - about three weeks.

    Immunity in botulism does not develop, that is, this disease can be sick repeatedly.

    Prevention of botulism is a thorough thermal processing of food, strict observance of sanitary standards of cooking, storage and eating food.

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