Constipation, reasons and struggle


believe that the emptying of the intestine can normally be from three times
day up to three times a week. Domestic proctologists believe that
the norm can be considered only the daily intestinal cleansing; deviation
From this rule - already constipation. In the perfect case, the chair should be
Every day in the morning, once.

What leads to constipation

Constipation, reasons and struggle
In the diet of vegetables and fruits, especially raw, coarse fiber, which
contain black bread and cereals, deprives the human body of natural
causative agent of intestinal peristalsis. The food diet is modern
The person contains too «tender», Insecreased ingredients: White
Bread, Simple Sugar, Broths. Animals Fats and Squirrels (Meat, Fish, Eggs,
butter) do not force a fat intestine «work», calling
intestinal and constipation. Powered by various sandwiches, sandwiches,
hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, especially on an ambulance hand, «on the
Begu», The lack of the first dishes in the food diet - all this contributes

The content of fluid in food and drink should not be
less than 1.5-2 liters per day (of course, if there are no contraindications with
Heart, kidney sides, blood pressure). In modern
Hollywood films can often be seen as a superhero, on the go
Doing a sandwich, makes a lot of cases: works on a computer, leads
car, busy business negotiations and t.D. American nutritionists
came to the conclusion that such food leads to many violations
gastrointestinal tract.

You need to eat in calm
atmosphere, it should be leisurely, carefully burning food, and not
swallowing her slices on the go. All sorts of stress, wrong image
Life can cause intestinal violations. For example,
Some children are shy to use collective toilets in
schools postponing it «business» Before returning home. Secretary in the office
Or a cashier in the store with a continuous speech of visitors delay
Call for a chair until the end of work. So gradually decreases
Sensitivity of colon receptors. Lack of physical
Loads from a modern urban person leads to a common
Weakened the physical tone of the body, including the intestinal tone.

Fighting constipation

These reasons, you can make a personal program of struggle against constipation.
Well, if it does not give the result?

In this case, it is permissible to resort to
Laxative means of a suitable mechanism of action:

  • Caller
    Chemical irritation of intestinal receptors: Bisakodil; Castor
    oil; Anthraglycosides Rhubarb root, crawl bark, cheerful fruits,
    Senna leaves, sabura;
  • Increasing the volume of carte masses: lactulose; saline laxatives; flax-seed; Agar-Agar; kelp;
  • Softening carte masses: Vaseline, almond, olive and other vegetable oils.

the effect
laxatives depend on the drug, its dose and individual
Sensitivity. In spastic constipation, applicable antispasmodics.

2-3 days no stool, and diet and laxatives do not help, you can
Put a cleansing enema. So that the feces did not injure the mucous
intestine, into the water that is done by enema, you need to add 2-3 canteens
Spoons of vegetable oil. Water for enema does not have to be
boiled, it can be ordinary water from the water supply. The temperature of it
there must be room or 20-36 degrees Celsius. The volume of the belly OT
0.5 to 1 liter.

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