Primary hemorrhoids - Treatment of a delicate problem


  • Creams from hemorrhoids
  • Outer Hemorrhoids: Treatment
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids starvation

  • Primary hemorrhoids - Treatment of a delicate problemA feature of the initial hemorrhoid is the gradual progression of the process with the expansion of the veins of the rectum. The disease is developing slowly, complaints about discomfort and severity in the field of anus, there is a periodic separation of blood during the act of defecation. In the initial stage, hemorrhoids are pain after exercise, with intestinal disorders, long-term seats, temperature increase.

    The development of the disease contributes to chronic stagnation of blood in the venous vessels of the lower intestine, and in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, the initial symptoms begin to disturb increasingly and more.

    Initially, the disease is accompanied by a minor increase in the nodes in the field of anus, and they easily go into the rectum. These feelings are enhanced over the years after taking alcohol, acute and spicy food, unusual physical exertion. In a more mature and elderly age, frequent constipation joins the provoking factors, and the disease is accompanied by severe pain syndrome, the full loss of nodes and bleeding.

    Creams from hemorrhoids

    Cream from hemorrhoids - one of the main methods of treatment
    This is most often the beginning of the outer hemorrhoids, the treatment of the disease provides for many methods, techniques, as well as a wide range of drug therapy, the options of which are ointments, candles, gels. The use of cream from acute hemorrhoid has both its advantages and some minuses, one of which is the fatty structure of the drug, which does not allow them to use it during the daytime, if patients of working age and need to be at work.

    At the same time, such therapy guarantees the maximum penetrating capacity directly to the vessels of the rectum, provides a mild effect and an anesthetic effect when it is regularly applied to the affected place for at least 3-4 times a day. In addition, such a dosage form as a cream helps to restore the elasticity of vessels, has an anti-inflammatory effect, it takes itching and burning. Creamy preparations based on healing herbs, as well as ointments can be used for diagnostic manipulations in the ampular intestinal department.

    Outer Hemorrhoids: Treatment

    The outer hemorrhoids with extended veins of the rectum and hemorrhoidal nodes already during visual inspection allows the proctologist immediately put the primary diagnosis. Congenital weakness of the connective tissue component of the vessel wall and the features of its anatomical structure contribute to the statistical volume of blood in the lower third of the rectum. Under certain conditions, the impetus for the manifestation of the outer hemorrhoids, in which effective treatment sometimes requires surgical intervention, the blockage and inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes are becoming. Over time and progression of disease, the intervals between exacerbations are less and less, bleeding is more abundant, the pain is all sharper. Nodes, both internal and external become edema very dense, blue, sometimes even black. There is a question of urgent and effective treatment of hemorrhoids.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids starvation

    Hemorrhoid treatment with starvation - one of the treatments of hemorrhoidsToday in the Arsenal of the Proctologist Mass therapy options for the disease without surgery and one of them — Hemorrhoid treatment harmless, reasonable starvation. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, as well as the strictness of the instructions of the doctor, one of which is a diet enriched with fruits and vegetables, without sharp seasonings, alcohol and other products provoking constipation.

    Regular intestinal emptying is the main direction in the treatment of hemorrhoids fasting. To begin with, it is recommended to clear the entire gastrointestinal tract, it is considered advisable to refrain from meals for several days. The next step can be a fruit or vegetable diet and a gradual transition to constantly gentle nutrition. The correct diet should be organized using raw vegetables, fresh fruits and berries, optimally up to 200 grams per day, necessarily presence in the daily diet of the Kuragi, prunes, apples. Recommended 2-3 spoons of vegetable oil per day and a significant variety of porridge with the addition of bran.

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