What is sepsis newborns


  • Sepsis newborns
  • Symptoms of sepsis newborns
  • Treatment of sepsis newborns
  • Prevention of sepsis

  • Sepsis newborns

    Sepsis newborn or neonatal sepsis - general
    Infectious disease, accompanied by bacteremia (bacteria from the hearth
    infections fall into blood). Infection of the newborn baby can
    happen: in the antenatal (before delivery), in intranatal (at the time of birth) and in postnatal
    (after childbirth) periods. Most susceptible to such a disease premature
    children. The topic of sepsis of newborns does not lose its relevance throughout
    long time because the percentage of lethal outcomes of this

    What is sepsis newborns
    Causative agents can be various pathogenic and
    Conditional pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus,
    salmonella, intestinal wand, cynical wand and a number of other dangerous for
    man microorganisms. Availability
    purulent and inflammatory processes in the mother, long anhydrous period,
    damage to the skin during the birth period - all this can be a focus of infection
    Newborn baby. Bacteria and viruses can penetrate the body
    through mucous membranes, respiratory
    Paths and gastrointestinal tract, as well as leakage of skin, umbilical wound
    and poucher vessels. If sepsis has an interpecological origin, then the focus
    Infections is in the human body (placenta or any organ).

    Distinguish three main clinical forms of sepsis
    Newborn: early, late and intrabolic sepsis.

    Early Sepsis detect in the first 5-7 days of life, most often
    children are infected perinatal, that is, in the womb. Pathogenic
    Microorganisms enter the body of a child transplantary (through a placenta).
    Also, the development of early sepsis is possible due to the swallowing of the spindle
    waters or due to the rupture of the arrogant shell in which he penetrates
    Pathogenic vaginal microflora. Also infection is possible at the stage
    passing the child of the birthway, especially if there are foci

    Late Sepsis detect 2-3 weeks after birth,
    infection most often happens during the passage of the child
    paths, microflora vagina mother.

    Intrabolician sepsis is caused by pathogenic microflora,
    which meets in hospitals and maternity hospitals, most often the causative agent of this
    Sepsis becomes Staphylococcus, (especially Staphylococcus Epidermidis),
    Commotectant sticks (including Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Serratia, Proteus)
    and mushrooms. The immune system of the newborn is not yet prepared for such an active
    The effects of pathogenic microorganisms, mucous and skin are easy
    vulnerable, as a result of which the risk of sepsis is significantly increased.

    Symptoms of sepsis newborns

    Most often, sepsis manifests itself through the following symptoms:
    Reduced appetite, breast failure, frequent jumping, vomiting, grayish tint
    skin, body temperature increase, significant body weight drop, bias
    nasolabial triangle, poor healing of the umbilical wound («weeping» navel).

    Sepsis can flow in two forms: septicemia (general
    Incixing of the body, without pronounced foci of infection) and septicopemia
    (Presence of expressly pronounced foci of inflammation: abscess, phlegmon, pneumonia,
    Meningitis, Osteomyelitis and DR.)

    Sepsis may be lightning, the first 3-7 days occurs
    life is accompanied by septic shock, ends, mostly fatal
    Exodus. The acute stage of sepsis lasts 4-8 weeks, the tighten stage of sepsis can
    lasting more than two or three months (most often occurs in newborns with

    Treatment of sepsis newborns

    Infected children are subject to mandatory hospitalization in
    Specialized branches of the pathology of newborns. Treatment is carried out
    Antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action: semi-synthetic
    Penicillin, ampicillin sodium salt, ampiox, chapel, lincomycin hydrochloride, gentamicin
    Sulfate and other. Antibiotics are more often used in the form of intramuscular injections, and
    With the unfavorable course of sepsis and threatened states - intravenously.

    The course of antibiotics usually lasts 7-14 days, long-term
    the course of the disease, as well as the wave-like and protracted flow requires
    Repeat the course of antibiotics or carrying out several courses of antibiotics.
    And various antibiotics are prescribed for each course, repetitions

    Treatment continues to achieve persistent therapeutic

    Prevention of sepsis

    Since sepsis is a serious illness that
    Most cases lead to death, a whole range is carried out
    Preventive Mer. This: observation during pregnancy from specialists,
    Timely diagnosis and identification of diseases and infections in pregnant

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