Constipation, diagnosis and treatment



Constipation -
This is a stool delay by more than 48 hours. Constipation relate to frequent
health disorders and, according to medical statistics, are found
Especially often in small children and older people. In highly developed
Western countries up to ten percent of the population suffer from chronic
(permanent) constipation, and in women they are three times
more often than men.

Almost everyone
People are constipation in travel, after stress and operation. Such
constipation pass when returning to the familiar lifestyle
and are not considered a disease. If they are often repeated, become
habitual, need careful diagnosis and treatment.

The causes of constipation are different:

  • diet, poor vegetable fibers, in combination with a small amount of fluid consumed and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Diseases
    Gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative disease, chronic pancreatitis,
    Dysbacteriosis, irritable colon syndrome, tumor tumor
  • accumulations of hardened cartwesters in the intestines («Caliac stones»);
  • Diseases
    Rear Passage (Anal Cracks, Hemorrhoids, Paraproktitis),
    accompanied by pronounced pain and prevent emptying
  • neurological diseases (stroke, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord damage and tumors, sclerosis);
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • Reception of some drugs (atropine, drinking soda, AlmaGel and others.);
  • depression.

The promotion of the carts is sharply slowed down as a result of the restoration of the intestinal walls or obstacles on the path of proConstipation, diagnosis and treatmentCalam's walking.

In addition to
Actually constipation, man can disturb pain and feeling of cutting
in a stomach. Relief occurs after defecation or gases.

Belly can be accompanied by pain in the heart, heartbeat, etc. At
constipation decreases appetite, belching appears, an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Often there are headaches and pain in the muscles of the body. Arises common
nervousness, the mood deteriorates, sleep upset.

Constipation may be accompanied by skin changes: it becomes pale, with a yellowish tinge, flabby, loses elasticity.

The existence of constipation can lead to the development of diverticulosis
intestines, diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, crack cracks
and inflammation of the rectum.

The most terrible complication of long
constipation is a colon cancer. Believes that the tumor develops
Under the action of carcinogenic (promoting cancer development) substances,
formed in the intestines with the stitch of its contents.

Diagnostics of constipation

Without consultation, the doctor, the fight against constipation only makes it difficult
Diagnostics of this state and its proper treatment.

To clarify the reasons for constipation, it is necessary:

  • inspection of a gastroenterologist or proctologist;
  • Inspection of the gynecologist (for women);
  • irrigoscopy - X-ray study of the intestine with its preliminary filling in a contrasting substance with the help of the enema;
  • Colonoscopy -
    Inspection of the intestinal portion with a length of up to one meter with
    Special apparatus (colonoscope) introduced into the rear pass.

In some cases, the doctor may assign:

  • Cala's study;
  • study
    Muscular function of colon: study of the speed of passage
    Contrast substance on the digestive tract with
    consecutive radiographic pictures;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Consultation of an adjacent specialist (endocrinologist, neuropathologist, etc.).

Treatment of constipation

If stubborn constipation is caused by a tumor, surgical treatment is necessary.

In other cases, the treatment program includes:

  • Diet
    With the inclusion of products rich in vegetable fiber: Vegetables, fruits,
    coarse black bread (sometimes specially food bran) and no less
    2 liters of fluid per day. It is necessary to eat regularly, not less than 5 times
    in a day.
  • Medicinal (oil with fish oil, sunflower oil, etc.) and cleansing enemas.
  • Physical education classes.
  • Cancellation of drugs weakening intestinal cuts (atropine, drinking soda, Almaty, some antidepressants).

If the measures listed above are not effective enough, the laxatives are prescribed.

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