Hemorrhoids disease: «seem to see neither people show»


  • Main complaints
  • Is it possible to cure «uncomfortable» Hemorrhoids disease? That is the question!
  • Which doctor treats hemorrhoids? Reply: Professional!
  • Laser — Hemorrhoids under control

  • Hemorrhoids disease & ndash; & laquo; neither to see nor to people to show & raquo;Term «haemorrhoids» came from the depths of centuries as the concept of internal bleeding, the main sign of which was bleeding from the rectum. The main symptoms of illness and then, and now they are pain and itching in the region of the posterior hole, the appearance of formations in the form of components and cones, blood, sometimes mucous allocations from anus, pain after a defecation act.

    Modern medicine is interpreted by a disease chronic hemorrhoids, as a disease of the expanded veins of the rectum with the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes, which are located inside or out. A feature of the inner disease of the hemorrhoids is the expansion of the internal veins and the location of the nodes directly in the rectum.

    Main complaints

    This slowly progressive chronic disease with bright periodic exacerbations is developing gradually. First, complaints about discomfort after physical exertion, long-term seats without movement, with intestinal disorders, overheating and supercooling, in young and old, in thin and thick, men and women, with diet violations.

    The list of symptoms and provoking factors can continue, exacerbations are increasingly and more often, and therefore the question arises quite naturally: «In general, this disease can be cured?» Hemorrhoids, or rather, hemorrhoidal disease can be avoided only by minimally invasive or combined treatment methods, depending on the severity of the signs, the flow of concomitant diseases, stage and type of disease. It should be noted that between exacerbations when compliance with the power mode, all the requirements and recommendations that the doctor treats hemorrhoids, the health of the patient is quite satisfactory.

    Is it possible to cure «uncomfortable» Hemorrhoids disease? That is the question!

    Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids?First of all, you should decide on the goals and the closest tasks of the treatment of the disease, and which doctor — Proctologist or phlebologist treats hemorrhoids — This is a question of purely professional, which will be resolved at the first visit to the doctor. The main thing to understand the main stages of therapy and achieve the result: to remove swelling, eliminate the pain and itching of the rear pass, accelerate the resorption process.

    In order to treat and cure hemorrhoids, two approaches are considered:

    • conservative treatment, includes the use of ointments, baths and candles;
    • surgery — A more active and effective method involves excision of the hemorrhoidal node.

    Which doctor treats hemorrhoids? Reply: Professional!

    Professional diagnosis, modern methods of therapy, insignificant pain and small trauma, and not the fact that the doctor treats. Hemorrhoid, in the case of regular exacerbations and lack of results from long-term conservative treatment, the following minimally invasive treatment options are recommended:

    • sclerotherapy;
    • infrared coagulation;
    • ligation of affected nodes with special latex rings;
    • Binding of affected vessels using ultrasonic dopplerometry.

    Passing all the recommendations of the doctor during the postoperative period and maintain intimate hygiene, it is possible to achieve persistent results and avoid relapses.

    Laser — Hemorrhoids under control

    What doctor treats hemorrhoids?In the treatment of illness in the initial stages, with minor internal nodes or to remove external nodes, the laser is often used. The disease is easily amenable to such treatment, because it is the same scalpel, only without blood. Such a new progressive technique as «laser» In the treatment of hemorrhoids has its advantages and, of course, cons. The procedure is also surgical, but with a number of positive points: painlessness, the absence of a long rehabilitation period, rapid recovery. The patient does not have any discomfort, only the feeling of heat. After such an operation, careful personal hygiene is shown, diet without acute, salty, mandatory smoking refusal and regular visits to the proctologist. In the case of using a hemorrhoid laser, it may not remind of myself for many years, but still relapses are possible, so a visit to the surgeon-proctologist is shown regularly.

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