Botox for the treatment of cracks of the anal canal


  • Is it possible to cure the anal crack of botulinum toxic?
  • How to treat an anal fracture botulinumoxy?
  • Side Effects of Botinotherapy

  • Botox for the treatment of cracks of the anal canalChronic anal crack is characterized by resistance to diet and therapy aimed at combating constipation. Means commonly used in the treatment of proctological diseases only facilitate suffering, reduce pain, itching, eliminate bleeding. However, the healing of the fracture of the anal channel does not occur, the resistant spasm of the internal sphincter of the rear pass. It is the anus's spasm that becomes the increase in pain after defecation, contributes to the development of the chairs, makes it difficult to emptying the intestine and, most importantly, causes a circulatory disruption in the lower third of the rectum and prevents the healing of the crack. Previously, there was no other way to treat an anal fracture by surgical intervention. To reduce the tone of the rear pass, the sphincterotomy was used, and the crash herself was excised. Today, scientists have come up with how to treat chronic anal fracture without surgery, even botulinople use for this.

    Is it possible to cure the anal crack of botulinum toxic?

    How to treat an anal fracture botulinum toxic?The effect of botulinum is associated with the toxic effect on the nervous system and the blockade of the synoptic transmission of the nervous impulse, in extreme cases of the respiratory muscles ending with the paresis and stop. So it is possible to treat an anal fracture of such a dangerous substance?

    The introduction of small doses of botulinumsin directly into the muscles causes their relaxation, the effect depends on the amount of substance and individual stability of the body. It is this effect that is used in cosmetology to combat mimic wrists, in the treatment of neurological diseases accompanied by hypertonus muscles, and as a treatment of chronic anal crack.

    The injection of botulinum toxin into the muscle cutting the rear pass leads to the relaxation of anus as a result of the blockade of the nervous transmission. Nervous endings do not die, but the effect «stopper» saved in them for life. The restoration of the innervation of anal sphincter occurs only due to the formation of new nerve endings. Usually it takes about 3 months, and this time is enough for the crack of the anal canal heales, as it should. To treat an anal crack of botulinum is necessary, if within 6 weeks it was not possible to get rid of it with the help of other conservative techniques.

    How to treat an anal fracture botulinumoxy?

    Is it possible to cure an anal crackIn order to treat a chronic anal crack, it is necessary to take into account that the preparations of botulinum, such as Botox and Distports cost quite expensive, their price is comparable with the costs of operational treatment, however the opportunity to avoid the operation is very tempting, even despite the fact that in the coming Two years after therapy is possible a recurrence of the disease.
    Botox and dysport are analogues, 1 unit of Botox corresponds to 3-5 units of dysport. To heal an anal crack, it is necessary to sufficiently relax the anal channel, which is achieved by injection 5-20 units of Botox. The drug is introduced into the lower semicircle of the internal sphincter of the rear pass at a distance of 1.5 cm from the line separating the lower third of the rectum from the middle third.

    To cure an anal crack sometimes resort to a combination of nitrates and Botox. The effect of one injection of botulinum toxin is comparable with the introduction into the anal passage of nitroglycerin, but the duration of action in the second case is incomparably more and on average is 3 months.

    Side Effects of Botinotherapy

    Local introduction of botulinum cellin is usually well tolerated by patients. Toxin, not sucking in general bloodstream, can have a relaxing effect on nearby muscles. For the same reasons therapy by Botox is contraindicated by patients suffering from Miastenia. Sometimes Botox injections into an anal sphincter lead to its relative insufficiency, incontinence of gases and liquid feces, but such complications are extremely rare and do not exceed frequencies 1%. The use of small doses of drugs and a clear execution of the procedure suggests that in 80-90% of cases, an anal crack can be cured without painful complications. Increasing the dose of Botox increases the chances of recovery to 96%, but in parallel leads to an increase in the frequency of complications.

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