Diagnosis «irritable intestinal syndrome» (CRC) Gastroenterologists enter in seven of ten medical cards. 2/3 of patients with CRK do not seek help because they are shy to discuss such a delicate problem even with a doctor. While the execution of a complex of daily measures is simply necessary. What kind?
Unusual journey: go deep into yourself
In the city of Orlando, Florida, the United States recently opened an unusual museum, whose visitors may literally go to themselves. By purchasing an entrance ticket, in a giant mannequin from the oral cavity, you go down in the stomach, and then make a fascinating journey through an unusual maze, repeating numerous folds and bends of thin and colon. During an anatomical excursion, no wonder to get lost somewhere in Appendix, to get under the stonepad, erupting the gallbladder, or to bring the anger of the irritated intestine, which is expressed in three ways:
- Lazy intestinal syndrome. Excursors get stuck half a day in the depths of the digestive system imitating the state of constipation. If it were not in the museum halls, but in the abdominal cavity, the abdominal pain would be ensured.
- Syndrome of nonsense diarrhea. Visitors with a breeze rush through the loop tunnel on the ribbon of the escalator imitating the accelerated intestinal peristalsis.
- Spastic colon syndrome. Feeling - like on American slides with a periodically jamming lever of control. First, you rush to the exit with dizzying speed, and then sharply brake halfway. That is what the intestine is behaved, intersting the diarrhea by constipation, forcing the long-suffering belly to swell and root.
The work parameters of this design sets a computer. And in real life, the role of a biological computer, managing internal intestinal cases through the enterine nervous system, performs a vegetative nervous system. Located in the head and spinal cord, it consists of two departments: sympathetic (slows down peristaltics) and parasympathetic (speeds up the advancement of food in the intestine, enhances the formation of gases and is responsible for abdominal pain). If both departments work in the Commonwealth, the intestine works like a clock. In the vegetative control, intestinal troubles begins.
Make a bet on fiber. It normalizes the intestinal peristalsis and eliminates constipation. Scientists drew attention to the striking fact: the CRC is widespread in civilized countries, where the base of nutrition is an easy-friendly refined products, and practically does not occur in untouched by the corners of the Earth, where the population eats crude food containing a lot of plant fibers: fruit flour bread, fruit , vegetables (in particular, baked potatoes), fresh greens and sea cabbage. If the fiber in your diet is not enough, we put on the first and second dishes daily two tablespoons of wheat or rye bran.
- Exclude products-provocateurs. They have their own, so you first find out, against what food your intestines. On suspicion of corn, cabbage, spinach, sorrel, fried potatoes, fresh black bread, raspberry, gooseberries, raisins, dates and apples in combination with other fruits and vegetables, beans, peas, beans, tomatoes, citrus, chocolate and sweets, some substitutes sugar (sorbitol and fructose), milk, cream, sour cream, kefir, ryazhenka, ripples, orange juice, coffee, strong tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, and products cooked with adding peppermint. From packers, smoked, marinades, chips, popcorn, cakes with fat cream, sandwiches with a thick layer of oil can refuse immediately: the intestines react to them as a bull on a red rag in the hands of the bulletpore.
- Drink more fluid. Daily rate - at least two liters (and even more in the heat), if you have healthy kidneys and cardiovascular system. Preferably Compote, Kvass, Green Tea, Morse, Mineral Water without gas, Fresh-heated juices.
- Follow the chair. Feeling the need to visit the famous establishment, never postpone the case in a long box - this adversely affects the peristaltics and leads to the exacerbation of the SRC.
- Do not count on the enemas. Keep in mind: a glass of warm water on an empty stomach on many acts stronger than the clock session of salt-hydrotherapy (intestinal washing). But coffee, tea and beer only aggravate the problem. They have a diuretic effect, that is, they remove the liquid from the body, drying the carte masses.
- Eat four times a day, at the same time. This is an excellent PCC prevention. Not only a vegetative system, but the whole body as a whole is checked by its internal clock-biorhythms with food intake mode. If you do not hold a clear power schedule, how to take good health?
- Avoid stress and negative emotions. They loosen the nervous system and break digestion. Do not communicate with nothing exciting and try not to think about the problems at the table; Do not read and do not watch TV when you eat. And the intestine thanks you by smooth operation.