Itching with hemorrhoids


  • Execiential treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids
  • Photo of external hemorrhoids — Algorithm of proctologist actions

  • Itching with hemorrhoidsThe appearance of itching with hemorrhoids is usually very frightened and alarms those who first encountered this «uncomfortable» Disease. The emergence of painful feeling of itching provokes to regular scratching, which can lead to a rupture of the vein wall and naturally deterioration. Permanent itch is a marker with hemorrhoids and requires immediate appeal to the doctor for appointing adequate treatment.

    Diagnosis of the disease is always based on patient complaints and the appearance of such an unusual sensation is most often related to the use of acute, sharp and salty foods, accompanied by alcohol, after defecation, under the influence of chemicals in production, in the presence of glides invasion, diabetes or fungus.

    In the hospital or ambulatory, immediate assistance will be provided with clear recommendations for the use of necessary ointments and rectal candles, taking into account the stage, localization of the pathological process and individual skin features in order to avoid dermatitis.

    Execiential treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids

    As a soothing and anti-faceted means, Hanoma, Dimedrol, Tuegyl, various ointholes with menthol and anesthetic, with fluusinar, and betamethazone, can be recommended for a hemorrhoids;. Wonderful proved warm seats with the addition of medicinal herbs, a duration of about 20 minutes. A special role in this case, for obvious reasons, is given to hygiene with regular kneading cold water. Recommended by a gentle diet, a course of microclism using antiseptic herbs and oils, as well as the use of ointment with Dimedarol.

    Execiential treatment of internal and external hemorrhoidsWith timely visits to the proctologist in the case of determining 1 or 2 of the stage of the disease, it is assumed to be non-operational treatment, when the nodes do not always go out, and the bleeding occurs occasionally. At this stage of the development of the disease, minimally invasive methods of therapy are recommended, allowing to see «Photo» not only outdoor hemorrhoids, but also the picture of the internal nodes. These methods include: sclerotherapy, removal of hemorrhoidal nodes with laser, cryodestruction, photocoagulation with infrared radiation. Minor soreness and low trauma, the lack of need for preliminary preparation make these methods popular, both in physicians and in patients. The use of these modern techniques makes it possible to reduce the number of complications and recurrences of the disease.

    Photo of external hemorrhoids — Algorithm of proctologist actions

    Patient with outdoor hemorrhoids, in time, asked for help, to determine with the doctor when, how and how to treat this delicate disease. The patient himself can see both internal nodes and photos of external hemorrhoids only after the endoscopic examination. Basically, at an early stage of the disease, patients cost without surgery, and only in 20% of cases have to resort to surgical intervention.

    To the treatment of all types of this disease, it is necessary to approach comprehensively, here it includes not only a throksevazine with a hemorrhoid, but also a gentle diet with products with rich fiber, lifestyle change, baths with decoction of medicinal herbs, as well as therapeutic physical culture, including:

    • Running short distances;
    • Fast walking and deep breathing;
    • Fast walking with a slowdown in step and many other physical recovery techniques.


    Photo of the outer hemorrhoids - a proctologist actions algorithmAs any medical therapy, the ThrocksEvazine decides several tasks at once, among them:

    • Pumping inflammation;
    • elimination of pain syndrome;
    • improving blood microcirculation and blood flow;
    • Stop bleeding.

    Troksevazine in venous insufficiency with hemorrhoid reduces the severity of edema, remove the pain, stops bleeding and is assigned or independently, or as an auxiliary therapy after minimally invasive methods. There are almost no contraindications to the use of this medication, with the exception of pregnancy in 1 trimester, stomach ulcers and 12 rosewood, with caution and supervision of the doctor should be used in renal failure.

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