Signs of hemorrhoids in women and men, the first manifestations of the disease, its causes and methods of treatment
Haemorrhoids — This varicose expansion of special venous taurus,
located in the exit zone from the rectum. The disease occurs more often
Mental Labor Workers, Vehicle Drivers. Often signs of hemorrhoids are found in
Pregnant women, as well as those who abuse alcohol and acute food.
Signs of hemorrhoids
First signs
Hemorrhoids and men, and women usually arise aged 30-50 years. IN
The beginning of the disease is all limited to unpleasant sensations in the area of the rear
Passage. The patient feels like he has a foreign body in anus. This is
due to the fact that an increase in the hemorrhoidal node. At this stage
a person has not yet aware that he develops a disease, and not to the doctor
The feeling of the foreign body is intensified over time, becoming
brighter after excesses in food. Also provoke unpleasant feeling constipation
or diarrhea.
The main sign of hemorrhoids — Bleeding from the rectum.
It usually occurs during a defecation or immediately after its end. Blood — scarlet, with wheel masses is not mixed, covering them from above.
Sometimes hemorrhoidal bleeding can be quite
stronger. Although they do not lead to death from blood loss, but can cause
Patient a fairly pronounced anemia.
Pain for chronic hemorrhoids of any localization is not
Characteristic. It can occur in cases of inflammation of the nodes, their thrombosis or
infringement, when anal crack appears, that is, with complications. Arises
pain usually during defecation and is felt some time after it.
Another manifestation of hemorrhoids — Anal itch. This feature
associated with increased mucus release, which irritates the skin, causing it
modifications right up to eczema.
In its development, the disease passes 4 stages:
First — nodes only perform in the intestinal lumen, but
do not fall out of it. You can detect them with rectal studies with fingers
or RectorOnoscopy — visual inspection of the rectum using a special
device. Blood stands out of the rear passage. This stage speaks of
internal hemorrhoid, although it — National title. Doctors use post
separation of degrees of the disease.- Second — nodes fall out during a fitting or
during exercise, but independently go. - Third — The loss of nodes is observed even when
Light loads. Go to go hand. - Fourth — nodes can not even
Hand — they immediately fall out again.
Haemorrhoids — This is a chronic disease with their own
exacerbations and remission. In the acute period of symptoms of the disease is
Brighter. During the period of remission, the patient often does not impose no complaints.
Sickness can be acted with errors in a diet, reception even minor
quantities of acute food or physical overvoltage.
Treatment Hemorrhoids need to be combined with compliance
The following recommendations:
- reduction of physical exertion;
- exclusion from the diet of acute food and alcohol;
Normalization of the diet to eliminate constipation
or diarrhea; -
Periodic breaks in sedentary work or
work on the legs.
In the acute period, drugs are used in the form
Candles or masses. Target — prevent thrombosis, eliminate pain and
inflammation, stop bleeding. Usually dominates one of the symptoms,
It is for him and targeted their efforts to proctologists. Different are applied
Preparations with anesthetics, heparin, thinning blood, anti-inflammatory
Candles and hemostatic means.
Small operations include bandage of nodes and their
Sclerosation. To do this, certain drugs forcing the node are injected into the node
Its walls gluiate together. Gleaming causes the homing of the node after
what he himself disappears. Such methods are treated with hemorrhoids in Europe and America. IN
Our country is more often resorted to the complete removal of nodes. According to statistics, frequency
Recurious with a radical operation is minimal, unlike methods «Malaya»