Which doctor treats hemorrhoids?


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  • Question №13
  • Question №14

  • Question number 1. What is hemorrhoids?

    Haemorrhoids – Expansion and overflow of the blood of the cavernous (spongy) Taurus of the rectum and the anal canal, which are normal anatomical education. Accordingly, hemorrhoids speak only when the cavernous calves increase and begin to give themselves to know.

    Question # 2. What is an external and internal hemorrhoids and is always hemorrhoids manifests the presence of formations on the skin around the rear pass?

    Hemorrhoidal nodes can be located both outside (external hemorrhoids) and inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids), which sleepThe most frequently asked questions to the proctologistRoads are not visible.

    Question number 3. How hemorrhoids manifests?

    The main manifestations of hemorrhoids are bleeding and loss of hemorrhoidal nodes. Pain for chronic hemorrhoids are not characteristic – In this case, we are talking about acute hemorrhoids, or about other diseases of the rectum.

    By the way, not always the discharge of blood from the rectum and the loss of any formations indicates hemorrhoids. This diagnosis can only deliver a proctologist after the examination. Hemorrhoids can mask others and often more serious rectal diseases.

    Question number 4. Why hemorrhoids occurs and how to prevent the development of hemorrhoids?

    One of the main factors of the development of hemorrhoids is heredity. Therefore, if your parents suffered from hemorrhoids, then with a well-known probability, you can say that hemorrhoids may arise from you. Often hemorrhoids combined with varicose veins of the lower extremities and flat-growing, which is a consequence of congenital weakness of the connective tissue being a vein frame.

    In addition, risk factors are food addictions (acute food abuse), excessive alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle, long stay in the same position (the work of the seller, hairdresser, manager, etc.), intense physical activity, persons suffering from constipation. Often, the first manifestations of hemorrhoids belong to the period of pregnancy. Accordingly, the exclusion of risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids from your life can prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

    Question number 5. What are the complications of hemorrhoids?

    Typical hemorrhoid complications are a hemorrhoids thrombosis with pain syndrome and hemorrhoidal bleeding. Contrary to the common opinion of the hemorrhoids never goes into cancer (but it can mask his presence).

    Question number 6. Can hemorrhoids go on their own?

    Hemorrhoidal nodes do not tend to decrease, but on the contrary, over time increases. Medicase treatment slows down its progression, and in the case of acute hemorrhoids only reduces or eliminates its symptoms.

    Question number 7. When and how to treat hemorrhoids?

    Proper and adequate treatment Hemorrhoids appoints only a doctor. The symptoms of hemorrhoids are very diverse and the treatment is different. In addition, you personally have symptoms can be due to other proctological diseases. Treatment depends on the stage and nature of the disease.

    In addition to drug and surgical treatment, outpatient minimally invasive techniques are currently used, such as photocoagulation of hemorrhoidal nodes, sclerotherapy, ligation (latex rings) of hemorrhoidal nodes showing a good effect. Abroad, only 25% of patients with hemorrotype are exposed abroad, and 75% is undergoing low-alimony treatment of hemorrhoids.

    Question number 8. What ointments are most effective for treating hemorrhoids?

    Symptoms of hemorrhoids are very diverse, and the used ointments have a narrow-controlled effect on certain symptoms of hemorrhoids. So pick up effective treatment hemorrhoids can only proctologist. In addition, it is proved that topical forms of medicines (candles and ointments) do not have therapeutic effects on hemorrhoidal nodes, reducing only their manifestations. Therefore, the Tableted forms of ventonic drugs should be included in the hemorrhoid treatment complex.

    Question number 9. Can hemorrhoids go into cancer?

    Hemorrhoids never boldly. However, this does not exclude the simultaneous existence of oncologicalThe most frequently asked questions to the proctologist Diseases of the rectum.

    Question number 10. Is it possible to get rid of hemorrhoids without surgery?

    Can. Currently, there is a wide arsenal of so-called low-alien non-surgical outpatient treatments for hemorrhoids. Their advantage is simplicity, painlessness and compelling procedures for the patient. The patient remains in the usual rhythm of life. However, their use is most effectively in the early stages of hemorrhoids. In the launched cases without surgery.

    Question number 11. Who is the doctor's coloproktologist?

    In accordance with the current nomenclature of medical specialties, a proctologist is renamed to a coloproktologist, since in addition to its competence, in addition to the diseases of the rectum (in Greek – Proctos), began to enter into both the diseases of the colon (in Greek – column).

    Question number 12. How often it is necessary to visit a proctologist?

    Naturally, the sooner the patient turned, the easier and more effective. In addition, there are formidable diseases of the rectum, externally not manifested. Therefore, the optimum for preventive visits to the proctologist is once a year or at least once every five years. For patients over 50 years old, patients who have parents suffered from proctological diseases necessarily visiting the proctologist once a year.

    Question №13. What is required to prepare before visiting a proctologist?

    Preparation before a visit to the proctologist is not required, only if you are bothering intense pains in the rectum or rear aisle. In other cases, two cleansing enema is needed on the eve of the evening and in the morning on the day of visiting. There is an alternative – microclism with ready-to-eat microlax in the morning on the day of visiting. Preparation is necessary for a full inspection and conduct in case of need for rectoscopy – Inspection of the rectum by the device to a depth of 30 cm.

    Question №14. How necessary and painful rectoscopy?

    The method is absolutely necessary for most proctological patients, for the diagnosis of possible hidden rectal diseases, the only diagnostic method of which is rectoscopy, which allows the eye to explore the intestine and detail the pathological process. The method is unpleasant, but absolutely painless. Moreover, the appearance of pain during the study is an indication to the termination of the procedure.

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