«Ataraks» - Instructions for use


Substance: hydroxisin hydrochloride

Release form: 25 mg tablets


& laquo; Ataraks & raquo; & mdash; Instructions for use
«Ataraks» belongs to the group of tranquilizers. Removing sedative,
Antihistical, antihistamine and M-cholinoblocker. Increases
sleep duration reduces night awakening frequency. Relax
transverse and smooth muscles, expanding bronchi, moderately suppresses
Gastric secretion, reduces itching in patients with allergic diseases.

«Ataraks» Does not find addiction and cancellation syndrome.

Maximum concentration in blood reaches two hours. Metabolized B
liver with the formation of cetirizine with antihistamine action.

Indications for use «Atarax»:

  • generalized anxiety, psychomotor arousal, irritability
    neurological and mental disorders;
  • abstineent syndrome in chronic alcoholism;
  • Premedication;
  • Skin itching at urching, eczema, dermatitis;
  • Adaptation disorders.


Children from 2 years are prescribed 1-2.5 mg \ kg \ day in
Multiple receptions. Adults — 50 mg per day in several techniques (12,5mg in the morning, 12,5mg during the day, 25 mg on
night). Maximum daily dose — 300mg. For premedication — 1mg \ kg for 10-12h
before the operation. A dose is needed «Atarax» For native patients
age and with violations of the liver function.

Contraindications K

  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • glaucoma;
  • Porphyry;
  • galactosemia;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • Increased sensitivity to cetiriz.

With caution apply with urination difficulties, constipation,
generalized myasthenia, inclinations for convulsive sections, arrhythmias.

Side effect

  • drowsiness, headache, dizziness;
  • dry mouth, nausea, constipation, increase in the activity of liver transamamine;
  • arterial hypotension, tachycardia;
  • bronchospasm;
  • urination delay;
  • Violation of accommodation.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, violation of consciousness, arrhythmia,
Arterial hypotension.

Help: stomach rinsing, vital functions for 24
hours, norepinephrine, if necessary, increase blood pressure.


«Ataraks» Enhances the effect of drugs, depressing CNS (sleeping pills, opioid
Analgesics, tranquilizers). Should not be prescribed «Ataraks» together with
Mao inhibitors, cholinoblocators. «Ataraks» prevents the action of phenytoin,
Adrenaline, Betagistina, Anticholinesese. Reception is not recommended

«Ataraks» is released through the pharmacy network only by a doctor's prescription.

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