Schizophrenia, as it was said


  • feel the difference
  • Between the norm and pathology
  • Not so much damn?

  • Schizophrenia, as it was said

    When we want to designate unacceptable weirdness for us in the behavior of a person (from the habit of urging from the balcony, to the uncompanying with our tastes in clothing or political views), we often talk about it «schizo». However, schizophrenia as a disease – This is completely different.

    feel the difference

    When schizophrenia, thinking and perception suffer primarily. The patient begins to live in his incomprehensible, terrible for ordinary people of the world. In a normal life, it is almost not focused and can even be dangerous to others (joke jokes, but many serial killers suffered from schizophrenia, killed, for example, walking women, being confident that this is their mission – save the world from debauchery). All solutions for the patient have to take relatives, and, in fact, doctors.

    Hallucinations. During schizophrenia, hearingly hallucinations are especially often. Man begins to hear «vote», And in their will, stop the dialogue, sounding in his head, he cannot.

    The patient usually attributes «vote» Supernatural forces. The content of such conversations may be neutral, and may scare and put into despair. Sometimes «vote» Forced a person to do something that he does not want to: jump into the window, for example. And good if the window on the first floor...

    Rave. A man unexpectedly begins to sharpen his individuality, uniqueness. Suppose he feels like a prophet, which requires saving humanity (Brad greatness or nonsense of a special purpose). Or vice versa – Feels like an object of close attention of the Higher Forces: from the FSB and the CIA to Satan personally (nonsense).

    Still happens:

    • Relief of high origin: who knows, maybe grandmother schizophrenic and was a great princess, but when this idea becomes ultra-supersen – This is already a sign of the disease;
    • Broadcast nonsense: from faith in what he can fly, to the feeling that all its insides fills garbage;
    • Brad of jealousy – He does not cancel the fact that the wife comes to the janitor, the whole question is how jealousy is the thoughts of a person, and how much his thoughts relate to reality.

    Schizophrenia, as it was saidIn a schizophrenia patient, an ultra-inclusive figure may appear. Not at all necessary that it will be someone from loved ones. Perhaps it will be a neighbor from the house on the contrary, President Putin, Lord God or an imaginary character at all. Sometimes the patient seems to «super-defective» controls his thoughts, as if puts them into the head forn. And sometimes it seems that thoughts immediately become famous to this significant character or everyone.

    Distortion of perception. Conventional colors and sounds may seem brighter and unbearable. Unconscious features of objects are nominated for the fore. If you ask for schizophrenia patient to decompose colored cubes in different handhes, it discards some of the cubes, but it includes something unnecessary, such as chairs, table or... Doctor.

    Care in yourself. Schizophrenia symptoms also include extreme apathy, depletion and disappearance of speech, as well as the inadequacy of emotional reactions, which usually leads to social dedication, up to the cessation of any contacts.

    Catatonia. When catatonia, a person or is constantly moving unable to stop, or, on the contrary, freezes for many hours in one pose.

    Between the norm and pathology

    Diagnosis of schizophrenia – Thin. Traditionally, to deliver this psychiatric diagnosis, it is enough to have at least one clear symptom. Thus, schizophrenic turns out to be a quiet harmless «Napoleon», Surviving at home in the evenings defeat under Waterloo, and a person arriving in a catatonic stupor, for many hours frozen in a terrible and uncomfortable posture that will not survive outside the hospital.

    By the way, under the definition of schizophrenia from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10: «persistent delusional ideas that are inadequate for this social culture and are completely impossible») There may be representatives of some subculture, and just strongly enthusiastic people. It all depends on the idea of ​​the doctor about «Possible» and «impossible».

    Unfortunately, the diagnosis «schizophrenia» In the domestic psychiatry for a long time, as it were, a passion bucket, which makes everything that does not fit into the rigid framework provided for other diagnoses. The reason for what – Not bad Russian medicine (you can scold a health care system as much as you like, but our doctors are in the overwhelming majority of good), and the blurring of symptoms and what schizophrenia – Very convenient diagnosis.

    Not so much damn?

    Schizophrenia treatment has never been particularly humane. Even if we forget about the nightmares of the Middle Ages, and we will only talk about «True scientific approach» Enlightened XX century. What are the lobotomy, electrosalproof therapy, strait shirts... Yes, and neuroleptics – that another gift, especially if you assign them horsepower doses. No wonder Galoperidol, our most popular medicine from schizophrenia is called a chemical strait shirt.

    And everyone would have anything: there are probably the disease, and the treatment in the opposite. But if used only patients! Since schizophrenia symptoms are quite blurred, the diagnosis of life, and the person who received it is completely deprived of the capacity, in the USSR SuSchizophrenia, as it was saidThere is a malignant tradition to attribute schizophrenia to various free-rope dissidents and send them into psychiatric institutions forever. But they will not be just lying in clean wards for the state account?!

    Thus, hospitals turned into punitive establishments in which unfortunate dissidents, and with them at the same time and really unhealthy people «heal» to a very deplorable state. Modern domestic psychiatry slowly and with creak is getting rid of punitive traditions of the recent past. Now schizophrenia is much more accurately diagnosed, much thinner separated from other diseases. Not so long ago even began to cancel the diagnosis of rear.

    The treatment also has become much more efficient and humane, but the legacy of the old system is still felt. And now there are clinics where the diagnosis «schizophrenia» fit to someone else, without silent, and sometimes not without benefit.

    Schizophrenia – Double concept. On the one hand, this is a disease. It can be treated and achieving the improvement of the condition, and even the resist. On the other hand, it is a stamp that can be joined both a person to a patient and to healthy. Stigma, which causes fear and allows under the mask treatment to violate human rights. And the situation will change only when we fully study schizophrenia and having ceased to be a mystery, it will no longer scare us.

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