Nervous Bulimia


  • What is Bulimia
  • Bulimia symptoms
  • Bulimia treatment

  • What is Bulimia

    Let's start with the fact that the patient of Bulimia gives two things. First, an incredible appetite that is impossible to quench. Secondly, the huge efforts he is attached to get rid of the absorbed calories.

    Unlike patients with anorexia, Victims of Bulimia cannot immediately learn in the crowd, focusing on excessive hoodoobu and refusal of food. As a rule, the weight of patients with Bulimia approximately corresponds to the norm, although each case of bulimia is individual, and significant weight deviations are not excluded from the norm.

    Sick Bulimia often shame their uncontrollable appetite and try to hide the symptoms of this ailment. Often they are secretly eaten, and then provoke vomiting to get rid of the eaten, and in humans eaten in moderation, without differing from healthy people, or even limit food intake.

    As a rule, patients with bulimia are very monitored for their weight and figure, so often or periodically try to comply with the diet. In the system of their self-esteem Weight and figure occupy almost first place. Often, these factors determine their attitude towards themselves.

    Bulimia symptoms

    This disorder of food behavior is characterized by periodic cases of increments that occur at least twice a month for three months.

    Nervous Bulimia During such attacks of a unattolic appetite, when the patients are sweeping in a row, the following is observed:

    • Region, T.E. Consumption in a short time (for example, for two hours) food in the amount that most people could not eat during the same time and under the same circumstances.
    • Feeling loss of control over themselves during this attack (for example, the feeling that it is impossible to refrain or cannot be controlled by the amount of food eaten).

    Victims of Bulimia often try to control food intake or at least prevent weight gain. For this, they cause forced vomiting; abuse laxative, diuretics, enema and other similar means to prevent food assimilation; refuse to eat (starve); or actively play sports.

    This digestive disorder can be diagnosed only if it cannot be explained by anorexia.

    Bulimia two types distinguish:

    • Classic (Cleaning): The patient regularly provokes vomiting or abuses laxative, diuretics or enema.
    • Bulimia as the second stage of anorexia: the patient applies another compensating behavior, for example, starving or actively engaged in sports, but does not provoke vomiting regularly and does not abuse laxative, diuretics or enema.

    Bulimia treatment

    Cognitive-behavior therapy includes standard elements of behavior therapy, however, the focus is focused on the definition and change of erroneous thinking models, opinions and psychological plants that can cause and exacerbate the attacks of gluttony or other extremes - a complete rejection of food. Meat consumption monitoring is the most important element of therapy, as well as the definition of stimulants and their elimination or development of alternative reactions to such stimulation.

    Interpersonal psychotherapy focuses on the problems of interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, self-confidence, social skills of communication and strategies to solve these problems.

    Various forms of family therapy. The task of family therapy is to help family members change the factors that could affect the development of some pathologies of the patient of Bulimia. Wine for this disease carries not only the patient.

    When the sick bulimia goes on the amendment, group therapy is very effective. Communication in the group allows participants to share experiences, talk about ways to overcome the disease and learn about such a similar experience. In addition, helping others helps to improve personality self-esteem. The group should send an experienced leader who has passed special training.

    Many Bulimia patients also suffer from depression, the symptoms of which disappear under the action of antidepressants. To date, only Fluoksetin Prozac is approved for the treatment of bulimia. Sanitary Supervision Officer and Medical Supervision Officer (FDA). This antidepressant reduces the frequency of accurates of glomerism, as well as the desire to release the stomach with vomiting in patients with medium and heavy form of bulimia.

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