What is Kleptomania


  • Kleptomania
  • How to distinguish a sick person from a real thief

  • Kleptomania

    Kleptomania - painful or obsessive desire to make theft without mercenary purpose. Kleptoman understands that his act is represented, and, being evident in the steal, is usually embarrassed or repentance, but at the same time feels that it is not able to control himself, and does not know why this happens. Theft is not always the result of a sudden impulse, sometimes it is carefully planned. Stocked object often has no value - satisfaction brings the act of embezzlement. True kleptomania as a manifestation of neurosis should be distinguished from a tendency to theft in children and adolescents who can have a protest against the elder or attempt to strengthen their status among peers.

    Kleptoman looks like a gambling player. Experiencing a pathological passion, he gets great risk pleasure, from the thought that he was not caught. In the process of theft, such a person stands out in the blood of adrenaline, it may experience the husty, feeling of complete pleasure. Even the most passionate kleptomans are not «Go to the case» Every day: the load on the psyche too large. When Kleptoman does not steal for a long time, he has a sense of discomfort. He is afraid of punishment, he is repulse the flour conscience, anxiety. But next time he will do the same.

    Although Kleptoman and does not fully own his emotions, he clearly remembers the moment of theft. Kleptoman always «working» one. Sometimes kleptomans store stolen items, it happens - secretly return, throw up to the previous place. It happens, Kleptomania is sexy, for example, theft of female linen.

    How to distinguish a sick person from a real thief

    After all, any felon who fell on theft can calmly state that he is not a criminal at all, but just a sick person. In this special services will help to understand psychiatric examination. Doctors must establish whether a citizen was caught at the time of the crime. And if he was mentally well healthy at the moment of theft, it will be responsible for the deed in accordance with the Criminal Code. But even psychiatric doctors are difficult to distinguish Kleptana from the thief - a healthy person in a mental plan. This unique disorder is very difficult to prove. There have been cases when a person repeatedly performed theft and explained that he could not resist. For example, one teacher from time to time corners from his colleagues some amounts of money. When she was detained, she assured she suffers from Kleptomania. But the fact that she was interested in exactly the money did not give the opportunity to diagnose kleptomania. In short, the Warr is an interesting result, and Kleptomanna - the process.

    What is Kleptomania
    Some doctors refer to the causes of kleptomania to sexual deviations. First, the process of theft itself brings satisfaction and can strengthen sexual arousal. Remember the film «Nine and a half weeks», When the main characters in the store steal some decoration, although there is money for the purchase. Secondly, this is the desire for possession, which means that unconscious sexual desires are implemented in such a strange form.

    What to do if you notice a small stealing for your familiar? One of my girlfriend has a kleptomanka in the company. After meetings with her, the girls often noticed the loss of all sorts of trifles: lipstick, video tapes, souvenirs. Knowing it this feature, girlfriends called her: «You accidentally grabbed my lipstick. When you can pick up?» or «You have already looked a video tape, which I gave me yesterday?» Kleptomanka, knowing his peculiarity, with pleasure «turns on in the game»: «For sure! I have your lipstick! Wow... Be sure to bring tomorrow!» or «The film was really interesting, thanks!» The main thing is not to be mistaken and not offended by an innocent person. Well, if you have real evidence of the guilt of thieves, and he goes to the deaf «Non-scold», Better under any preposition to stop communicating with him: it is more expensive.

    In many parents whose children begin to steal, the thought often arises that their child is Kleptoman. This is wrong. If a small little man once stole something, it is not a pathology: the child grows, he knows the world and experienced the boundaries of the permitted. After the instructive conversation (and sometimes it is not even required) the desire to take someone else passes.

    Statistics argue that real kleptomans are not so much. If the thieves go to the medical examination, then most often simply pretend. Doctors bring them on clean water. But in the life of Kleptomanov more than enters doctors and in the hands of justice.

    If you felt an attraction to theft, be prudent, contact the psychiatrist immediately, because Kleptomania is a very serious mental illness. And your painful passion, if not treated, can lead to prison nails or in a specialized psychroom for compulsory treatment. Try to direct the energy in «Peaceful River»: Go to the gym, deal with any active activity that takes off stress.

    The most famous Kleptoman in the world was the French king of Heinrich IV, which soon after theft returned stolen things, frankly laughing at fooled approximated. American Psychiatrist Dr. Grant developed a cure for kleptomania. The drug enters into interaction with brain receptors and causes a patient a feeling of relaxation, removing a state that prompts the man to the steal. The medicine has already been checked on several kleptomans, but to say for sure whether it has, it is still impossible.

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