Only the diva is given, watching how people who do not neglect the medical assistance in the treatment of an ordinary rhinoism, are in no hurry to use the services of specialists for therapy of their mental disorders. Why? Let's try to figure it out ..
Mental disorders are also diverse and common, like
Basic diseases. However, if people suffering from bodily diseases like
Rule turns for help from experts, mental illness often
Note, although the damage caused by the material
Well-being and quality of life, sometimes compare or even exceeds
Consequences of launched bodily diseases. We list a row of typical
installations that prevent timely receipt
qualified psychiatric and psychological assistance.
Basic diseases. However, if people suffering from bodily diseases like
Rule turns for help from experts, mental illness often
Note, although the damage caused by the material
Well-being and quality of life, sometimes compare or even exceeds
Consequences of launched bodily diseases. We list a row of typical
installations that prevent timely receipt
qualified psychiatric and psychological assistance.

But these patients are forgotten that the timely appeal to the specialist saves cash, and most importantly - to achieve persistent positive results until full cure.
Highly qualified help is expensive. But the damage caused by a mental disorder takes much more money, time, forces, health, both in the patient himself and at his loved ones.
Remember that health is most important!
«I put me on account», - Overseas are frightened. These fears are unreasonable, but have their reasons.
The existence in our country for many years of the Institute of Incomparable Psychiatric Assistance for a long time undermined the confidence of citizens to this specialty of medicine. In a relatively recent past, the appeal for help to a psychiatrist had significant social consequences in the form of registration, possible restriction of the capacity, human rights and freedoms. Although we have long been living in another country, many still associate psychiatric assistance with the immentable stigma of the crazy, a message in a party and on the production and nationwide publication. Recall that today in our state psychiatric care of voluntary and anonymous, as well as any other medical service.
«Psychiatrists are treated only crazy», - Some people are convinced.
This belief is rather a consequence of our incredulility to everything new.
In the West have «His psychiatrist» Usually and even prestigious. It remains to hope that for our fellow citizens, care of their mental health will become, in the end, the natural, habitual matter. When this blessed day comes, the care of psychiatrists will be predominantly prevention, and not treatment, since, as everyone knows, the disease is easier to warn you than cured.
«In my condition there is nothing special», - People calm themselves.
Many believe that constantly reduced mood, irritability, increased anxiety, fears, repetitive misunderstandings in interpersonal relationships, the feeling of emptiness and loneliness, inexperienced bad habits, lack «Taste to life» - This «simply» Features of character, something is the same inevitable as the color of the eyes.
Meanwhile, a mental disorder is hidden behind these manifestations. «Unhappy» - This is an unnatural, unhealthy state. Sincere equilibrium can be restored!
«This is not treated» - Another incorrect installation.
A common obstacle to circulation for help is the misunderstanding of the nature of their suffering. «You can treat body diseases, and the soul has no special organ - for what the treatment will be sent»? This position is erroneous at the fact of the fact: according to modern ideas, mental disorders - the result of system imbalance, that is, poor well-being inevitably accompanies violations of neurochemical and endocrine exchange. That is why a competent specialist, before we diagnose and prescribe treatment, seeks to comprehensively and carefully examine the work of all organism systems.
Some people, although they recognize that with them «something wrong», However, do not rush to the psychiatrist, considering that «My sincere state is a consequence of bodily disease».
But it must be remembered that the decrease in mental tone inevitably leads to a fall of immunity, and a person, in fact, becomes vulnerable to bodily disease. Mental health recovery helps keep health physical. It is no secret that cheerful people living with a full-blooded life even raise less often. In addition, physical ailments themselves may be a manifestation of some mental disorders. Often people go to doctors for years, but can not find the cause of their bad well-being. Meanwhile, help so close…
«I have to cope myself», - speak some people. And mistake.
The situation of appealing for help from mental health professionals is perceived as a manifestation of weakness. By itself, the desire for independence, of course, commendable. But what would you say if so reasoned sick diabetes or cataract? Such a position is another detrimental consequence of the wrong presentation of the nature of mental disorders. Mental diseases are similar to physical diseases, at least one respect: left without attention, they have the property to be aggravated. Timely appeal for help helps save mental forces to combat real difficulties.
«I will always be bad», - One of the most dangerous installations.
As a rule, the presence of a mental disorder makes itself felt in all spheres of life, significantly reducing its quality. It is not surprising that a person who does not understand what happens to him, perceives these negative changes as irreversible. Thus, he refuses the struggle, which aggravates its already unfavorable state.