Application of birch degty

I keep in my hands a small bottle, the contents of which solves many problems. Today, our conversation will go about the drug that was treated almost all the illnesses in the old days, it is a birch down. In the article we will tell you what diseases can be defeated by applying birch dead and how to make a medicine itself.

The best thing to get from the newly fired young tree. Beresto itself from the trees is better to collect at the end of the first summer month, in the south - a little earlier. To take suitable bark, you need to make sure that the birch bark is easily removed. The collected raw materials are put in a special dish with a tube, so that the liquid flows through the hole. The fire is bred by fire, the Beresto itself is populated in the process of burning out of it, it is distinguished from it, which flows on a special tube in a separate capacity.

In order not to wait for a suitable pore of the year to collect BERESS, MPsovtsov recommends to go to the pharmacy and acquire a birch down. There is a liquid thing on sale, which has healing properties.

Delet is a unique tool that treats many diseases. But it must be remembered that children under 12 use medicine without testimony of a doctor is prohibited.

Use of Deaf

Birch Dellow, Dellow, Folk Medicine, Degty Properties

On the healing properties of tar, people know with antiquity. Delet, first of all, it is a powerful antiseptic, it struggles with microbes and parasites.

Using means as a healing drug, you can improve blood circulation and appearance of skin. The drug is able to neutralize the harmful effects of chemotherapy on the human body, will improve the work of the heart and blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract.

With the help of a birch medication, many diseases are treated:

  • cough and nasopharynx diseases;
  • Cough for Bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • otitis;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cystitis;
  • mastitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • acne and rash on the skin, as well as demodecosis;
  • fungus;
  • lichen;
  • breakdown;
  • gynecological problems;
  • wounds;
  • purulent wounds, breakdown;
  • frostbite, sunburn;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • stomatitis.

To get rid of the above problems, clean drugs, ointments and soap containing a birch medicine are used. It must be borne in mind that the long-term use of drugs containing dead may cause skin irritation and reverse effect is possible.

Use in folk medicine

Birch Dellow, Dellow, Folk Medicine, Degty Properties

Get rid of worms. Mix one droplet of tar with a teaspoon of honey and drink before bed. If you are allergic to beekeeping products, you can take carrot juice or milk. Begins to receive from one drop, during the week gradually the number of drops increases and communicates to seven.

Beautiful hair and clean skin. From acne you can get rid of a pharmacy drug and special soap. If the rashes are a lot, to apply the drug point. It is useful to wash and take a shower with soap with the addition of tar.

You can get rid of the dandruff using a hair mask: 10 grams of tar and 30 grams of rapid oil mix with 150 grams of vodka - this mixture rubbing hair roots and leave for a couple of hours. After wash your hair with shampoo.

If your hair does not suffer from dandruff, but you wish to have elastic and beautiful hair, you need to rinse them after the shampoo of the tar water.

Win psoriasis. Our grandmothers say that in the old days they treated this unpleasant skin disease with the help of a birch of birch. For infusion we take three tablespoons of the tar, two honey and one fish fat, two pieces of crushed grass chilli, crushed walnut leaves and one piece of crushed blackberry leaves. Grass mix with components in such a sequence: honey, fat, down. Insist three days. The resulting composition is lubricated the skin in places of lesion.

We treat hemorrhoids. This invisible ailment leaves a patient a significant discomfort. With the internal hemorrhoid, you first need to make a hot manganese bath, then take a gauze tampon, abundantly lubricate it with clean money and use as a candle. Leave it overnight. In the morning, this candle comes independently, together with the feces. You can use such a candle to full cure. During application, a person can feel burning, this is a normal reaction - the medicine kills microbes.


Birch Dellow, Dellow, Folk Medicine, Degty Properties

It is impossible to use birch to tar in the period of exacerbation of diseases. It should also be borne in mind that long-term use can lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Before you use it, you need to make a sample on an allergic skin reaction.

Contraindication to the use of any drugs containing birch delet may be pregnancy, lactation, as well as a period of preparation for the conception of a child.

And even though it has an unpleasant smell, it is considered to be a panacea from many diseases. Try and you. Good luck!

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