How treatment is alarm and alarming disorders? What medications are used in treatment? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Treatment alarm
Anxiety (anxiety) is one of the most frequent impaired psyche. Anxiety is manifested by an emotional very painful experience of internal discomfort from the uncertainty of perspectives.
Treatment of disturbing disorders
It is often difficult, takes time, perseverance and creative
approach. An important task of any educated person is
Detection of alarming states, explaining to their disturbing friends and a close painful nature of their experiences and the need for treatment. Simple division in the unreasonableness of unrest in such cases, as a rule, is not enough.
It is often difficult, takes time, perseverance and creative
approach. An important task of any educated person is
Detection of alarming states, explaining to their disturbing friends and a close painful nature of their experiences and the need for treatment. Simple division in the unreasonableness of unrest in such cases, as a rule, is not enough.
The main approaches to the therapy of alarming disorders are:
For treatment, uncomplicated relaxation methods can be applied
(Muscular relaxation, calm breathing, attention distraction).
Improving condition also contributes to the benevolent and encouraging
(Muscular relaxation, calm breathing, attention distraction).
Improving condition also contributes to the benevolent and encouraging
The main groups of drugs for the treatment of anxiety:
Tranquilizers of benzodiazepine rows (phenases, diazepams, alprazolam, clonazepam, etc.)
Antidepressants: selective selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure (Paksil, Prose, Claft, Cipramil, Tsiproleks), tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline), Double-acting preparations (Remeron, Excel, Sybalt)
Neuroleptics (Sonapaks, Eglonyl, Tiaprid and T.D.)
Nebsenzodivazepine Tranquilizers (Ataras)
Benzodiazepines - powerful, quickly stop sleep disorders and symptoms. Of the shortcomings of treatment
Benzodiazepines should be called: syndrome «return» (fast
Renewal or transient strengthening of symptoms after cancellation
drug), the risk of addiction and formation of drug addiction,
Violation of cognitive functions (attention, concentration, memory),
Coordination violation. Therefore, the preparations of benzodiazepine group
You can not take longer than 2-4 weeks
Benzodiazepines should be called: syndrome «return» (fast
Renewal or transient strengthening of symptoms after cancellation
drug), the risk of addiction and formation of drug addiction,
Violation of cognitive functions (attention, concentration, memory),
Coordination violation. Therefore, the preparations of benzodiazepine group
You can not take longer than 2-4 weeks

have more pronounced side effects (mucous dryness, constipation,
Cardiovascular disorders, transient violations of cognitive
functions). This worsens portability and increases the list
Contraindications to their use, in the treatment of anxiety, especially in patients with concomitant somatic diseases.
Selective reverse capture inhibitors
serotonin - relatively safe have a minimum spectrum of side
effects, do not cause addiction, so they can be used as
long-term supportive treatment. Them
relative disadvantage is a long period «Expectations» before
The beginning of the clinical effect of the drug (from 2 to 4 weeks). In addition,
Antidepressants of this group have side effects
In the form of an increase in appetite and weight gain, nausea, liquid chair,
constipation, sweating, sleep disorders, sexual functions (libido and orgasm).
serotonin - relatively safe have a minimum spectrum of side
effects, do not cause addiction, so they can be used as
long-term supportive treatment. Them
relative disadvantage is a long period «Expectations» before
The beginning of the clinical effect of the drug (from 2 to 4 weeks). In addition,
Antidepressants of this group have side effects
In the form of an increase in appetite and weight gain, nausea, liquid chair,
constipation, sweating, sleep disorders, sexual functions (libido and orgasm).
This year, encouraging data on the benefits of antidepressants were presented at the Congress of the American Psychiatric Association «Double action» In the treatment of anxiety and depression. An increasing amount of data shows that double-acting drugs inherited from previous generations of antidepressants high efficiency and good tolerability (minimum side effects), they act against a wider spectrum of the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
In some cases, the positive effect in the treatment of anxiety is achieved when using neuroleptics - Sonpax, Eglonile, Tiaprid, etc. Usually used
Small doses of these drugs. However, when appointing neuroleptics
The appearance of weakness, reduction of blood pressure, violation
menstrual cycle, body weight gain, colosure, reduction
Small doses of these drugs. However, when appointing neuroleptics
The appearance of weakness, reduction of blood pressure, violation
menstrual cycle, body weight gain, colosure, reduction
Finally, international recommendations lead another drug for the treatment of anxiety - Ataraks. Which in its antitrusive action is several
inferior to the above drugs, it is rapid to quickly
the onset of the effect, lack of addiction and medicinal
dependence does not violate cognitive functions, has anti-face
and antiwheat action. The main side effects of the drug -
drowsiness and inhibition (passing usually during the first 5-7
days of therapy), dry mouth, indanguing and dizziness.
inferior to the above drugs, it is rapid to quickly
the onset of the effect, lack of addiction and medicinal
dependence does not violate cognitive functions, has anti-face
and antiwheat action. The main side effects of the drug -
drowsiness and inhibition (passing usually during the first 5-7
days of therapy), dry mouth, indanguing and dizziness.