

CodelatCodelat — Means actively used in the fight against the cough. This is a combined drug with a narcotic analgesic codeine. In addition to Codeina, the Codelatka includes licorice root, thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate. Codene is characterized by a strong antitussive effect. It causes a decrease in the excitability of a cough center, but not his oppression. Thermopsis also excites the breathing center and contributes to an expectorant effect. Sodium bicarbonate reduces the viscosity of sputum with an acidic environment and activates the work of the ciliary epithelium. For licorice root characterized by strong expectorant and antispasmodic effect. The code model is prescribed for symptomatic therapy with a dry cough of different origin in the conditions of an armor-pulmonary disease. The spectrum of action of the Codec is:

  • Reducing the level of excitability of the cough center;
  • Stimulation of the removal of sputum of the respiratory tract;
  • Reducing cough attacks and their intensity;
  • stimulation of the excretory function of the bronchial glands;
  • sputum thinning;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Antispasmodic action.

Features of the application of Codelaka

Codenel, thanks to its composition codeune, enhances the effect of painkillers, sleeping pills and sedative (sedative) drugs. Codelak is not intended for long therapy. In case of violations of the kidneys between the methods of the drug, you need to do more long breaks than with healthy kidneys. This is explained by the fact that disorders of the renal function directly affect the slowdown in the proceeding process of the codelka from the body. This drug is not prescribed to children under two years old, pregnant and lactating women. The use of enveloping drugs and adsorbents Against the background of treatment by the Codener, it will reduce the absorption of Codein from the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of the application of Codelaka
Application of Codelaka must be coordinated with its attending physician to avoid unnecessary complications. This drug is caused by prolonged use (codeine refers to narcotic analgesics). Doctors recommend the term of treatment with a code of not more than five days. When using the Codelaka, it is not necessary to include in the process of treatment of flourities and expectorant. Codeine is doping, so when treating the Codela, the doping test will be positive. The drug also has a sedative impact that negatively affects driving abilities and activities requiring a rapid response.


Before starting the use of any medicinal product, it is necessary to carefully examine the instructions for it and contraindications. Codela is no exception. This drug has contraindications, in addition to pregnancy, lactation and children's age. These include:

  • respiratory failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • treatment with analgesic means of central action;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the Codelaka (Codeina, sodium bicarbonate, licorice root and thermopsis).

In case of non-compliance with acceptable doses of the drug, an overdose may happen. It manifests itself high drowsiness, vomiting, heart rate impaired, bradycardia and the atonium of the bladder. To bring a person from the state of overdose by the Codelatan will help washing the stomach, respiratory recovery, the introduction of naloxone and, possibly, anallets atropine. Be careful to your health and are treated!

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