Spontaneous cessation of pulmonary edema. What is it? Miracle? No - the laws of physics. Doctor, applying manipulations from the arsenal of manual medicine, saved the life of the patient. History of notes practicing doctor.

I was already approaching the door of the ordinator, in order to familiarize himself with the stories of serious illness diseases, when I was ahead of a woman, rapidly entered the office literally in my nose. Directly from the threshold, with a supervision in a voice and almost crying referring to the head of the cardiology department, it blurted out the phrase: «Here you leave, and he will die!..». It was a wife of one of the hard sick.
Therefore, it was on this patient who had to pay attention first. Having read the history of the disease of this man, I went to him in the ward. The impression was oppressive… A man, leaning back on two pillows, half-seeded in bed, his appearance was exhausted: he was pale and the features of his face sharpened. The main complaints of the patient, at the time of inspection, there were permanent cough, a sense of air shortness, severe heartbeat, sharp weakness and absence of urination for more than 12 hours.
In case of inspection, the patient has noted cyanosis (bluish shade) of the lips, the legacy of the legs to the knee joints and the crimson-blue spots on the skin of the shins, very smoking on the body spots. The latter indicated that the blood circulation was almost absent on the periphery. Dysuric violations also testified, and in particular, Anuria (lack of urinary).
The right half of the chest lagged in the act of breathing from the left half. In the lower departments of the lungs were listened to small-pushed wheezes. When listening to the heart, flickering arrhythmia took place, with a frequency of cuts of 130-120 blows per minute, and a rough systolic noise. Arterial pressure to measure failed - did not hear blood pushes about the walls of the vessels. The liver was increased and performed from under the Röbea arc to 3 centimeters.
According to the appointments of the attending physician, everything that is necessary for this patient has been appointed and done. However, something was necessary for something, since the patient is slow, but right «leaving». That is, he died (and in that period he was all nothing, only 47 years old).
From the story of the patient, it turned out that before sick, he was playing football with colleagues, being also in a state of intoxication! And, of course, there were falls, which inevitably leads to the displacement of the vertebrae. Here is the explanation of the reasons for the backlog in the act of breathing the right half of the chest from the left half of its half - on the one hand, the cerebrospinal nerves were infringed, and the organism reflexively gentle the victims of the spine.
This prompted me to offer a patient to remove blocks in his spinal column with the help of manipulations from the arsenal of manual medicine, and, thus, eliminate the backlog in the respiratory movements of one half of the chest from another. And the patient and his wife agreed with my arguments. The sick leop on the couch on which it was possible to carry out manipulations, and I, very carefully, began to urge his back - smoked clicks of the arms of the vertebrae. After the patient got up, he immediately, answering my question about his well-being, said he became a little easier to breathe, and that he almost does not want to cough, which confirmed my assumptions. The displaced vertebrae, indeed, was the reason for the lag of the movement of the Ryube right half of the chest. It was about 20 hours in Moscow.
And after an hour and a half, a duty nurse rang in the ordinal and reported that this patient sharply refined and he began his ease. As soon as I opened the door and crossed the threshold of the chamber, the patient, with a frightening smile on the face, said, turning to me: «I'm already hoarse!..» Breathing from a man was noisy, and, indeed, wheezing - it began the alveolar edema of lungs. With auscultation, in the lungs there was a mass of wet medium-reported wheezing, scattered over all the lightweight fields, the tones of the heart were loud and frequent, but the rhythm was right, which at that moment I did not give values. I told the patient so that he calmed down, and that we are now doing something. And gone to the ordinator, feverishly thinking about how to help the patient. The Soviet Union collapsed, and with the material support of hospitals was bad - often lacked even elementary drugs. At thought left for no more than 5 minutes, and I decided to return to the patient to once again appreciate the situation. On the approach to the ward, a nurse stopped me and, with a shiver in his voice, said: «I work twenty years old, but I haven't seen this yet. The patient, spontaneously, stopped the eighty…»
I immediately went to the patient to make sure of the event that happened. The patient was calm, and his breathing was even, no noisy and without hoarse. And, nevertheless, I decided to listen and lungs, and the heart of a sick man. What was my surprise - in the lungs I did not hear a single greed, and, moreover, in the patient, instead of flickering arrhythmia, a normal heart rhythm was heard!? And the blood pressure was 100 per 60mm mercury pillars.
I used to sleep for a long time to sleep on night duty, until I was convinced that in the department everything is calm and no one will be eventually awake due to the deterioration of any patient. And in connection with the events that occurred on the eve, and even more so.
Therefore, at four o'clock at midnight, I entered the chamber to the patient, who began to develop in the evening, spontaneously stopped, the eighth. And the patient himself, and his wife did not sleep. But these were other people - they smiled - both! And the patient's wife immediately demonstrated a jar (250 ml), half filled with urine: «Husband poked!» I once again listened to the lung patient - there was no wheezing, and I could safely go to bed. And in the morning, when I passed the duty, the same patient walked along the corridor to the dining room for breakfast, however, leaning on a wand and accompanied by a wife. And again - they both smiled.
Following five years after those events, it suddenly suddenly came, what happened to me, in case of death of that patient… And I was horrified by my desperate audacity and the same nonsense. But I risked and, thus, saved the patient. And, in addition, this experience once again confirmed the correctness of my views.
I have already explained above that it happens with light when the vertebrae is shifted - the effusion (exudate) can be formed into the pleural cavity (negrotogenic edema of the lungs, due to injuries). And it is caused by disturbed work and interrogostere muscles, and the diaphragms operating inacities like blacksmith. Normally, from the compressing interrochemical muscles and a diaphragm of light blood leaves in almost the same volume, in which comes. But at the same time, with a prerequisite for the presence of a normal tone of vessels. And with disorders associated with the infringement of spinal nerves, and the following changes in the work of the muscles (both transverse and smooth), some part of the blood plasma is extruded through the walls of the capillaries in the intercellular space. Since there is no sufficient compression of the parenchyma of the lungs in the normal place that prevents the outlet of the liquid part of the blood into the intercellular space. And, moreover, apparently, there is a disturbed (reduced) tone of vessels. And certainly, not without impairment of the heart, for evenly flowing through the vessels and with sufficient blood velocity (with rhythmic and good contractual activity of the heart), the latter simply does not have time to leak through the walls of the vessels.
Interstitial edema of lungs - this is nothing but impregnation of parenchyma light plasma blood. And this is the first phase of the pathological process.
Alveolar edema is the second phase in which the liquid part of the blood breaks through, literally, already, directly, in Alveola. Here are both wheezing and bloody (in the terminal stage of the pathological process) foam from mouth.
Recall the school challenge about the time of filling the water of the basin having pipes of different diameters - on a pipe with a large diameter of water strengthened, and on a pipe with a smaller diameter - poured. (If water, let's say, through the hole in the bottom of the ship will arrive faster, rather than it will turn off the pump - the ship will inevitably sunken!).
And why the already beginning process has stopped spontaneously? Yes, that's why! After the displaced vertebrae, the muscles participating in the act of breathing were filled, began to decline without limitation, and gradually began to squeeze the excess liquid from the parenchyma of the lungs back to the capillary network. Plus, the normalized work of the heart contributed to the liquid sample from the intercellular space in the vessels. By the time, when he began, directly, the edema, a sufficient amount of fluid was already accumulated in the intercellular space, and she slept in Alveola. However, some volume of it, from most of the lungs fortunately, was already expelled from the intercellular space, and the part of the previously accumulated fluid, which the body did not have time to be expelled, and flowed. The enemy stopped, barely started, because in most of the lungs normalized the work of the heart, the vessels and muscles have already expelled the light liquid previously accumulated in the parenchyma, and in some departments of the lungs, the situation remained even former - the volume of blood flowing was less than flowing.
Another interesting point - Lymph from the limbs and the lower parts of the body moves up with the help of abbreviations, both the lymphatic vessels themselves, and due to the excursions of the Ryube and the movements of the diaphragm - so, in the chest cavity, a negative pressure is created, which suits lymph from the distal departments of our body.
These processes in the lungs, developed in this person, can be compared with the expiration of water through the edge of the glass, with exceeding the volumes exceeding the norm allowed for this capacitance. You should drop one drop into a glass, from which the liquid is not yet poured due to the effect of surface tension, and the water immediately traffic through the edge! And if we do not add water, then part of the water, flying around, then stop the expiration, and as a result, there will be water in a glass even less than it was originally!
In addition, the normal operation of the heart and the restored tone of the vessels caused the restoration of the filtration function of the kidneys, which contributed to the formation of urine and, it became possible to bring it from the body!..
That's why medicinal drugs did not act. Violated were completely physical laws.