How to raise appetite

While the big half of humanity by all truth and untrue trying to reset at least a couple of extra kilos, there is a small percentage of people for whom the weight must be gained.

The exhaustion of the body may be a consequence of prolonged disease, improper nutrition or psychological deviations. And often such people are not enough just more or eat sweets, having eloquent them by fast food. The situation is much more difficult. In this article, our site will tell you how easy it is and pleasant to dial the required number of kilograms.

Change of gastronomic habits

appetite, hunger, food, increase appetite, diet

Each of us has their own culinary preferences, kitchen secrets and habits. Someone does not represent their lives without a full breakfast, and someone is just enough cup of black coffee.

To add in weight, comply with the following recommendations:

  1. Breakfast - mandatory component of the diet. Moreover, it should be not half a grapefruit or a cup of tea, but a full-fledged dish, including proteins and carbohydrates. Remember the saying: «Breakfast eat myself, dinner stripped with a friend, and dinner give the enemy»? For a good breakfast, whole-grain cereals are suitable, peanut butter, muesli, fruits and natural yogurts.
  2. Eat often, gradually and small portions. Forget about the temporary three-member food, having escaped your body to want to eat 4-6 times a day at intervals of about 2 hours. Large dining portions can be great to frighten a person with an unhealthy appetite, so it is advisable to divide this amount into a few smaller parts. In addition, small portions do not overload the body, making it a cargo and tired after a satisfying meal.
  3. Useful snacks. It is believed that the snacks are harmful to figure, health and wallet. This theory was invented by those who prefer to fell as cakes and fast food in the nearest cafes. Snack healthy food - nuts, vegetables, seeds or grain biscuits without sugar. Position small «bait» in a prominent place in the office or at home, and you yourself will not notice how nothing will remain from them! Ideal for snacks suitable products with high content of useful fats and glucose - bananas, nuts, avocado. But do not get involved in snacks so as not to knock «fighting spirit» Before the main meal.
  4. appetite, hunger, food, increase appetite, diet

    To cause a feeling of hunger, sometimes you need to try to try well or take advantage of small tricks:

  1. Pleasant atmosphere - meals must deliver joy not only to taste receptors, but also a psyche. Turn on your favorite music or film, burn candles, in general, do everything in order to deliver yourself a maximum of pleasure.
  2. Physical activity - a great way to get rid of quickly and well. If you are working in the office, then during the break, visit the gym or walk through the park. However, if you have a serious weightless weight, avoid reinforced loads, because even a tight lunch will only restore spent calories.
  3. Drink water. The optimal daily water rate is 2-2.5 liters. But do not forget that the water is contained in products (especially vegetables), tea, coffee, juices, milk and t.D. The total amount of water should be no more than 3 l per day. There are special herbal teas to increase appetite. Natural supplements contribute to the release of gastric juice and provoking a feeling of hunger.
  4. Together more fun! Do not eat alone, if you can join the company Colleagues or Friends. Imperceptibly for yourself you eat much more than if we trapes in proud loneliness. In addition, what could be better than divided lunch with pleasant people?
  5. Where is my big spoon? Or rather, plate. Drink from big plates to fool your eyesight and perception and eat more food. This is a clever psychological trick that helps in a short time to increase the amount of food consumed. And if the plates are not only big, but also bright, it will only strengthen the effect.

Effective appetite for muscle extensions

appetite, hunger, food, increase appetite, diet

If you dream to possess athletic forms of an ancient Greek deity, first will have to learn more to eat. Food, as a means for muscle buildings, is a must require all muscular handsome.

Several recommendations for proper muscle extensions:

  1. Increase zinc consumption. This is one of the most important elements for the immune system that contributes to the production of testosterone (male hormone). Bad appetite is explained by low zinc content in the body. You can learn your norm by consulted with a professional coach or sports nutrition specialist. Zinc is contained in wheat bran, pork chops, oysters, beef legs, pumpkin seeds.
  2. Protein drinks. If you have problems with the appetite and consumption of a large number of food, it is worth thinking about taking proteins. In short, it will supply the body with proteins and add volume.
  3. Fast food. To eat more food for one sitting, try to eat a little faster than a regular tempo. Before the brain «I will understand», that the body has been saturated, passes 20 minutes. During this time, try to eat the maximum number of food. Naturally, it is difficult to deceive yourself, and after a while you will feel excessive satiety bordering with fool. But very quickly the body will get used to such loads, and you will feel familiar and comfortable.
  4. Nutritional supplements. Some vitamins contribute to an increase in appetite. Taking vitamin B12 and folic acid, you can improve your appetite in a short time and start consuming more food. Take them follows in the form of tablets or injections, the dosage of which appoints a doctor.

Whatever the cause of malnutrition, it is possible to change the situation. The world knows a lot of histories of the heroic victories of a man over its body, whether it is weight loss or his set. Remember all in your hands!

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