Treatment with heat (heat collecting)


  • Methods of warmatization
  • Where to buy Solex thermocompressions®

  • Treatment with heat (heat collecting)Since the time of deep antiquity, a person used external heat to maintain its livelihoods.

    Having learned to extract the fire, sitting at the primitive fire and wrapped in the skin of Mammoth, a person quickly realized that heavily means health, and in many cases the life itself!

    The healing properties of thermal exposure are due to the process of heat exchange and heat regulation occurring in the human body. Effects with warm or cold on various parts of the human body causes a response of the body. As a result of thermal conductivity, pain syndromes disappear or significantly reduce, the secretory and motor functions of organs are normalized, the activity of inflammatory processes decreases, the trick of organs and tissues is improved. The clinical effects of thermal impact lies the normalizing effect of physiotherapy procedures for metabolism, redox processes, mobilization of the body's protective forces.

    It is important to know that the therapeutic capabilities of thermal exposure are large, but, like each active method of impact on the body, it requires a qualified and cautious approach.

    It is important to remember that uncontrolled self-treatment with thermal procedures can lead to serious complications during the disease.

    Methods of warmatization

    Currently, there are many ways to get a thermal impact that will be beneficial to affect health and general human well-being.

    Conditionally sources of healing heat can be divided into two types, general impact and impact on certain body areas.

    Also, heat sources differ in the spectrum of thermal impact and the depth of heating.

    To sources of thermal impact on the whole body of a person can be attributed:

    • Sun or his substitute, solarium
    • Warm baths and shower
    • Bath and sauna

    The most common sources of local exposure:

    • Banks
    • Wraps
    • Water heating
    • Electric heights
    • Quartz lamps
    • Wet thermocons
    • Dry thermocompressions

    Of course, each of the methods of warmatization has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will talk about one of the most popular, modern and effective methods of carbon production with the help of living heat dry thermocons Solex®.

    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Thermal compresses Solex® The most effective, affordable and safe method of carbon

    Innovative product of the Moscow company «Delta Term», Salt thermocompressions Solex®, Appeared on the market for health products relatively recently and immediately won the confidence of consumers by simplicity and ease of use, autonomy from external energy sources and reliability.

    The basis of the action of thermal compresses Solex® It is the release of heat in the process of a catalytic reaction of a specially prepared salt solution located inside the thermocouples Solex®. This principle of operation is used in salt (salt, catalytic) heating — Solex thermal compresses predecessors®, which have been helping people for many years, both in medicinal and for domestic purposes.

    Reusable self-heating thermal compresses Solex® represent a hermetic polymer pack filled with brine. Salt solution has a certain density, which allows when the height is started to obtain a given temperature in the range from +51°With up +53°WITH. Run the process of self-heating thermocompress SOLEX® simply. Sufficiently slightly recycle a special activator wand floating in a salt solution inside the thermal compress SOLEX®. The solution inside the package is crystallized, moving from a liquid state in solid. Temperature of thermocompress Solex® For 10–15 seconds reaches +52°WITH±one. Thermocompress Solex® Gives heat formed during crystallization and gradually cools. The speed of cooling depends on the size of the thermocompress SOLEX® and conditions for the procedure of thermal conductivity.

    Thermal compresses Solex® You can use multiple times. To prepare the thermocompress Solex® To reuse, you must translate the contents of the package of solid state into liquid. This is achieved by boiling in ordinary water within 10–15 minutes by placing Solex thermocompress® In a special moto bag that is included.

    The number of cycles of launches and recovery of salt heating is not limited. Experimentally confirmed 6000 launch and recovery cycles.

    Unique features of thermocompressions Solex® are:

    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) The spectrum of thermal radiation is similar to the spectrum of human radiation. Solex thermocompress thermal radiation wavelength® — fifteen–20 microns. The length of the thermal radiation wavelength is in the same range. Such a coincidence increases the therapeutic capabilities of the heating and allows you to consider the heat obtained alive, optimally useful for the human body.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Long temperature effect. Thermocompress Solex® Keeps heat to 4 hours, which allows full physiotherapy procedures. The duration of thermal exposure depends on the size of the thermocompress of SOLEX® and ambient temperature than the larger thermocompress and higher ambient temperature, the longer thermal impact.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Speed ​​achievement therapeutically significant temperature. Thermocompress Solex® Begins to highlight heat immediately after the activation process and after 10–15 seconds The whole surface of the thermocompress is heated to the optimum temperature +52°WITH
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Absolute safety and hippoallerity products. All materials used in the manufacture of SOLEX thermal compresses®, have permission to use as medical, do not contain substances harmful to the body and the environment. Production package manufacturing technology allows the edges of the product smooth and safe.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Comfortable surface texture of the product. To improve comfort when using SOLEX thermal compresses®, specialists of the company «Delta Term» Special texture of the external surface of the salt heating package. The embossed surface on tactile sensations resembles the texture of human palms.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Ergonomic shape form. The form of thermal compress Solex® Designed taking into account the anatomical features of the organism of adults and children, which allows the maximum contact area of ​​the heating and the surface of the body. It enhances the healing effect of thermal compresses Solex®.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) High reliability of the product. Production tests confirmed high reliability and long service life of SOLEX thermocompress®. More than 6000 thermocouks or 250 days of continuous operation! 6000 launch and recovery cycles or more than 8 years of daily bias!
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Low cost of thermal impact. The price of warming gels, ointments and special devices for home physiotherapy compared to the cost of thermal compress Solex® Much higher. At the same time, ointments and gels have property to end, and devices and devices require connection to the power source and are not always electrically safe. Thermal compresses Solex® — This is a source «eternal heat», which is always at hand!
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Optimal range of thermal compresses Solex®, Comfortable sizes. The assortment presents 6 heap of different sizes and shapes that allow you to quickly select the size of the product for optimal impact on the body, both in children and in adults.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Wide spectrum of indications. Thermal compresses Solex® Can be used to treat and prevent many diseases such as colds, flu, pneumonia, diseases of the spine and joints, states after injury and operations.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Thermocompress Solex® Tested clinically and have clear medical testimony. All indications for the use of SOLEX thermal compresses® Tested clinically. Thermal compresses Solex® Distribution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as medical products.
    Treatment with heat (heat collecting) Ability to use SOLEX thermal compresses®, as a source of cold. Thermal compresses Solex® For a long time can not only keep warm, but also accumulate cold. To do this, it is enough to place the Solex thermocompress® In the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes. This will allow the use of thermal compresses Solex® As a package for cooling the body with heat strikes, injuries, to prevent swelling and stopping bleeding.

    Thermal compresses Solex® — This is a fast, reliable and efficient method of carbon production of many diseases, as well as their prevention. Use Solex thermocompresses® at home, in the country, on the street and in the medical institution, wherever you need instant living warm Solex®!

    Where to buy Solex thermocompressions®

    Purchase the thermal compresses of Solex® And many more useful products for the health of goods in the online store of the developer and manufacturer, companies «Delta Term», with guarantee and delivery, as well as partner companies.

    Treatment with heat (heat collecting)

    There are contraindications. Before applying for therapeutic purposes, consult with a specialist.

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